
He is my Bride (Goblin Twist BL)

SUMMARY: Kim Shin was a general when he was alive, but deity cursed him after he died. He received a punishment of immortality who never forget a single thing from the past, making him suffer for a very long time. He became GOBLIN, with powers and can interfere death and life. Ji Eun-tak, his fated bride appears after 939 years of his existence on earth as Goblin. And they married and had a happy life, but Ji Eun-tak died at the age of 29 after sacrificing herself in an accident to save the children. Ji Eun-tak, Kim Shin's wife came back to life in her second reincarnation in the name of Lee Min-jong but she is a human, however long she lives on earth, her life has ending. But Lee Min-jong (Ji Eun-tak) promised to her husband that she will come back again in the land of the living. Her Goblin husband put a mark in her soul, "Goblin's Bride" and that is her trademark. 1000 years later, Ji Eun-tak/Lee Min-jong once again undergone the process of reincarnation. But her fate changes after encountering a sudden destruction while entering the earth. Her fate twisted. From 'she' turns into 'he'... What will happen now? Will the Goblin find happiness in the third reincarnation of his wife?

AnnieTee18 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Deity's Curse

1000 years later.


Detroit Michigan, U.S.A

(Creating medicines and focuses on anti-aging solutions)


A 58 years old Scientist Dr. Redder Black sigh after the failure of his experiment. He injected various types of genes into a healthy dog, looking forward to the result of an amazing transformation into a perfect-like creation.

He took these genes from various types of special people. Those who are geniuses, most handsome, goddess beauty, strongest people, those who are talented and have special abilities. It costs him millions to collect those genes and this is the second time of unsuccessful attempt of creation.

"Maybe animals won't work. I need to find a human!"

Although it's risky, that's how his experiment supposed to be.

This experiment is his last wish to achieve in his life. To create a perfect human being!

With the enthusiasm for finding a perfect cone, he toured the city night and day. He saw many people but none of them reach his criteria. In fact, he doesn't know what exactly he needs.

It's been two weeks of a tiring drive here and there, Redder Black was stuck in traffic in the middle of very hot noon. Looks like there is a commotion ahead of them that causes the traffic.

He bent his head to rest for a while when he heard a knock in the car window. A very young and small girl perhaps nine years old with burnt skin and pale lips exposed his sight.

As soon as the window opened, the young girl immediately showed him a couple of bottled water in her hand. "Mister, please buy some water I beg you. I haven't eaten since yesterday." Her voice was drained added with miserable eyes.

Redder Black felt compassion towards the young child. "How come in your age you are here in the middle of the road selling and begging for someone to buy your water? Where are your parents?"

"Mister I don't have..."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The sounds of horning cars from behind and at the back startled the kid. Redder Black hurriedly open the door at the backseat and quickly ask the kid to get inside. "Come. Get inside quickly. I will buy all your water."

Without any more hesitation, the young girl dive inside the car, and Redder Black headed to town.

"Drink some water, I will pay for it. It looks like you're near to faint. We will find the nearest fast food court. By the way, I am Redder Black, may I know your name?" While driving, Redder Black starts the conversation between them to ease the uneasiness that clearly written all over the child's face.

"My name is Claire Laurent." Shyly, the young girl answered while clasping her hands tightly over her legs with her head bowed down, refuses to look at the driving man.

Redder Black took a glimpse on the rearview mirror to see the sitting girl at the back. Seeing her uncomfortable, he starts the conversation again. "Care to tell me why on earth you are at the middle of the road? If I'm not mistaken you're just eight or nine years old?"

Without hearing an answer, he continues, "Ok. Don't be afraid I am not a bad person. We are heading to a fast food chain, I'm driving since earlier and I'm feeling hungry too. Then you can go after we eat. Deal?"

The young girl nodded with the stillness of a bowing head.

Not long after when they reach a small canteen. Redder Black ordered food immediately then asked Claire to clean her dusty face in the bathroom at the corner of the room before they eat.

While waiting for food and the girl, he fell into deep thoughts. The exhaustion he felt added by frustration and tiredness almost makes him give up. But he badly wants to continue his experiment, no matter what.

As he stared at the little girl approaching the table he had chosen earlier, his jaw dropped to the ground. He lost his senses momentarily. The transformation he sees in the girl makes him gasps in astonishment.

"Mister Redder Black. Is there something wrong?" Claire Laurent shyly asked the old man who seems startled and stunned after seeing an incredible sight.

Redder Black came back to his senses after hearing her voice. He blinked countless times before he adjusted the chair in front of him for the girl to sit. He let her eat immediately after the food arrived. Still, he can't think of the right words to say. Deep inside he is still shock by the girl's transformation.

"She is perfect for my experiment! She looks like a goddess!"

Claire Laurent eats like there's no tomorrow. She can't be shy at this point. And she's willing to do anything this man asks her to do in return for his kindness.

"Mister Redder Black," she began to speak her thoughts, "thank you so much for your kindness. I can't remember anymore the last time I eat properly." Claire Laurent looks at the old man and she gives him a warm smile of gratefulness. She continues, "I have no home to return to. My parents died long time ago in an accident, my aunt took me to their house but after a few months, she abandoned me in one of a big store in town. I don't know what to do. I stole food from people in the sidewalk I passed when I cannot take anymore the extreme hungriness I feel..."

"That's enough." Redder Black cut her sentiment. And he found the opportunity to propose a deal to the child. "In any case, do you want to work for me instead? Since you have no family anymore. I will give you food and money. All you need to do is help me in my work."

"I will do anything to return your kindness, Mister. Thank you very much." Claire Laurent happily replied.


Shining, shimmering, stunning in sleeveless black long dress with long slit revealing her snow-white legs. A 20 years old Claire Laurent, the well-known supermodel in North America, received warm applause, chanting, and greetings from all the people watching the event as she walks proudly on the catwalk. Her sweet smile plastered on her lips, after the success of Victoria Secret fashion show held in New York.

Five years ago when the owner of FORLORN MADNESS LABORATORY and FORLORN MADNESS EMPIRE Scientist Dr. Redder Black introduced her into the world of entertainment as his one and only child, Claire Laurent. This issue of "father and daughter" arose many rumors but none of them can falsified the issue. Claire Laurent is legally Redder Black's daughter and a sole heiress of his empire.

Looking back from ten years ago, Claire Laurent is the first ever success of Dr. Redder Black's experiment!

The perfect human being!

Claire Laurent, from the young beggar in the street, in the help of Dr. Redder Black's experiment, she turns into a perfect beauty with multiple talents, can speak various languages, has a very high IQ and has a rare talent of photographic memory. Her body is mixed with anti-aging solutions and special genes from high class people in society. The ultimate girl every man's dream to have and an envious to women.

Claire Laurent is Dr. Redder Black's success!


Kring! Kring! Kring!

"Yes daddy where are you now?" Claire Laurent radiantly smile as she spoke with his 'father' Redder Black on the other side of the phone. She's on the way to her hotel in New York when her father called.

Redder Black laugh the moment he heard his daughter's voice, "I badly miss you darling. I'm home now and daddy wants to see his daughter."

He came from a two weeks trip in one of a county of Prague, Czechoslovakia in Europe. A month ago, he received an information about human skeletons found in Prague. It was digged by workers who's preparing for the underground basement of on-going 10 storey building construction. There was no special about those skeletons but workers brought it to the city so that the ministry can give them a proper burial. After knowing the exact location where they found the skeletons, the government made an investigation for that place was abandoned hundred of years ago. The form of skeletons are basically from a fresh decayed human not so long ago but it's impossible to understand that it's a new buried person based on the place and the depth of the ground around eight meters tall. After few studies and examination of the skeletons, they found out that it was buried for more than five hundred years! That makes the thing special. And Dr Redder Black received a call to do more studies of the skeletons.

There are many things occurred in his mind after knowing the story. A possibility that he can't name for now. He immediately fly to Czechoslovakia.

He need to know if his calculation is correct.

"Hey dad are you there??"

"Ohhh I'm sorry darling. I'm too engrossed for this thing. Hurry and go home." Smiling widely while looking at the skeletons that now in his laboratory table.


Kim Shin wonders the world after his wife was gone. Trying his best to find her in every corner of the earth. But deep inside he knew that he is fooling himself. For he still not yet feel the appearance of her marked soul. The "Goblin's Bride" mark that he put after she died.

It's been 1020 years. He is losing his hope to find his wife once more. People think of him as a great god but he thinks of himself the opposite. He is an abandoned soul in this land with unknown existence.

However, he set a time to visit his beloved companies and all his belongings. Making sure that he has all she needs when she comes back to life. However people don't know the owner of the companies, there was a time that he appears in it. As he is Kim Shin, the forever owner of his belongings. Daek-hwa's descendants still the runner of his companies. His trusted servants from their ancestors. But he is not close to them like Daek-hwa and his great grandfathers. For he knew that human life isn't that long. He refuses to suffer again the great loss of dying of those people who care for him.

Kim Shin wiped the tombstone of his wife. Revealing the letters that for some time covered by clouds of dust.

"Goblin's forever love Ji Eun-tak, Lee Min-jong. My lovely bride."

This graveyard was made especially for his beloved people and no one can take over this place. It is a sacred place for him.

He placed a candle in his wife's tomb, and chant a prayer for her soul. Requesting once again for a deity or whoever divinity who can hear him.

This sadness is killing him.

"To the deity, the creator, please allow me to have my wife once more. Just one more I am begging for you. Please hear my cry. This loneliness is killing me yet I cannot die."

His cry creates sudden heavy rainfall and thunder in the whole region of North America(The graveyard is located in Canada).

And the Goblin's cry reaches the sanctuary of divinity...

There is a lonely star in the southern hemisphere of the Galaxy. This star shines brightly as bright as the sun when it first appears in the sky. But after a thousand years, this star seems very lonely, almost faded and unnoticeable in the sky.

A voice like thunder echoes the Galaxy as the divinity spoke.

"The lonely star of Southern hemisphere is fated to return on earth to fulfill a duty in the land of mortals."

The lonely star shines brightly! Signifying the happiness it felt. Twinkling radiantly while dancing in the hymn of glorious voices in the universe.

After a thousand years, perhaps, the lonely star fated to become happy again.

And the surrounding seems moving and slowly, the lonely star approaches the earth in the form of 'falling star'.


Detroit, Michigan U.S.A.

Claire Laurent canceled all her appointments for two weeks to help her father conduct information about the skeletons he brought in their laboratory. Something intrigues them both. And it's been five days when she arrived home from New York City.

"Claire darling, come here quickly!" Redder Black hastily called his daughter with surprise and excitement in his voice while looking intensely at the microscope in front of him. He is studying the tissues that he surprisingly found inside the backbone of the skeletons. These tissues are very small and very hard to distinguish in one look, considering the lengthy time this skeleton was buried, it is almost impossible to believe that the backbone still has these tissues. Most especially, these are the tissues in the innermost part of the spinal cord! In other words, these are pia maters!

Claire Laurent's eyes widened in disbelief and astonishment after seeing a movement in the microscopic tissues they were studying for. She looks at her father, "What are you going to do father?" Although she already has hinted at her father's plan, still she asked for confirmation.

"If you already think what I'm thinking. Haha!" Redder Black clapped his hands happily. "This is perfect! These tissues will complete my experiment!"

Nervously she asked softly, "are you going to do it with me..."

Redder Black looks at her from head to toe, "No darling, you are already perfect. Based on your body growth, you can live up to the age of 300 or more than that! We need a new body for experimentation."

Days and nights, both Redder Black and Claire Laurent focused themselves on studying the tissues and trying their best to create the perfect formula they need!

"Aha! It perfectly matches all the genes we have! What we need now is the cone..." Dr. Redder Black happily exclaimed after almost a month of experimentation.

"Right Dad. But I need to attend a party tonight. I am invited to an exclusive models-only party in the City." Claire answered with relief.



THE unfathomable pain and sorrow take over Kim Shin's heart making his tears fall in a great grievance.

"I miss you so much, honey..." Kim Shin kneeled in front of his wife's tomb crying his heart out to the person he cherishes the most. Thousand years of waiting is like thousand years of dying.

How long should it takes for you to come back?

Along with the Goblin's grief is the sudden occurrence of unexpected heavy rainfall emphasizing a lonely afternoon covering the whole of Canada. The sky starts to darken forming a very huge dark aura that brings fear to the people.

The earth is crying with him.

As the Goblin loses his temper and control, the environment sympathizes with him. The heavy rainfall widened and reaches the neighboring countries. Thunders and bolts of lightning start to hit the sky! The rivers start to overflow. People began to panic.

The tragic destruction of a part of the earth is about to happen at any moment...

And no one is ready for that.

No news.

No announcement.

People running here and there, trying to vacate places that are prone to floods and soil erosion.

Chaos starts happening.

Meanwhile, Kim Shin is unaware of his surrounding's drastic events while focusing on his aching heart.


Goblin character:

He is the wind, the water, the fire, and the earth. He was a human rewarded by immortality. He is one of a great deity on the land of the living.]]


The lonely Star approaching the earth faces a sudden disturbance in the sky. On its way to its fated place, the Star encounters a very thick cloud that hard to penetrate. Together with it are thunders and lightning that alternately occur one after another.

It is hard to understand why the Star starts crying. It is as if the dark thick clouds are full of lonely emotions that made it feels heartbroken.

In the split moment of unawareness, a strong bolt of lightning hit the lonely Star! Causing it to sprang so fast as the intensity of the lightning pushes it away, as fast as a flash, the lonely star unconsciously entered the earth and fell to the wrong target!

A very bright unknown light shines brilliantly when the lonely Star's soul merged into the unknown body.

The "Goblin's Bride" mark appears in a split second.

Finally, the Goblin's Bride came back to the world of the living!


Claire Laurent made a U-turn after wondering about the sudden heavy rainfall. She was about to go to MGM Grand Detroit hotel where the party will be held that night, but the heavy rainfall stops her. Seeing the cheerful afternoon when she left home changed quickly into dark surroundings made her body quiver. She may be a fruit of Dr. Redder Black's experiment but she is still a human who has weaknesses and what's happening is beyond her imagination.

She stepped on the car's brake and quickly drove it fast, going back to their mansion.

Before reaching their mansion, she will pass a giant Christian Basilica. But she stepped on the brakes when she saw a person slowly running across the road towards the church, perhaps to have shelter from the strong wind and rain. Because of the dark state of the surroundings and the heavy rain, she cannot determine its gender. However, even before the person reaches the church, a thunder groans like an angry lion in the sky, followed by a flash of very sharp lightning that tore the place's dark, leaving her scream in fear and shock when the lightning strikes the person. A sudden huge brilliant light blinded her eyes and she saw the person lying on the ground unconscious after the light disappear.

Although her body is shivering, she didn't hesitate to rush and pick up the person on the ground and she was surprised to figure out that she is a woman! She brings her to the car and she immediately headed home.

"Hang in there lady!" Claire Laurent shouts while tapping the lady's face off her one hand and her other hand is in the steering wheel. Luckily there is no more thunder and scary lightning while they're heading home.

Ten minutes later, Claire Laurent rushed to their laboratory, thank goodness they have a separate laboratory in the house while carrying the featherweight woman, at least for her strong muscle, she is featherweight.

"Dad hurry! I saw her strike by lightning! Let's try to save her!" By instinct, she put her ears above the woman's chest to know if her heart still beating, luckily she is still alive.

Both Redder Black and Claire Laurent hurriedly put her oxygen, dextrose, and other stuff to determine her condition.

It was a shocking revelation after a couple of minutes to learn that the lady is pregnant! Due to the fatty shape of the girl, it never occurred to them that she's pregnant. They thought it was normal for her body, especially since it is not as big as a normal nine-month-old pregnant woman!

And she's nine months old pregnant with a baby boy!

"Oh my God! I have strange feeling on this Dad," swallowing, Claire Laurent utter while shaking the negative thoughts off her mind.

On the other hand, Dr. Redder Black thinking of something else.

"This is fate."


A thunderous voice awakens Kim Shin's consciousness.

"Goblin! You destroyed a part of my milieu! I will punish you!"

A deity's curse...

Along with the voice, the already cloudy surroundings get even darker.

But even before the voice sank into Kim Shin's consciousness, his body lifted from where he was kneeling and an unknown strong force hit him hard making him collapse on the ground a hundred meters away from his wife's tomb, unconscious.

The sky began to light up suddenly, leaving no trace of the sudden disturbance, flying birds high up above starts to wonder and a beautiful long rainbow appears. Under the clear sky, are the vestige of destruction, revealing the destroyed trees, plants, small homes, roads, and many more.

It takes some time for Kim Shin to pull himself back together.

"What on earth have I done?!"