
He Hates Me

Michael Angelo, the man Aurora loved with all her heart, was also her worst bully and her short tempered boss. It wasn't her fault she was fat, but he sang how fat she was to her ear everyday at the slightest provocation. She withstood the insult just to be close to the man she loves. When her boss accidentally heard heart felt confession of love, he rejected and humiliated her in the most embarrassing way possible. She quitted her job to save her face from further embarrassment, with a broken heart. ¤¤¤¤¤¤ Months after making her fat ugly secretary quit job, Michael Angelo met someone who look just like her, but hotter and sexier enough to make him drool. One goal was fixated in his mind; he must have her, but Aurora was a woman on a mission.

Al_baqillani4th · Urban
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13 Chs

Girl's Night Out

Aurora POV:

"GOT IT! AND IT ONLY TOOK ten strokes."

Friday evening, on hole seven of Potter's Putt-Putt, Mabel performed a little dance that revealed she may have had one too many beers. It was the monthly ladies' night and judging by the slew of high scores, none of the three of us would give the LPGA a run for their money any time soon.

White lights decorated the course's trees. With temperatures in the seventies, it felt as if fall had finally arrived. Shrieks of laughter mingled with top-forty music blaring from loudspeakers. The mouthwatering scent of the snack bar's trademark barbecue.

"You seem to be having a lot of fun" I grinned 

"Every minute out of Mr. Angelo office is a time to be alive" 

I couldn't help but imagine the hell I went through and pitied my ex colleagues. Now that I know how it feels to work under someone that truly values your worth, I couldn't imagine myself ever working in such conditions again.

"That bad?" I asked

"His temper grow worse daily, he flips on the slightest error and rages endlessly"

"I'm so sorry" I replied 

"Come on, it has nothing to do with you. He has been that way and will always be a bitter soul"

"I don't know how much longer I can withstand him, it took every will power not to smack him Yesterday" Libby spoke for the first time. She has been awfully quiet the whole time.

"At this point, it seems to be doing it to intentionally frustrate us all, because I can't fathom any plausible reason for his madness. I'd stress to find him a secretary just for him to fire them for the most mundane thing, leaving a wide hole for us to fill." She continued "He fired this morning the seventh secretary since you left and within the first four hours of work"

"Firing someone on their first day is wild" I exclaimed. 

"Unreasonably wild"

"What could she have possibly done?"

"Brought him a wrong file" 

"A wrong file? I know he fidgets over the pettiest reason, but firing someone over that is quite low even for him"

"Every day I think he can't possibly gets any worse than this and he literally does the next day. Every day he sinks to a new low"

I couldn't imagine how worst he would have possibly grown to make Libby this frustrated. She wasn't the type to get so worked up easily. If Libby couldn't withstand him, I doubt anybody in the world could.

"But I wonder how lower he can go after today, he deducted a day's wage from Libby's salary"

"He did" I exclaimed "but why?"

"I forgot to take his mail to the post office. He claimed to have taken it to the post office himself, hence my work for that day doesn't count. It was the same as skipping a day at work."

So that's why I saw him at the post office.

"This is just insane" 

"I know right. He's capable of driving the most patient woman on planet earth insane." Mabel said

Libby took another swing of her bear "patience is an illusion with him"

"Having to deal with that daily will be impeding on anyone's health" I said "Libby, shouldn't you quit if you can't take it anymore"

"Oh' Aurora, not everyone can be lucky as you. Quitting would be more catastrophic than having to deal with him every day if I can't find another job immediately. There are several bills to pay."

I sighed.

"This is depressing"

"We should stop making him more than a problem he is actually worth. Let's pick another topic, you are all sucking the energy out this exhilarating night, It's suppose to be a girls night. He can ruin my day,but no one and absolutely no one can ruin girls night." Mabel added

"Yeah, we should do that"

"You are yet to tell us about your new workplace. It was said he has a terrible personality too and get irked easily. And also makes workers cry"

I contemplated it in an heartbeat. The past few weeks has been nothing short of a bliss. I've had so much peace of mind I couldn't have possibly envisioned four months ago. It's bemusing how emotionally healthy a comfortable working environment makes an individual. I like my new boss heartily, my workers are so nice to me it's hard not to feel comfortable and confident with them. Nonetheless, my joy was clouded by my friends woes and the last thing I wish to do is gloat about how good I was having it, despite knowing they'd be rather thrilled to hear about my turn of fate than feel in anyway bitter about it.

"Nothing much to say, just that the reports as per Mr. Jordan are totally false, he's a good man, a really good man."

"A really good man indeed" Mabel teased. "I heard he is very handsome"

"God! No Mabel! Definitely not, I'd be stupid to make the same mistake twice"

"I never asked if you were in love with him, I was confirming his beauty. Or are you?"

I flushed red "No! Mabel! Of course, I would be stupid to do that again"

"Then tell me how handsome he is."

"Well, He is quite a sight for an eyesore"

"That is most definitely the most unorthodox description of the most handsome man on earth, it was said Mr. Angelo is just another average man compared to him"

"Well that's false" I interjected "Mr. Angelo is just as handsome, possibly more handsome"

I bit my tongue immediately I said it. They both threw me a smug.

"come it meant nothing, I was just stating the obvious" I added quickly, but it did nothing to change the smug on their faces.

"Do neither of you have any new man I should no about" I said, desperate to change the topic.

"Oh, sure. As you fully well know, I haven't been with a man since Lyle, and he was a disaster."

"Only because you didn't put an ounce of effort into the relationship. It's been four years since Hugh left you. You shouldn't stay lonely" Mabel said 

  "Who said I was?"Libby swigged her beer. 

"And who are you to talk? When's the last time you went on a date?" I asked

"Two weeks ago, thank you very much." Mabel replied 

"You believe her?" I asked 

"Absolutely. It was with the UPS man. I witnessed him asking her in the front office."

"Impressive…" I exclaimed 

I push her aside. 

"Let me show you how a professional does it…" 

"Professional what?" she teased in a raunchy tone.

I struck at the ball cleanly, the shot landed my ball ten feet from the moat's dragon. Sighing, she stepped over a second lily pad to set up for stroke three.

"Aurora" Mabel called excitedly 


"As much as it may seems like I'm teasing you... Your boss is here"

It took me quite a while to process it, I felt light headed immediately I did.

"Mr. Jordan?" 

"Who else, unless you still consider Mr Angelo one"

"Hell no"

"Don't look now, but he's also headed this way…"

  Libby downed the rest of her beer.

"Headed this way? As he seen us?"

"I guess so"

"He's gorgeous." Mabel chirped 

I peeped from behind the pine to see him heading towards us. Clothed in a pair of faded Jeans, an University of Ohio T-shirt and a black cowboy boots. He looks so good it hurts to look.

Upon meeting his penetrating stare, I hit the ball all the way to Hansel and Gretel's cottage on hole fourteen.