
He Hates Me, He Loves Me Not

After being kicked out of the prestigious Wester Family, Kaiden has no choice but to work at a pheromone nightclub to moderate his excessive pheromones, or else he might spontaneously go into heat. On the night of his 19th birthday, he falls into the arms of the Alpha known to hate all Omegas, Damon Lin. The next day, the cold and ruthless Alpha offers him a deal: be his pheromone partner for a year and he will be set for life. What is Kaiden supposed to do when he can’t help falling in love with an Alpha who hates him, especially when said Alpha has a Beta lover? -- Damon Lin, the Alpha head of the Lin Finance Group, has a problem: it’s been three years since his last rut. His options are either to live with the sexual frustration or find his ‘fated mate,’ but where on Earth can he find an omega with 99.9% compatibility with him? On a night out with his friends, he drunkenly follows a scent that tantalizes his whole being and carries the solution to his problem to the backseat of his car. The next day, he offers the Omega a deal: be his pheromone partner for a year but don’t he dare be mistaken, he will never love him. Is it too late for regrets once he loses his fated mate? -- WARNING: This is BL omegaverse with R-18 scenes, unhealthy relationship dynamics, mentions of past trauma and abuse, and lots of angst.

99blueroses · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Cherry, Rosa, and Grandpa Rei

It's been two weeks since Uriel left and if asked, Kaiden says he's doing okay.

At first, Uriel's absence is difficult to adjust to. Rather than the difficulty of managing the Lin Manor, it's harder for Kaiden not to have anyone to talk to. If this was before, he would've been fine since he doesn't have people he can call his friends anyway, but since he got used to the Beta's presence, he has been missing that old man.

Damon also makes it a point to avoid him unless necessary. Since that morning, the most they've spoken with each other is when Kaiden assumes his role as Damon's pheromone partner or as the butler's substitute.


It's a fitting word for him: a substitute for a butler in the morning and a substitute for a lover at night.

It hurts, but it's fine. He's fine. Kaiden doesn't mind, this isn't anything new. He'll endure the cold treatment. Being treated as a ghost is better than being scolded, after all.

Instead of thinking about the Alpha in the house, Kaiden prefers to feel accomplished in knowing the names and faces of the other workers.

There's a female Beta, Cherry, who comes in twice a week to help with the household chores. She's in her late 40's, younger than Uriel but not by a lot, and she values efficiency. Together, they work fast and she makes up for the areas that Kaiden is lacking.

Although they don't talk about themselves a lot, Kaiden feels closer to her just by knowing that she has two kids of her own. She had them late; a blessing she didn't expect, she says. Ages 8 and 6, they're the reason why she can't live in Lin's residence. They're too young for her to leave alone. He doesn't ask where her partner is, it seems rude to, but judging from the way Cherry never brought that person up, it seems the family of three is thriving even in that person's absence. Working for Damon keeps them fed and clothed with money to spare, and Kaiden is certain that Cherry is a good mother. She's no Uriel but he wishes that she stays longer. The big house feels so empty with only him most of the time.

Another female Beta by the name of Rosa drops by every now and then to provide supplies for the Manor. Because of her, Kaiden doesn't need to go out and get groceries. All he needs to do is give Rosa a list and she'll take care of it. She's older than Kaiden by a decade and unlike the quiet Cherry, she's loud and bubbly. She jokes with Kaiden and asks him about his day. In return, he always makes sure that she has a warm drink on cold days and snacks to munch on while she's on the road. It's a pity she only stays for 30 minutes at most, having other deliveries to take care of. He doesn't ask her to stay either.

It seems that Kaiden has an affinity with old people because the person he most befriended second to Uriel is the gardener, Old Man Rei. Old Man Rei is a Beta with completely white hair and wrinkles on his face, the person who has been working for Damon the longest.

In their downtime, Kaiden goes outside in search of him. They have tea together as they talk about plants and flowers. Sometimes, Old Man Rei asks Kaiden about his life before he arrived at the Lin Manor, and Kaiden answers everything truthfully. The Beta doesn't judge him for working at a nightclub, or for being disowned by a prominent family. He's similar to Uriel in a way, both exuding the type of kind energy only grandpas can have.

LOld Man Rei doesn't have any children. He doesn't have anyone left in his family either.

"The Lin family took me in when I was a child," the Beta says, sharing his life story over a cup of Assam tea. "I was a young orphan who had no other interests aside from being out in the sun and tending to plants."

"Do you mean Damon's parents?" Kaiden asks.

"His late great grandparents," Old Man Rei chuckles softly, "I'm only eight years younger than his grandparents."

Ah, so that's the reason why even Damon calls him 'Old Man' Rei.

There's a soft look in his eyes, reminiscing the good times of his youth. "When Damon's father was born, I was only an apprentice at 17. I've been with the Lin family since."

Kaiden is amazed. This is his first time hearing about someone staying with anyone this long, even the Westers regularly change their people, so he asks, "Why?"

"What do you mean, child?"

Why haven't you left, Kaiden wants to ask, but he already knows the answer. Looking at how the Beta is still strong and healthy despite his old age, it's obvious that he is being treated well. Doing the things he loves while serving a family who is good to him, the old man has no reason to leave. Old Man Rei is not like Kaiden who is needed but not appreciated. Not for the first time, Kaiden finds himself envious of others.

Old Man Rei gives him a knowing smile, as if Kaiden's every thought is painted on his face, and it might as well be. The Omega doesn't know how to hide his emotions. He laughs when he's happy and he cries when he's sad.

At times like this, when Kaiden is lamenting his misfortune, his shoulders droop and even his red eyes lose their vibrancy. The old Beta goes soft at the sight.

Trying to change the mood, Rei asks, "Why haven't you called me grandpa yet?"

"Huh?" Blinking in confusion, the question jolts Kaiden out of his thoughts.

Rei plays with the cup in his hands as he says, "You don't want to? I'm too old to have children and that brat Damon never called me grandpa even when he was young, always going around yelling 'old man' here and 'old man' there."

Kaiden tries not to think about a young Damon following the old man around. It's hard to imagine that the Alpha used to be an adorable child too. Where did that innocence go? How did Damon grow up to be so cold and fierce?

Old Man Rei pauses, taking a sip of the cooling tea. "Don't you want to fulfill this old man's wish?" he asks as Kaiden remains bewildered at the sudden progression. "Just call me grandpa and I can die happy," he adds for good measure.

With age comes wisdom; the gardener is indeed more sly than the butler.

Kaiden, weak to emotional attacks, has no choice but to softly call out, "Grandpa Rei."

Old Man Rei—now Grandpa Rei—smiles, delighted at how obedient Kaiden is. "Good child," he pats the top of Kaiden's smooth hand with his tanned and wrinkled one.

Spring isn't due soon yet Kaiden already feels the chill of winter melting away.

Maybe he can make a home out of this place somehow.


Kaiden is tidying up in the kitchen when he hears the click of high heels on the floor. He dries his hands off a rag and heads to the source.

Standing in the middle of the dining room is Lucy, Damon's head secretary. Her platinum blonde hair is pulled into a bun and her professional suit is looking as sharp as ever.

Kaiden sees her sometimes when she drops off paperwork at Damon's office. They greet each other in passing while Lucy doesn't question his presence in Damon's house, resolved not to meddle in her boss's personal affairs.

However, this time, she has no choice but to give her first order to the Omega. It's up to her to inform Kaiden that Damon will be going on a business trip, so she does exactly that.

Why her superior refuses to inform Kaiden himself, she doesn't know, so instead, she says, "The President requests for you to prepare his luggage. His flight is in four hours."

"Ah … yes." Kaiden takes off the pink apron around him and sets it aside. "I'll fetch it for you."

Kaiden makes haste with his promise, quickly folding Damon's clothes and neatly organizing them in a silver suitcase. He's careful not to let his wrist touch the fabric, even though the inhibitor heavy around his neck stops his pheromones from leaking because he doesn't want Damon to think he scented his clothes. In case the Alpha is mistaken again, Kaiden doesn't want to bear the brunt of Damon's ire.

He packs everything calmly as if this isn't his first time, and he is surprised at how natural it comes to him. Almost instinctual, it's like there's a part of him that is telling him which items the Alpha needs and which he does not. His body moves automatically to that hidden knowledge, a reaction caused by their connection. When finished, he lugs the suitcase down, only to see Lucy waiting by the foot of the stairs.

She grabs the handle from him silently and then turns to leave. However, she looks back once she reaches the door.

"Hang in there." Lucy's composed face cracks a bit, letting a trace of her emotion pass for a second.

Before Kaiden can reply, the door closes.

Ah … he forgot to ask how long Damon will be gone.

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