

It has only been two days since Lucy left, and although he doesn't want to, Kaiden can't help but feel anxious in her absence.

No—scratch that, it's terrifying. His heart is beating loudly in his chest, and he keeps looking over his shoulder in fear that someone is following him.

It's crazy; he feels crazy, but without the presence of the reliable Beta, there's this nagging feeling that everything will fall apart. Something is about to go wrong and there's no way for him to stop it. He's useless like that.

He plays with the hem of his shirt, trying to control the trembling of his body. It wasn't this bad when Aunt Jean left for work, mostly because he knew that Lucy was coming. He asked for her, after all.

Now, however, he has no one to lean on, and the thought is making it difficult for him to breathe.

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