
He Hates Me, He Loves Me Not

After being kicked out of the prestigious Wester Family, Kaiden has no choice but to work at a pheromone nightclub to moderate his excessive pheromones, or else he might spontaneously go into heat. On the night of his 19th birthday, he falls into the arms of the Alpha known to hate all Omegas, Damon Lin. The next day, the cold and ruthless Alpha offers him a deal: be his pheromone partner for a year and he will be set for life. What is Kaiden supposed to do when he can’t help falling in love with an Alpha who hates him, especially when said Alpha has a Beta lover? -- Damon Lin, the Alpha head of the Lin Finance Group, has a problem: it’s been three years since his last rut. His options are either to live with the sexual frustration or find his ‘fated mate,’ but where on Earth can he find an omega with 99.9% compatibility with him? On a night out with his friends, he drunkenly follows a scent that tantalizes his whole being and carries the solution to his problem to the backseat of his car. The next day, he offers the Omega a deal: be his pheromone partner for a year but don’t he dare be mistaken, he will never love him. Is it too late for regrets once he loses his fated mate? -- WARNING: This is BL omegaverse with R-18 scenes, unhealthy relationship dynamics, mentions of past trauma and abuse, and lots of angst.

99blueroses · LGBT+
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96 Chs

[R-18] Driver roll up the partition please

Despite Kaiden's rationality melting faster than ice cream under the summer heat, he does his best to hold on. He feels the undeniably expensive cushioning of a car he can never afford underneath his backside; he hears the rumble of the car as someone starts the engine; and, he smells the pheromones of an aroused alpha filling the closed-off rear interior. The thick honey fragrance and ginger spice are earthy and overwhelming, overtaking Kaiden's senses from head to toe.

All of this, however, leaves his mind as strong, muscular arms pull him to sit on the lap of an Alpha twice his size with disheveled, dark green hair. Kaiden knows that the Alpha is more out of it than he is by the blown-out pupils that are almost completely black.

Hands strong enough to snap him in half roam around his body, mapping the curves around the corset and squishing the exposed skin below the shorts that barely cover his private parts. His inner omega keens at the touch, chanting that a big alpha is finally here to take care of them—to share their heat, knot them till they're full, and fill them with pups.

He tries to struggle under the strong grip, tries to form words, and have a conversation like the civilized people they are, but his tongue feels like lead and his arms won't cooperate.

When the Alpha puts his face on the crook of his neck—right next to his scent gland, and sucks on that spot, Kaiden goes limp.

His mind is completely gone.


Damon has been out of it since he took the first step carrying the Omega out of that nightclub. His alpha has already taken over, instincts over reason as he enjoys the feeling of having a pliant omega between his arms in the backseat of his car.

With only a corset on his upper body, the Omega's bare shoulders, pale arms, and pink nipples are out for the taking. The Alpha doesn't hesitate in running his mouth over that smooth skin presented to him.

He nibbles on the Omega's earlobe before leaving open-mouthed kisses down the side of his neck. He bites on the curve of his shoulder, hard enough to leave a mark but not to actually hurt, and the Omega purrs.

He /purrs/ and the Omega's scent becomes thicker; Damon's alpha howls in satisfaction at this reaction. He dives nose first back to that scent gland and he sucks, teeth bare and tongue lapping at the skin. He sucks like a man starved for decades while his hands caress the relaxed Omega's back.

It feels /so good/ and Damon can't stop himself.

Fingers twitching in annoyance at the leather denying him full access, he struggles to undo the lace of the corset one by one. When the last knot breaks free, Damon immediately dives from the collarbone to the hard nubs that have beckoned him since he first laid eyes on them, teasing him to have a taste, and so he does exactly that.

The Omega trembles in his grip when he moves from left to right, leaving a wet trail behind. Big palms travel down the Omega's open back to latch onto his full backside. Damon gropes harder than he should at the supple flesh, causing the Omega to jump in alarm, his chest pressing to the Alpha's clothed muscles.

With their faces closer than before, Damon takes the other's mouth in his. He is surprised at how soft the Omega's lips are, so he doesn't notice when his partner freezes, too busy at trying to push his tongue deeper. When the Omega defies his attempts at opening his mouth, a deep rumble forms in Damon's chest, forming into a growl that snaps at his teeth. He bites into those disobedient lips, causing the Omega to whimper into a moan, and the Alpha takes this chance to invade the other's mouth.

Their tongues dance around each other, warm muscles vying for control, exchanging even more pheromones between them. Damon has never been this intoxicated before, his mind is filled with nothing but the Omega and his sweet, sweet taste and scent. His nerves singe in excitement, his whole being electrifying with every inhale. 

He pulls and he sucks and he gropes and he kisses and he takes and takes and /takes/ but it is never enough. Damon wants more, the tent in his nether regions is too tight and painful in his pants. He slowly grinds their hips together as his hands continue exploring the uncharted territory on top of his body, receiving moans and gasps of pleasure in response. The sounds the Omega makes are an absolute delight to the Alpha's ears, each soft whine and mewl shooting down below to the Alpha's unattended but stiff member.

It doesn't take long for Damon's fingers to brush against the top of the Omega's boots, not with his big hands on the smaller body, and the Alpha immediately makes it his mission to unzip the hindering footwear. When the right boot is almost off, the Omega twitches and releases a muffled sob. The look of genuine pain on the Omega's face alarms the Alpha, his pheromones changing from aroused to protective.

The moment the Omega sniffles a cry, Damon's rationality snaps back.

He looks at the stranger's face—the heavy-lidded eyes, swollen lips, and bruises slowly blooming on the skin, and the Alpha realizes in horror what he has done.

He wants to push the other off him but when he moves, the stranger squeals in distress. Damon checks if he did any damage but it's too dark to see anything below the waist.

Fortunately, the familiar gate of his home looms over the windshield. He takes advantage of the illumination provided nearby as the vehicle slowly passes through the metal gates to see that the stranger's ankle is swollen, obviously sprained.

Damon's forehead throbs, his body still hot, as he braces himself for the consequences of his actions.

He's sure this Omega will bring nothing but problems.


Kaiden doesn't know what time of day it is, where he is, or how to breathe. His head is mush and his body is jelly. He only knows to stay close to that honey scent, that whoever it belongs to will keep him safe. His inner omega says so.

A breeze passes by his almost naked body, and he shivers as he is vaguely aware that he only has his shorts on. A thick cloth is at once placed on his back, blocking the cold wind before his temperature further drops.

He hears a man command someone to take a look at his painful ankle, to prepare a room for him for the night, and that's all it takes to know he's being taken care of.

Exhaustion rushes to his bones, sleep pulling him deeply, unconscious in the knowledge that the first time a stranger shows kindness to Kaiden, he falls.

He falls deeply.