
Chapter 292: Surgery

Machine Translation

"thanks. I'm fine, but I've had a lot to do these past two days, so I'm a little tired, " Jin Haiguo said.

"Uncle Jin, the housekeeper asked the kitchen to make a plate of desserts. Try It, I think it's pretty good! "

Du Anran put the whole plate of desserts on the Table One by one, and the cup of honey milk. The desserts looked very sweet and delicious. These western-style desserts could ease her mood, at least du Anran liked them.

However, Du Anran guessed that uncle Jin preferred to eat more chinese-style desserts. After all, when he was in the Jin family, Uncle Jin liked to cook the best Chinese dishes.

"The chef's culinary skills have always been good. Let's try it together. Do you like this passion fruit Cheese Mousse? "

Jin Haiguo cut a piece of cake for Du Anran, and Du Anran Sat on the Sofa with him.

"I like it. I like this. Uncle Jin, you should try this too. " Du Anran cut a piece of cake and placed it on Jin Haiguo's plate.

It had been a long time since Du Anran sat together with her father, chatting and eating. In fact, it felt like home.

"Anran, has Shaonan been very busy recently? I see that he rarely calls back. "

"Yes, Shaonan has been busy with the news agency overseas. He has all kinds of meetings and studies to catch up on drafts. If he doesn't take good care of me, Uncle Jin, just tell me. You can treat me as your biological daughter. "

"I have long treated you as my biological daughter. I have always wanted a daughter. When Shaonan brought you back, I liked you very much. It seems that some fates are destined. "

"Yes, some fates are predestined, so when I saw Uncle Jin, I felt both warm and kind, " Du Anran said with a smile.

Jin Haiguo was quite happy to be coaxed by Du Anran. There was almost no generation gap between him and Du Anran. Although he listened to Du Anran most of the time, he still liked to hear some interesting stories from Du Anran.

Du Anran saw some books on Uncle Jin's desk. They were all ordinary prose collections.

Du Anran knew that Uncle Jin really had nothing to do. Otherwise, he wouldn't be reading prose collections at home at a time like this since he was in an important position.

However, Du Anran still pretended not to know and just kept trying to make Uncle Jin happy.

Even if Shaonan did not take care of her in the past, it was only right for her to care about Uncle Jin.

"Uncle Jin, you have a lot of books here. My father also has a very big bookshelf that is filled with books. When I was young, he would often pick a book from the bookshelf and let me read it. "When I was young, I did not like the books that he showed me. They were all broad and profound things that I could not understand. I was just a little older. "

Du Anran smiled as she recounted what happened when she was young. "But my dad didn't care how old I was. He forced me to read and even let my mom check my progress. "So I forced myself to read and read until I finished reading all the books in the corner of my dad's bookshelf. "

"Did you fall in love with reading later? " Jin Haiguo asked.

"Yes. Later, I didn't need my dad's supervision. I would go to his study room to find books to read. But then, I stopped being ignorant and secretly read all kinds of miscellaneous books that were passed around in class. "

Du Anran laughed out loud when she said this. That experience was still very interesting when she thought about it.

At that time, in order to not be discovered by teachers and parents, most people would carry magazines and books in their books. Some people would even tear off every page, fold a small square piece, and put it in a pencil box They would put it in a place that teachers and parents would not discover.

"When I was young, I didn't need to read too many profound things. It's good to read everything at any age. " Jin Haiguo also laughed.

Jin Shaonan had done the same thing. When he was in junior high, he secretly brought martial arts novels home to read. When he was discovered, he only confiscated them and didn't punish him too much. When Jin Shaonan's grades improved again, he would return the books to him.

"Uncle Jin, you have a lot of books here. Can you lend me a few to read? "

Du Anran wanted such an excuse to visit Uncle Jin. Although she couldn't help him much, she still wanted to do her part.

"You can pick whatever you like. But I don't think I have any books that you like. You can take a look. "

Jin Haiguo had always been kind, and he was very patient with Du Anran.

"Okay. " Du Anran stood up.

Because she didn't really want to borrow books, Du Anran picked a few books from the bookshelf.

She avoided the judicial and administrative books. She picked Su Manshu's Anthology, Zhou Zuoren's prose anthology, and Paul Zeran's poetry anthology.

"Alright, I'll borrow three books first. I'll borrow them from Uncle Jin after I finish reading them. These books aren't in my father's study. He never reads them, " Du Anran said with a smile.

"take them if you like. I can give them to you as a gift. "

"No need, no need. These are your precious books, Uncle Jin. I'll definitely return them. "

Jin Haiguo smiled. He looked at Du Anran as if she was his own daughter, very affectionate.

Du Anran chatted with Jin Haiguo for a long time. She saw that the food on his table had not been touched.

Just as the Butler had said, Uncle Jin did not have much of an appetite recently.

Therefore, Du Anran stayed behind to have dinner with Uncle Jin.

When they went back, it was already dark, but it was not cold. The atmosphere of spring was warm everywhere.

However, after Chi Xue and Cui Hao left the police station, they made a big fuss again. Chi Xue thought that Cui Hao was useless and let du Anran go without saying a few words, let alone avenging her.

When they were at the police station, Chi Xue still gave Cui Hao face. She did not scold Cui Hao in public. Instead, she waited until they were out of the police station before showing her dissatisfaction.

"I really didn't misjudge you. You're not a man! " Chi Xue sat in Cui Hao's car and glanced at Cui Hao coldly.

"Calm Down, calm down. Am I not doing this for your brother's face? " Cui Hao had been warned by Xin Zimo before.

"Xin Zimo? Do you really think he's my brother? Besides, what's wrong with his face? Let me tell you, this woman dumped Xin Zimo first. He's just doing it for his face. If you really touched Du Anran, I think he'll have to thank you! "

Chi Xue did not care, but Cui Hao felt that something was not right. Xin Zimo did not look like he was putting on a show.

"That's impossible. Your brother loves that woman very much. With my many years of experience, I can still tell. " Cui Hao was indeed worthy of being a girl that he had dated for many years. His eyesight was extraordinary.

"I told you, he's not my brother! Cui Hao, did I forget to tell you? I like him, I love him, I love Xin Zimo! " Chi Xue shouted hysterically.

Tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes, and the makeup on her face was slowly ruined.

Cui Hao's hand that was holding the steering wheel paused, and he almost drove the car off course.

He simply stepped on the brake to stop the car. "what... What did you say? ''

Although the scandal about Chi Xue and Xin Zimo had spread throughout the upper-class circles a long time ago, and he had once suspected that Chi Xue indeed liked Xin Zimo, when Chi Xue said this sentence, and he heard it with his own ears.. He still felt a little uncomfortable.

He heard Chi Xue calling Xin Zimo "brother Zimo" all the time, and he thought that Chi Xue really thought that Xin Zimo was her brother!

"Do you want me to repeat it again? I said I... "

"ENOUGH! " Cui Hao didn't wait for Chi Xue to say those few words and interrupted her.

He was planning to restrain his heart and treat a woman, a woman who would become his wife in the future.

However, this woman told him openly that she only had other men in her heart and didn't have a place for him.

He, the great young master Cui, had always been the only one who dumped others. How could others dump him, the great young master Cui.

"Are you not going to take me seriously? Are you not going to marry me? " Cui Hao paused and asked.

He finally made up his mind to be sincere, but in return, he got a bucket of cold water.

"from the first day I met you, I told you that I would never like you! Marry? Ha, that's funny. I can only marry one person in my life, and that's Xin Zimo. Who Do you think you are, Cui Hao? "

This was the Nth Time Chi Xue mocked Cui Hao like this. At first, Cui Hao thought it was a joke, but now he felt more and more uncomfortable.

At least, no one dared to say that he, young master Cui, was not a good person.

"Chi Xue, but let me tell you, when you and I had that kind of relationship, Xin Zimo was the person involved. Do you think he will marry you? Oh, no, I should ask this. Do you think you can still marry him? "

Cui Hao once again hit the sore spot of Chi Xue. Yes, with her current state, why would Xin Zimo want her? She had never dreamed of marrying Xin Zimo.

However, even if she could not marry Xin Zimo, could she only deserve to marry a man like Cui Hao?

"Cui Hao, get lost! What right do you have to ask me this? You talk as if you'RE A three-chastised nine-martyr! " Chi Xue threw the things in the car at Cui Hao.

She didn't show any mercy at all. She smashed everything she could, and they were all aimed at Cui Hao's vital parts.

How could Cui Hao withstand such a torture? He quickly opened the car door and escaped.

However, before he left, he was hit on the forehead by a cell phone seat. He was in so much pain that he cursed "shrew" a few times.

She called him and he came just like that. Now, there was no need for him, so he punched and kicked him again.

Cui Hao got off the car and went to a nearby bar to play by himself. Chi Xue sat alone in the car and lowered her head to cry.

The more she cried, the more unbalanced she felt. She had never suffered such grievance before, and her cheeks still seemed to be in pain!

But after crying for a while, she remembered something even more serious. She was pregnant... ...

She had forgotten about this incident when she made a scene with Du Anran in the hospital in the morning. Now that she suddenly remembered, Chi Xue couldn't even cry anymore.

Yes, this child... ...

This child was a witness of humiliation. She could not have this child. She wanted to abort it.

Thinking of this, Chi Xue sat in the driver's seat from the front passenger seat. She started the car and drove to the hospital.

She had secretly come to the hospital alone this morning. Now that she was afraid of being seen, she did not care about her sadness. She covered her face and wore a mask to go to the gynecology and obstetrics department.