
Chapter 182, Birthday Party

Machine Translation

The next time Du Anran received a call from Xie Chenjin, it was at home. She was learning how to cook according to the recipe. A drop of oil landed on the back of her hand. She retracted her hand, and the phone in the living room rang.

Seeing that it was Xie Chenjin's name, she instinctively did not want to answer it.

However, it was clear that Xie Chenjin was very patient. He called again and again, tirelessly. Du Anran sighed helplessly and had no choice but to pick up. "Hello... "

"Are you free tomorrow? It's my birthday at seven in the evening. " Xie Chenjin's tone was calm, returning to the calmness he had when he first met Du Anran.

It was as if it was purely a cooperation of interest. However, he stood at the window of the Bank building and looked at the surging crowd outside the window. The words that she had said lingered in his mind: there are many kinds of sceneries on the road of life. If he stopped occasionally to take a look, it might be different.

Now that he had stopped by chance, he found a different scenery, but it also made him fall into a maze-like illusion.

Tomorrow night Du Anran was free, but she would not go.

Xie Chenjin probably knew that she would obviously refuse. He did not wait for her to speak and continued, "it's just a private party. There won't be many people. Just take it as giving me face. "

She had always thought that Xie Chenjin was arrogant. When he said these words, she was slightly stunned, as if this person was not Xie Chenjin.

"Miss Du, I sincerely and sincerely invite you. I really hope that you can come. "

Du Anran bit her lip. She actually could not think of anything to reject him.

She hesitated for a long time, but in the end, she still nodded. "okay... I'll go over. "

On the other end of the phone, Xie Chenjin looked at the clear sky outside the window. The corners of his lips slowly curved upwards.

Xie Chenjin was a man of his word. When du Anran went over the next night, it was indeed a simple private party. There were only seven or eight people present.

Du Anran had long expected that someone like Xie Chenjin, who was favored by the heavens and rarely treated others with sincerity, would have few friends.

However, she saw Jin Shaonan.

Jin Shaonan and Xie Chenjin should be very good friends, even though the two of them rarely got together in public.

Du Anran only recognized Xie Chenjin and Jin Shaonan. The others did not seem to recognize her.

What surprised Du Anran was that Xie Chenjin, a mature and steady man, actually had such a lively, cheerful and outgoing group of friends. He seemed to be out of place.

Tonight, Xie Chenjin wore a very casual gray sweater. Compared to his usual elegance and elegance, tonight, he looked more languid and sunny.

It turned out that everyone had two sides. Xin Zimo was one, and so was Xie Chenjin. The more steady and reserved a man looked, the more there was an unexpected side to him.

The Party was held in Xie Chenjin's personal apartment. Du Anran had been very surprised for a while. For a rich man like Xie Chenjin to live in such an ordinary small apartment was too low-key.

But later, Jin Shaonan told her that this small apartment was a gift from Xie Chenjin's grandparents. He had been reluctant to leave.

The party was full of young people. In the center of the spacious living room, there was a nine-story cake. There was wine and western pastries on the table. The living room had been decorated a long time ago. It was different from the last time Du Anran came.

The Wall of the living room was covered with balloons and streamers. There were also pots of beautiful silk flowers. The fragrance of lavender wafted in the air from time to time. The whole room was beautifully decorated, full of vitality and vitality.

Du Anran was also dressed very simply today. She was only wearing a black and white plaid coat, a water-red scarf, and a pair of black high heels.

When Xie Chenjin saw her, his eyes still shone with a different light. He walked over from the crowd and introduced Du Anran to everyone. "This is my good friend, Miss Du. Everyone, please take care of her. "

"Our President Xie's friends are each more beautiful than the last! " A boy in the crowd jeered.

"That's right, that's right. This is the first time we've seen such a beautiful Miss Du. Xie Chenjin, you're really not nice enough. "

"Miss Du, do you have a boyfriend? "

Everyone was unusually enthusiastic and jeered.

Du Anran smiled and waved at the crowd. "Hello, everyone. I've only just met your eldest young master Xie. "

"The two of you are standing side by side in front of each other. You look quite a good match. A perfect match, " someone joked.

"GO TO HELL! " Xie Chenjin patted the boy's shoulder. "Hurry up and pour Miss Du some tea. "

Du Anran smiled. She waved to Jin Shaonan in the crowd. Jin Shaonan motioned for her to sit beside him, and Du Anran walked over.

At first, Du Anran thought that nothing good would come out of meeting Xie Chenjin. But today, it seemed that she was judging a gentleman by his petty heart. This ordinary birthday party was filled with simplicity and happiness.

She could see that Xie Chenjin was very relaxed and happy. She rarely saw such a carefree smile on Xie Chenjin's face. Many times, he was like Xin Zimo, young but burdened with countless pressures.

Jin Shaonan also did not mention anything to her about Xin Zimo. Ever since he saw the ring on Du Anran's hand, he seemed to have given up everything. He only wanted her to be happy, even if it was to marry Xin Zimo.

He was afraid that he could not give her happiness, so he only wanted her to be happy.

Du Anran brought a gift for Xie Chenjin. It was an exquisite and simple pen. Although it was not a luxury brand like Parker, it was still light and smooth. The cap of the pen was inlaid with a small diamond and decorated with the whole pen. It was like the finishing touch of a dragon and was exceptionally exquisite.

When Xie Chenjin received the gift, he was quite surprised. However, the surprise in his eyes flashed and was replaced by surprise. He thanked him and also toasted du Anran with a glass of wine.

"Xie Chenjin, we haven't gathered together for a long time. Quickly sing a song for everyone! " A fat boy urged Xie Chenjin loudly.

"I don't know how to sing. " Xie Chenjin smiled and shook his head.

"Who are you kidding? Who won the first prize for the voice in high school? "

"That's right, that's right. It's not nice. HURRY UP AND SING! "

The few young girls had already adjusted the speakers and headsets. When they passed the microphone to Xie Chenjin, Xie Chenjin respectfully agreed and could only click on "the power of love. ".

This was the first time Du Anran heard Xie Chenjin sing. It turned out that after this man took off the mask and suit on his face, he was just a very young big boy.

A few young girls turned off the lights in the living room, leaving only a colorful crystal chandelier. Everyone followed the rhythm of the song, and Du Anran could not help but sing softly.

It had to be said that Xie Chenjin's singing was very good. His magnetic voice had a natural, bewitching low and vigorous tone.

It was probably because when everyone saw Xie chenjin singing, they looked at Du Anran, whether intentionally or unintentionally, so someone invited Du Anran up.

"Miss Du, sing a song with our dear Mr. Xie! "

Du Anran shook her head repeatedly. "My singing is terrible... "

Unexpectedly, Xie Chenjin's overbearing nature came out again. Without any explanation, he handed a microphone to Du Anran and said softly, "sing with me. "

The crowd jeered, "sing with me, sing with me! "

Jin Shaonan only looked at them quietly. There was no displeasure on his face, but only a faint smile.

In this life, whether she stood by Xin Zimo's side or Xie Chenjin's side, as long as she was happy... ...

Under everyone's instigation, du Anran could only sing "summer blown by the wind" with Xie Chenjin. The Living Room was heated enough. She took off her checkered coat and wore a beige dress. She stood in front with bright eyes and a smile.

"Nice, Nice! " After the song ended, everyone applauded.

Xie Chenjin was finally let go by everyone. He heaved a sigh of relief and poured a glass of wine for Du Anran.

"Today, I should toast you. Happy Birthday! " Du Anran raised her goblet.

Jin Shaonan also smiled and said, "Jin Shaonan, Happy Birthday! "

"thank you! " Xie Chenjin downed the wine in his goblet in one gulp.

The three of them drank at the side while the others rushed to the stage to sing. The living room was filled with laughter.

Xie Chenjin had probably not been as happy as he was tonight for a long time. He could not help but drink a few more glasses. By the time it was past eleven o'clock, he was already a little drunk.

Du Anran did not drink too much, and Jin Shaonan did not drink too much either. When the Party was about to end, Xie Chenjin, surrounded by everyone, lit a candle, made a wish, and cut the cake.

As usual, there was a frenzy. After everyone received a portion of the cake, they smeared it on Xie Chenjin's face. Xie Chenjin could not take it anymore. Soon, he became a cat with a painted face.

Everyone laughed and took photos of Xie Chenjin on their phones.

"HAHAHA, Young Master Xie! A big cat, meow MEOW MEOW! " Someone held up a mirror and showed it to Xie Chenjin.

Xie Chenjin grabbed the mirror. "wait until your birthday and see how I will punish you! "

Du Anran also laughed so hard that she leaned back. She smeared a large piece of the cake on Xie Chenjin's face. "Xie Chenjin, let's see if you dare to bully me in the future! "

Xie Chenjin was embarrassed. This little woman really knew how to take revenge for personal grudges. He took the opportunity to wipe a red part of the cake on Du Anran's face and said, "I will bully you... "

"Xie Chenjin, you really want revenge! " Du Anran quickly dodged, but there was no way she could dodge. She suddenly turned into a red-faced cat.

Xie Chenjin did not give up. He wiped a few more pieces of cream on du Anran's face before he finally stopped.

In the end, when Xie Chenjin sent them out, Du Anran was still tugging at the cream on her hair.

"Young Master Xie will punish you for sending Miss Du Home! " The crowd spoke up for Du Anran.

"I can't, I drank too much... " Xie Chenjin wanted to send her home, but he couldn't drink and drive. He knew this.

"Who dares to let him send her home? Isn't that asking for death? " Du Anran teased when she saw that Xie Chenjin was very drunk.

"Let me send Miss Du Home! " Someone volunteered.

"Let my driver come... " Xie Chenjin felt that this group of people didn't drink, so he couldn't be at ease.

"I'll send ANRAN BACK! " Jin Shaonan walked out from the crowd. He didn't say much throughout the Party and didn't drink much.