

"Dad what are we going to do today it's a weekend." Olives joyous voice rang out. Her big beautiful blue eyes shown bright as her little sister Ann tagged along with her.

"Hmmm well Olive when we get done with breakfast we can go looking for a tree for Christmas maybe your mom can get the decorations down. That can't be too difficult for my clutz wife huh? Should be able to handle such a little task right". Vivian nodded "yes Alan I can handle that." His hand tighten and grasp her leg even harder. "Im your husband shouldn't you call me dear?" She cringe as she repeated "yes dear I can do that. " she held back the tears as he went and picked Ann up.

"Ann would you like to eat and get a Christmas tree?" Alan asked so sweetly. "TREEEEEE!!!" The little girls voice rang out. Vivian and Olive was shocked usually this one is a quiet little girl she was only a few months over one and said tree so clearly. "Great job baby!" Vivian said brightly she always loved when the girls learned new things and was very proud of her.

Alan leaned in and kissed Ann's cheek "that's my smart girl gets it from her dad" he placed her down at the table and called Olive over. "Come sit while mom finished cooking your to little to be in the kitchen." "Ugh mom said the same thing but I'm a big girl!!!" Her little voice whined.

As Vivian served up the breakfast she sat Alan's plate down first, then the girls, and went back to grab the drinks.

She sat coffee down in front of him but he pinched her leg. This made her jump and spill the coffee onto the table. "Well and your supposed to get the lights down and bulbs late with out dropping them and you can't even put coffee on the table. " what he didn't realize is that little eyes had seen what he had did and the innocence of a child disappears with age.

"Dad mom didn't do it on purpose you pinched her."

"Olive what did you say?"his voice rang with anger.

Olive didn't want to make her dad mad so she shudder and said quietly "nothing dad. " Vivian wiped up the mess and kissed Olive on the head and finished getting the kids orange juice. Alan glared at her the whole time but she ate quietly while Olive asked questions about the tree farm. Ann started to make a mess with her food so she helped her eat then cleaned up the table.

As she was cleaning the girls hopped down and went to play in the living room. Alan stayed at the table to watch her every move. He didn't always hate this woman but he found his frustrations were easier to take out on her than any one else. He tried to smile and her when she picked up his plate but he could see she was scared.

Vivian cleaned up the kitchen fast. She was great about keeping things clean straight and organized. Sometimes, she would obsess over organizing something like the pantry to get her mind off from him. As she turned around from cleaning the last dish her mouth was meet with the heat of Alan's breath. He started a very deep and passionate kiss but this scared her more. She wanted to pull away but she didn't dare. She knew if she did her legs would get worse and she really didn't understand why he got so mad.

After he pulled away he shouted to the girls " come on let's go before it gets dark." Then Vivian and Alan got the girls ready and headed out to find the perfect Christmas tree.