
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Unravel me

Ash's P.O.V:

Jay brings his face closer to mine, no more than 2 centimeters apart. He licks his lips.

My face feels hot!

I knew what he was going to do and I can't stand it anymore. The anticipation and agony, they consume my thoughts and I can't believe what I'm about to do.

I can't take it anymore!

My hands had a mind of their, but I solemnly agree with them. I cupped Jay's face and bring it much closer to mine. I lick my lips, making him see what I'm about to do.

I smash my lips into his. The kiss was soft and passionate at first, then Jay took the lead and now it got more intense. He picks up the pace. It got more quicker as we try to catch our breath. He picks me up carrying me over to his bed and lays me down, without breaking the kiss. His body in between my legs and I wrap them around his torso. He bites my lower lip and I gasp in surprise, giving him entrance to stick his tongue in my mouth.

He tastes sweet, strawberry.

Our breathing got notoriously heavy. He broke apart the kiss to see my flustered face. My face was burning up and I didn't have anywhere to turn to.

"Can I continue?" he asks.

Wait, is he asking permission to have sex with me? I couldn't keep my head straight, but my face got redder. He took it as a yes and started to kiss me again, more gently this time. He leads the kisses from my lips down to my neck. Little butterfly kisses until he got my sweet spot. I moaned out without warning as he keeps nibbling and licking the exact corner of my neck. He wouldn't let go, he only continued and sucked harder on my spot. I moaned out, even arching my back while I was below him.

He stops licking my neck and continued down to my breasts. He pauses for a second to look up at me. His eyes are so beautiful, dark brown with a tint of green. His eyes filled with seduction, lust and need. I gulped.

He looked away and continued to suck on the brim of my breasts. I moaned out several times. He teethed on my nipples, making my hands grip his smooth messy bed hair.

"J-Jay!" I moan out loud enough to echo the room. He got the message that I was enjoying it and got down to my stomach a bit further. He sucked on a specific spot, planting hickeys, making me feel tender as I bite my lip in pleasure. He stopped and brought his head up to my level and smirked at me. He looked at my swollen and bruised lips from the kissing and looked back into my eyes. He slowly lowered his head to kiss me again and...


Someone was knocking on the door.

"Fuck!" he muttered under his breath, sounding annoyed while getting up, leaving me dumbfounded.

Was he angry? Did he really want to have sex with me that bad? Did he even wanted to have sex? Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty steamed too. I thought.

We both got up and exited the room to see who was at the door.


"Who the fuck is trying to burst down our door?" I say while we started to jog down the stairs towards the hall to see who couldn't keep their patience.

I open the door to see a girl around our age in a pink jumpsuit, high heels and handbag look pissed. She pushed passed me, making me stumble to the floor as she walks over to Jay who happens to be shirtless.

"Where the fuck were you ?" she asks Jay. Jay and I happen to look at each other with confused expressions.

"Answer me, you son of a bitch! You didn't even have the audacity answer my fucking texts?" she yells, making my ears hurting because he voice was so high pitch and irritating, I thought my ears were going to bleed. I finally got up, pissed walking over to the girl who was screaming at Jay.

"Listen Ms. Piggy," I start out saying grabbing both of their attention. "You can't just take your little gapped out pussy and walk in my home screaming at my bestfriend." I say walking in front of her, finna jump her if I can. She makes an annoyed face, looking at me saying.

"Who are you, blacky? I've seen Jay on Tik Tok and I came here to confront him on why he didn't come pick me up on our date. So get your elephant ass out of my face." she snorts back.

Okay, so this girl gonna call me an elephant? Watch me hoe!

I grab her by her ponytail swinging her on the floor. She screamed for help, but fuck it. I straddled on top of her to throw a few punches at her. She couldn't block them because she was way to skinny and my body happens to be thick. I throw a few more punches until Jay saw that I was getting a bit too violent and dragged me back. The girl started crying and ran out of the house screaming. Jay lets go of my arm, walking to the door to close it. he looks back at me, trying to hold in his laugh and so was I. We couldn't hold it in anymore and we both burst out laughing.

A few moments later:

Our laughter died down.

"First we have a make out session and then you beat up a girl leaving her crying and running out the door. You surprise me jagiya." he says as he walks over to me giving me a kiss on my neck. I instantly felt that my face was hot and hid it in the crook of his neck.

God, why does he make me feel this way?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, this was a huge turn for Jay and Ash. Hope you like it. Please comment, rate and share.

love chussssssssssssssssssssssss