
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Date or nah? Part 1

Jay's P.O.V:

It looked like I spaced out for a moment, I didn't see when Ash handed me a helmet.

"So...you gonna get on, paboo~?" I blushed at what she said. I grabbed the helmet, put it on and got the bike along with her. She indicates that I wrap my hands around her waist. Her tiny waist. The thin waist that leads to her enormous curves. Her huge ass in front of me while I try to set my position and me trying not to put my crotch on her. I hesitate for a second and then she suddenly grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her waist.

"Hold on tight."

I nodded as she drives off.

Time skip to the theater:

As we ride into town we stop by a movie theater. She parks her motorcycle and we get off.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"To watch a movie, obviously," she smirked.

God, this girl is going to be the death of me. We walk into the movie theater and I suggested to watch The Conjuring. She squealed.

"YESSSSS!!!" I smiled. I wasn't surprised that she yes because it's a horror movie and we both love horror movies.

We bought the tickets and headed in.

Time laps: 2:39pn

Ash's P.O.V:

We took our seats after we bought drinks and popcorn. Before the movie was about to start I ask, "Where were you going earlier?" I turned my face to him and look into his eyes; he looks back into mine.

"Um..no where?" He hesitated to say. I turned away with a tiny frown on my face. He turned his face as well. And as the room goes dark, the movie starts.


Jay keeps nudging my leg, I ignored him. He nudged me again, then I kicked his shin. He yowled in pain silently, I laughed a bit. He glares at me and I just gave him a the sweetest smile I had. Then out of nowhere, her intertwined his fingers with mine.

"I just wanted to say that you are cute," he whispered and suddenly, my face was hot. We then both simultaneously look at each other and he was smiling. My cheeks felt like they going to explode because of his cuteness. His oversized white tinted glasses fits well on his face, not to mention his deep dark brown eyes and plump light cheery red lips made my heart stop its pace. We just continue to look at each other.

"We should uh-get back to the movie," and with that I turned my face to watch the rest of the movie.


We exit the movie theater and since I was sitting down not moving a limb, I felt stiff. I stretched my arms up while I was on my tippy toes. My crop top went up a bit and I can tell that Jay was looking where my breasts were. Finally, after I was down I turned around to face him and his face was covered with a coat of red blush. I knew it, he was really looking at my body! I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes and he flinched and scratched the back of his head.

"Um-I uh...sorry, I was spacing out for a second there," he explained. I smiled and punched him lightly on the arm.

"So, where to now mister?" I say as I was walking out of the theater to my bike, he soon followed.

"How about an ice cream parlor?" he suggested, I agreed. We got on the bike and rode off.


We stopped in front of an ice cream shop. We got off the bike and I feel something brush pass my butt. I turn to Jay and his face was still red.

"What's up with you?" I asked. He started fidgeting around like a monkey. I poked his side which made him jump, which made me jump too.

"What the hell, dude!" I exclaimed. He sighed.

"I'm sorry, you keep messing me up." And with that he walked towards to parlor leaving me speechless and confused. I finally caught up with him and we enter the shop.

As we got in we found a table and sat down. A female waitress appeared made eye contact with Jay and I can tell she was lusting over him.

Who wouldn't?

She gave him a weak smile and asked him what he wants to order without even glancing my way. He looks at me, telepathy tells me that he was cringed out and disgusted. I look back at the lady. She started to rub down his arm and he reluctantly scooted back from her.

So you're telling me, this 52 year old wrinkly ass bitch of a woman is trying to flirt with my Jay?! With all that heavy make up and wrinkles, she straight up looks like Freddy Krueger.

To be frank, it's us and why am I not included in the this.

"Um, I think we're gonna have the dark chocolate deluxe coat, with sliced strawberries and coconut shavings." I calmly say. Then out of no where, she slammed her hand on the table and glared at me while saying.

"I didn't ask you Miss. Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz, I asked him." she indicates to Jay. I slammed my hands on the table and stood up to her level and say.

"Suck out each other's tongue then!"

I walk off to the bathroom. Jay calling out my name for me to get back.

Jay's P.O.V:

As Ash left, I ordered the ice cream she said.

"Alright handsome, is that all you want on this fine day?" She asked. I laugh nervously and say

"No, I'm fine."

"Damn fine you is!" She mumbled as she was walking away.

Bitch, wtf.

And I'm still wondering, Why was Ash mad? I text her.


Sent yesterday:


Hey, please get back.

Sent: 4:24pm

----------------------------------------———————-------------------------------------------------------------—---Hey guys, I'm sorry if this wasn't exciting; I had a bit of writers block. The plot was so that he falls for Ash and he did, but when they are the parlor, the 52 year old ass waitress swoops in. Ash ain't having it so she leaves. I hope you like this chapter so far, I will not disappoint!
