
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Tik Tok; Pt 1

Ash's P.O.V:

We finally got home after the incident with Britney. I waddled to my room, closing the door behind me. I walk over to my closet to rummage through my clothes to find anything to sleep in. I came across an oversized T-Shirt that I stole from Jay. I picked it up and slipped out of my clothes to put it on along with a blood red lace set.

I took out my phone from my bag and landed on my bed landing with an 'oof'.


Scrolling through Tik Tok, watching videos out of boredom before I heard a knock on my door. I turn to face my door telling the person to come in. Jay's head peeked in. He looks at my closing the door behind and walking over to take a seat beside me. I watched his toned shirtless body and he laid down.

"Ash-ahh~ I'm bored." he whined while spooning my pillow. I sat up while giggling at his sudden cuteness. "Don't laugh at me. I'm dying of boredom here." he complained with him sprawling himself across my bed with a pout.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" I ask facing his relaxed body. He suddenly turns his head in my direction to face me.

"Let's do a Tik Tok." he sat up, taking out his phone and going through it. He didn't even wait for my reply, but I'm just gonna go with it anyway. I crossed my legs, sitting upright while fiddling with my fingers while waiting on Jay to find a sound. He plugged in his earphones and skimmed through his phone.

After 5 minutes on waiting on Jay to find a sound, he sighed and looked at me.

"What? Didn't find a sound?" I asked and he nodded shyly. I smiled and ruffled his hair for him to look at me, but all I saw was red scattered across his face. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Are you okay with this?" he handed me an earpiece, motioning me to listen. I took the ear bud and put it in my ears. He clicked play.

'I'm gonna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes, you get it, babe

You got a lot on your mind, and I wanna ease it up and lick it and slip it in

You do a light scream on that ice cream when I scoop it and dip it in

Unzippin' the tight jeans and that feminine hygiene is magnificent

Tryna show you, girl, I'm different

I get to lickin', and stickin', and lickin', and stickin' it

'Til the pussy get too wet and it's drippin'

And splittin' both them legs like dividends

If it ends up how I want it, then you'll end up sittin' all over my bottom lip, baby

The feelin' of fuckin' you, feelings all up in you

Make it hard for you to bottle 'em, baby

This dick is too big just to swallow it, baby

But still you do it like it's Thanksgiving

And you gobblin', gobblin', gobblin', gobblin', baby

Like what's a goon to a goblin, bab-'

I paused the audio before the song could continue any further. I quickly took out the earpiece and looked at Jay who had his head hung low with a bright red tint spread across his face. After a couple of moments, he finally lifts his head to look at me.

"So...wanna do it?" he murmurs.

"Are you asking me to the tik tok or to have sex?" I furrow my brows in confusion, not knowing what to take in this situation.

"Is sex all you think about? Are you that horny, Ash?" he laughs while patting my thigh. I turn my head in annoyance, not wanting to mention the time he came onto me first when he was needy.

"Let's just get this video over with." I get up feeling annoyed and flustered. He gets up as well. He took up the remote for my LED lights and changed it into a dark shade of red instead of lavender. Soon after, he set up his phone on my desk before facing me.

"Okay so, what I'm gonna do is this." He positioned me against the wall with his knee in between my legs. He looks up at me with lust in his eyes, moving his hand towards my neck, gripping on it lightly. He then leans towards my ear, breathing down my neck. I immediately felt my face heat up and after a while, he backs away.

"So like yeah. Just like that, but I'm gonna lip-sync to it while gripping on your neck a little rougher. Is that okay?" he asks with a small smile on his face. I didn't have any words, but simply nodded.

"Uh y-yeah, that's fine." I scratch my nape, waiting for him while he sets up the sound on his phone.

"Ready..?" he asks and i nod. He sets the timer to 10 seconds to give me more time to compose myself.


I take in a deep breath for a couple of seconds.




'I'm gonna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes, you get it, babe' Jay pins me against the wall then rubbing his knee in between my legs to widen them. He wraps his slender fingers around my neck, before tightening his grip.

'You got a lot on your mind, and I wanna ease it up and lick it and slip it in. You do a light scream on that ice cream when I scoop it and dip it in' He takes his other hand and licks his middle finger before attempting to push it up near my heat. He lifts his head up to look me in the eyes.

'Unzippin' the tight jeans and that feminine hygiene is magnificent. Tryna show you, girl, I'm different' Removing his hand from my neck to wrapping both of them around my waist, pulling me into his embrace while having one of his hands guide themselves towards my butt.

'I get to lickin', and stickin', and lickin', and stickin' it. Til the pussy get too wet and it's drippin' He kisses my forehead downwards to my cheek then my neck.

'And splittin' both them legs like dividends. If it ends up how I want it, then you'll end up sittin' all over my bottom lip, baby. The feelin' of fuckin' you, feelings all up in you' He starts to lick my neck and then begins to suck on it. He taps my thigh several times signalling me to jump up and out of instinct, I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He continues to suck on my neck, while using his hand to rub my back down towards my butt. I tilt my head back while moaning in pleasure as he continues to suck on my sweet spot.


Both of our heads turn towards the phone out of surprise, noticing that the video ended. We then simultaneously look at each other before he puts me down to check his phone. I scurry towards my bed to change the LED lights from red to white. I crossed my legs looking down while playing with my fingers.

"Looks great! What do you think Ash?" he walks over to me to show me the video we just made. I look at Jay to see that he was completely mesmerizing, then I look over at myself to see me being flustered the whole time. I immediately grab his phone to tag my username and add a caption.

'She was ready for it ; )'

"Andddd....post!" I clicked post and waited for it to go on the for you page.

"What, really?" he grabs back his phone to check if I was lying, but his serious expression turned to smile. "I didn't think that you had the balls to post it." he laughs.

"At least I have more balls than you will ever have." I say smirking before getting up to walk to the kitchen, while Jay runs out of the room to catch up with me.

"We both know that I have the bigger balls her, babygirl." he grins, leaning against the counter. I scoff at the thought and turn away to go through the fridge to find something to eat, but found nothing. I got back up to face Jay with a frown. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"There's no food in the fridge." I whine while bending over to put my face on the island top, groaning in annoyance. I was really hungry.

"Ingredients are here though. Why not just make something?" he laughs. I bolt my head up to look him dead in the eye.

"Cooking? That's too much work. I want food now!" I let out a needy whimper.

I thought after a while before standing upright and walking towards the cabinets. Rummaging to find ingredients to make my favorite dish.

"What are you looking for now?" he asks as I turn my head to face him while he was taking a sit on one of the stool bars.

"Why I thought you'd never ask, my lovely roommate." I smile while getting utensils along with pots and pans. "I will be making, Korean bulgogi curry. And we are lucky enough to have all the ingredients to make it." I jump up and down, squealing like a little girl.

"Aigoo. It's been a while since you made that. How long has it been?" he asks putting on a thinking face while looking up at the ceiling.

"2 years." I sigh while chopping up onions and bell peppers. I took a glance upwards to see Jay watching me work in fascination.

I walk over to the fridge to take out the beef. I walk back to grab another cutting board to avoid cross-contamination. Gordon Ramsey would be so proud. I grab another knife to cute the beef in very thin slices. Not too thin so that they won't break easily. I grabbed the rice cooker to start making the rice; Jasmine rice.

"Wow Ash. You are determined to get this done, aren't you?" he exclaims while looking down at the pot with fascination.

"What do you expect? I'm hungry." I giggle while checking on the simmered beef.

"Okay!" I exclaimed loudly while clasping my hands. "Gonna wait fifteen minutes for the beef to cook and we are down. So in the meantime..." I sigh.

"What now?"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This chapter is a bit laid back because I didn't really have any idea to use for the Tik Tok video that they were implementing. Thanks for reading and I hope you vote, share and comment and have a blessed day...