
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Roommates?

Ash's P.O.V:

Hey, my name is Ash Stone and I am 17 years old. I am originally Jamaican, but when I was 14, I moved to the states. I have long black curly hair, like an over-sized afro. I have light mocha chocolate colored skin, that's my melanin. I have a subtle face, good skin, dark brown eyes and plump cherry red lips. Naturally. I have a lot of curves in the right places and people tend to cat call me and flirt with me because of it. It's annoying. Just because of my looks and body, people think it's okay to flirt with me and get in my pants. I'm a virgin! Not really looking for a boyfriend, but someone had to burst in through my life and change my thoughts.

My dad filed for me to live in the U.S. I was happy, but I never thought I would be living in a mansion with someone else. And that someone else is a boy. His name is Jay Mishito. He is Korean-American and he is also 17. Just my luck, huh? He has a very subtle muscular build and he is so cute; emphasis on the cute. I was shocked at first, but I realize that I can roll with it and be nice.

We spent 9 months living in this house together. Our parents will send us money to get what we need since we don't live with them. We have our own cars and I saved up a lot to get myself a bike. I love my bike so much, Jay doesn't know that I even have one.

Speaking of Jay, he is so sweet and nice. He always helps me out with the house and we always hang out with each other.

We are best friends.

I love him because he is always there for me and that makes me happy. Don't get me wrong, his personality is amazing and I really want to be with him, but I don't know if he wants to be with me.

Enough about us, let's begin the real story...


I woke up 11:32 am. I thought over my plans on what to do today, but since it's Saturday, I really don't care. I took a shower and fixed myself an outfit for the day.

A pitch black crop top, a Louis Vuitton belt and a washed out pale blue ripped shorts. I also added and solid white converse to go with the ensemble. Also, since I have a thick ass and a slim waist type of body, light mocha chocolate colored skin, I might grab some people's attention and not give a fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.

I'm on my bed scrolling through my phone and seeing what I can download to keep me distracted from my problems. As I keep going through app store, I found an app that was trending throughout the world.

Tik Tok?

I downloaded the app and waited it for to finish. Meanwhile...

"ASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a voice shouts from downstairs.

"WHAT!" I shouted back.



I walk downstairs not wanting to care what he is about to say to me. "What the fuck took you so long?" he asked persistently while shaking my shoulders. Wow, calm down macho libre!!!!

"Wanting to take my time walking down here before shoving my foot up your ass." I replied. He growled at me.

Woah, what's going on? Why is he so infuriated today? He isn't normally like this.

My roommate, Jay Mishito. He is a mix of Korean and American. He is sooooooooooo cute; emphasis on the cute. I know, a bit extra. I had a crush on him the first time I met him. He is great, but today, something changed.

Other from that, both of our parents were friends and they decided to have their kids stay in one big ass mansion. Yup, we have the whole place to our selves and since they want us to be independent. Most of the time, they will send us money to buy household product, food, clothes and any other shit we need. We don't have a maid so we have to clean the house by ourselves. We have our own rooms. Since our rooms are so big and dark at night, I sometimes let him sleep in my room with me.

This morning he was wearing his all black t-shirt, washed out blue ripped jeans and a white flat trainees. His hair is like a 'bed hair' style, but kind of neat, which looked like he planned to go somewhere.

Hmm? He doesn't normally go anywhere without me. What is he doing?

"Who are you texting?" I nudged him. He shrugs me off. Ouch, cocky much? I used my left foot to kick him off his seat and he fell on the ground.

Serves you right for being a dick.

"Ash, what the fuck!?!?!?" he got up walking towards me. I can see the devil horns coming out of his head and his face was blushed crimson red. I was the verge of laughing.

Don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh.

As I was trying to concentrate on not laughing at how mad Jay is, I didn't realize his body was so close to mine, 2 cm apart from me.

"W-What are you doing?!?" I stutter out nervously, not knowing what he was about to do to me.

"What, never gotten a kiss looks like before?" he smirks.

Woah, is he really going to kiss me? I feel off. My stomach feels tingly. Why is my face burning up? Why is he so close to me? God, tell me I'm dreaming! He caresses my cheeks and whispered in my ear,

"Watch our for your punishment later, princess." and with that he took a step back.

What did he mean by that?


Hey guys, I'm so stoked to see what I can do in the next chapter. Since this is my first story ever...I have no clue on how this will go. This was really fun to make and I hope you enjoy. Luv chu🥺🥺.
