
He Changed Me( BL)

You all remember the Korean drama you are beautiful, I got the story from there I thought it would be fun to make it into bl so I wrote something, hope you all enjoy....

Daoistw8r9ET22 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3


Minhee's POV

Looking at my split lip in the mirror triggered a memory where I fell off the bench and the hyungs rushing to my rescue, I fell on one of the hyungs with my lip mashed with his,

I tried to recall who it was but there was no memory of it, I closed my eyes and tried to convince my self that it was just a dream.

How could my first kiss be like this and with a guy at that.

Chris hyung came into my room while I was still in thought, he handed me a glass of ginger lemon tea to sober up and scolded me for my drunken behavior, I apologized to him because I thought he was the one I offended but he said to apologize to hyung not him.

When he left the room I went to look for shin woo hyung who also voiced out his shock for my drunken behavior last night, I apologized profusely since I thought he was the one and begged him to consider my action as being hit from a rock falling from the sky but he just kept laughing.

Chris hyung yelled at me asking why I was with shin woo hyung when he he told me to go apologize, that was when it dawn on me that the person I offended was our leader Ji won hyung and I knew I was in trouble.

I went to Ji won hyungs room to ask for forgiveness, but he was so agitated that he refused to listen to me, he told me the first day he saw me he disliked me and sure enough I have done to him what he dislike the most and he told me walk out of his room and left for the washroom.

I decided to leave the cup of tea and the fragrant candle I brought on his desk so he enjoys later but I mistakenly spilled hot wax on the floor and when I tried to wipe it up, the hot wax made me recoil and I crashed into Ji Won hyungs CD rack.

The contents of the shelves came crashing down and I got stuck holding up the frame as I tried to keep it from falling.

Unfortunately, a remote control also falls which sets of the fan causing hyungs music sheet to flatter down landing next to the flickering candle.

I thought of why I was always clumsy when it involves Ji Won hyung because I know am far from being clumsy but I always angered him doing things he hate.

I tried reaching the remote but it was out of reach, tried blowing out the candle to prevent the music sheet from burning but it also did not work, I decided to use water but seeing none an idea popped in mind to use my own spit.

In the process of spitting Ji Won hyung came out of the washroom and met this sight.

I saw how surprised and disgusted he looked, he asked if I just spitted in his room and I said it was an accident and that I was sorry

He slammed his hand on the empty shelf as he was angry and the heavy movements caused a heavy trophy to fall, hitting me on the head.

I cramped to the ground and saw Ji Won hyung rushing to me with a worried face and I collapsed.


Ji Won's POV

I went to the rooftop for some fresh air while I was resting and thinking I heard a sound and turned to the direction of the sound, it was the newbie and he was about to fall so I took him away from the rack, I noticed he wanted to vomit so I yanked a flower pot and gave the pot to him to vomit.

Shin woo and Chris also came there and we talked for a while, as our attention went back to the newbie he was about to fall so we all rushed to save him from falling.

He landed on top of me, our lips mashing together and the most disgusting part is he gagged and vomited in my mouth which made me collapse from the shock.

I woke up the next morning and freaked out as I recalled last night, I wished I could strangle this newbie

I decided to get to the shower to wash myself to clean of my revulsion.

I saw the newbie in my room who came to ask for forgiveness, I was so agitated that I told him to leave my room and to never come close to me again.

I left to the washroom but felt bad for being so harsh to the kid.

Refreshed from the shower, I entered my room and met an ugly sight, the newbie just spitted in my room, I was so shocked and asked him what he was doing he apologized saying it happened accidentally.

I was enraged, I could not understand why he does things I hate, I am mysophobic vomiting in my mouth and spitting in my room is the same as telling me to die but this kid seems to do all the filthy things in the world to me.

I slammed my hand on the empty shelf as I was talking and the sudden movement caused a heavy trophy to fall hitting the newbie on the head.

He collapsed and I rushed to him, as I looked at how fragile and lifeless he looked it felt like I was in pain as well, which I could not understand.

The others arrived in the door way and saw me hunched over the unconscious newbie, all I could say as I saw them was that I didn't do it.


Minhee's POV

I woke up in an ambulance being sent to the hospital by my our manager. I told him Ji Won hyung did not hurt me but he didn't believe me thinking I was covering for him.

I was resting in the hospital bed when Ji Won hyung called, he said he wanted to clarify that he did not hit me, but I knew he called because he was worried about me, I laughed at the thought and he asked why I was laughing, I told him I was happy he called and he hanged up.

The hospital door opened and I saw Ji Won hyung entering, he was actually at the hospital when he called, I guessed the manager hyung told him my room.

He sat down on the chair closer to my bed and handed me the things he brought , he apologized for what happened last night which was a bit awkward.


One Week Later

A video surfaced online which shows the four members in the parking lot the night of the party where Chris hyung carries an unconscious Ji Won hyung who collapsed from the shock of Minhee vomiting in his mouth and Shin Woo hyung carrying a drunk Minhee which led to an online speculation whether there was a fight.


Min hees POV

The president told me to report to his office for a discussion, I met a snoopy reporter in the lobby who kept asking if there was a fight the night of the party and that if I was in good terms with the members.

I was confused since I didn't know what was going on because I had not watched the video , I told him everything was fine but he kept bombarding me with questions and soon a lot of angry fans trooped in demanding for me to leave the group while throwing eggs at me.

Ji Won hyung arrived at that moment, took my hand and pulled me away from there and took me to our training room.

Ji Won hyung was always cold to me so

I was surprised he pulled me away from the angry fans.

I met his eyes when i tried to thank him and i felt a bit weird, looking at him made me blush so I avoided his eyes and looked down.

I guess he noticed it and told me to attend to my business and that he will send me back.