
He can be the one

what happens when you fall in love with someone you hate. Shawn new boy at school the player who get get any girl he wants chooses the one girl at school that is socially awkward and doesn't have many friends but feels the need to protect and care for her even when she hates his gut

Ah_jui · General
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10 Chs

its called anatomy

~next day at school~

While walking talking the school Ammie and Lucy saw Shawn and Cheryl making out near the gates blind spot apparently in this school its known to be for 'lovers' if that's something you can have in a day Ammie thought

"ugh that stupid bitch" Lucy roared "hey hey calm down pet his the idiot here alright" said Ammie trying to help her friend see the bigger picture,tough thing with Cheryl reputation. She is the meanest girl at their school and she always get the guys she wants no girl has ever dated to go against her since they feared her back ground.

Ammie took lucy hand as they entered their biology class follow by Shawn and Cheryl looking all happy "uh this sucks why does it get to be her'

"well guys like Cheryl you know that" said Ammie

"plus don't forget she's the school favorite temptress" said Ammie while rolling her eyes.

then the bell rang the teacher while talking to them about heart and the valves it has while explaining that Shawn suddenly said "oh my heart works do hard and keeps falling in love" Ammie rolled her said mocked Shawn and said

"what are you doing in biology if your going to be stupid about it"?

"hey watch it, I'm super smart okay" said Shawn felling arrogant

"oh yeah I'm curious how did you figure your heart falls in love obviously it comes from your brain you dummy" Ammie said gloating

"how do you know that"? Shawn asked

"its called anatomy"