
He's Never Getting Enough Of Me

Chloe Ramirez is a girl that lives in a big, chaotic city. She had to move to her grandmother's villa together with her family because the old woman was sick and they need to take care of her. Little did she know that there she would meet a guy named Joshua Choi. A handsome guy with red and full lips, gray eyes, dark eye brows and lashes, high cheek bones, pointed nose and prominent lower jaw and chin. Their families are friends and also because of business matters, they set the both of them up for arranged marriage. They were the best of enemies at first but eventually, Chloe fell in love with him. It was a one-sided love because Joshua liked someone else but the wind changed and he suddenly fell in love her.

S4ncai · Teen
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9 Chs


"Ladies and gentlemen,the lady of the night is Chloe Ramirez of 10-Tiger!" Announcement of the emcee.

Loud scream. Applause. Cheering.

"Oh my God! You won, Chloe, you won!" My bestfriend jumped at me and hugged me tightly. She looked at me with teary-eye. She smiled at me. She looked so happy. "I'm so proud of you!"

I just laughed at her emotional face. "What? If you can cry there, it looks like I won in the miss universe." She just rolled her eyes. "But I am also happy. Who doesn't, right? Almost every woman dreams of being the lady of the night on the prom."

The two of us just stopped hugging when a group of bitches approached our direction. "Are you happy with that? Don't think too high of yourself, Chloe. Even if you're the lady of the night, Chase won't go back to you. You're not even beautiful." Their leader Amethyst said. She has been angry with me for a long time because her crush Carl became my boyfriend.

Though we only lasted for two months because he is a womanizer.

Carl is popular in our school because he is handsome, he has a well-built body and he came from a wealthy family. He is the type of man that when he passes in front of you, your gaze will really follow him. He is not rude, he pays attention to almost all the women who pay attention to him because he likes the attention that people give him.

I can't really remember when or where or how we ended up dating each other. I never really liked him. In fact, I hated him so much. It just... happened.

But I'm even glad we already broke up because since we started hanging out, I received so much hatred from his 'fanatics'. I hated the attention so much. That was when Amethyst started bullying me.

"Oh, come on, Amethyst. If you really like that womanizer that much, why don't you just go and tell him? Stop bothering me. I'm so sick of your face and your rants and all." I stood up and started walking but I stopped beside her and whispered. "You're such a pity."

She raised her hand and tried to slap me but I got to stop her mid-way. I turned around and left without saying a word.

I met some of my friends and acquaintances on my way to my classroom and they greeted and congratulated me. There are also others who greeted me that I know they only speak ill of me when I am not there.

It was another day at school and everything was back to normal. Another hectic and busy day. Everyone is busy studying and reviewing since the preliminary exam day is near.

"Look who's here." Someone suddenly showed up beside me while I'm sitting on the bench and busy minding my own business.

From the smell of perfume, I already knew who it was. "Carl, will you please stop bothering me? We're over. What else do you need from me?" I gently asked him because I was tired of arguing about useless things.

"Really, Chloe? You already got over me that fast? I thought you were inlove with me." He arrogantly said with a playful smirk plastered on his annoying face.

I stood up and faced him. But before I could even utter a word, Ashley came and clung unto my arm and answered his question instead.

"Who loves you? I guess the thickness of your face can beat the world's thickest face's record, Carl. You're so full of yourself, you idiot." And then we left.

Earlier, I suppressed my laughter in front of Carl because he might hit me. I'm sure he was insulted by what Ashley said.

"Who does he think he is? He's not even that handsome!" I was the one Carl played with but in the way this friend of mine spoke, it was as if she had been the one that's hurt.

I know my bestfriend just really loves me so much that's why she also hate the people that hurt me. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as soon as I entered the door of our mansion like I always do every time I come home from school. "Moooom!" I shouted again when I did not receive an answer from my mother.

"God, Chloe you're too loud! Mom and dad aren't home. They went to the villa because grandma is sick. They won't be back until midnight." My older sister Angel said as she went down the stairs.

"Why? What happened to grandma? Is she alright?" I asked her. I'm so worried about my grandparent.

Our relationship with our grandmother is good. We always spend summer on the villa to be with her. We used to go to our farm to take care of our horses and other animals. We love picking apples and baking apple pie.

Grandma is living alone. Well not really alone because we have maids, drivers and security guards. My parents also visit her sometimes to check on her.

Our grandfather passed away last year and I'm not ready to lose another angel in my life again. I don't want to lose my grandmother. I so want to see and hug her right now.

"She's alright, don't worry. But for the meantime, let's go and pack our things because we're going to stay there to take care of her." I was happy and excited with what Angel said but I was also a little worried about my studies. "We're going to transfer to a school near the villa." It's like she read my mind and answered my worries.

It is not really very rural there so there are still malls and expensive schools nearby. I can still do my weekend routines like shopping and eating outside alone. I don't have anyone that I will miss because I don't really have friends like really close friends. The ones that I have are only those I talk with in school and that's all because Ashley can always visit there anytime.

"Can we eat first? I'm hungry."I asked her as I made my way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"I already ate. I'm going to back to my room now." She said without even bothering to look at me.

I just rolled my eyes at myself. I guess I'm really going to eat alone since mom and dad are not here to join me.

After I ate, I packed my things like my sister told me to do so.