
Chapter One: The Invitation

Momma Mae's Diner was the go to place for all the the kids in the neighborhood, we loved Momma to bits, because she was a generous soul.

I went to the kitchen window and flaunted a black envelope in front of Momma's eyes.

"Looksy what Havoc got!!" I said playfully, Momma laughed a deep boisterous laugh, "Sweetie you ain't the only one who gots one of those!"

"Geez Momma! You ever gonna stop raining on my parade?" I made way to "my" booth, Sophie already there waiting a smile on her face.

"I take it you got one." Sophie gave me the evil eye. "Yeah, Why wouldn't I? Everyone got one! Even you!" Sophie was the kind of person that shined when she was sarcastic.

"Geez, thanks Sophs!!! Who needs enemies when they got friends like you!" I sulked even though I knew I had it coming.

Sophie snatched the invitation from my hand, "WOW!" she looked at me admiration on her eyes."I know,right? I'm famous for being infamous, with attitude issues and all, I'm still one of the top rated IQ's in the state!"

Sophie was trying so hard not to laugh, her blue eyes were shining with tears, "Your nickname is on the invitation!!! For Pete's sake!!! A two hundred IQ Havoc with an attitude!" she totally exploded unable to contain the laughs anymore.

"Ok, point taken! So we game or what? Thinking of all those "Prince Charming" got my brain in a twist, how about we go wreak some Havoc in an all boys school? " I mischievously winked at her.

"Oh boy!" Sophie sighed.


Thank you ...so muuuuuuch for reading you awesome creatures you!!!

So this is just a short one because Halloween is just around the corner!!!

Hope you have fun reading this!

These characters are coming to life on a long term novel...

News coming soon as I'm working on two fronts!!

Wish me luck!

Unikeversecreators' thoughts