
For I AM luck itself

Before heading home, I searched the house but found nothing except for 20 dollars, 4 caps, two bottles of Jets, and a Bowie Knife.

On the way home, I dealt with every threat there was, from radroaches to bloatflies and even some feral dogs. "There wasn't as much as I thought there would be, but I'm not complaining in any way… You hear me, Howard? No complaints here!" I say jokingly.

Reaching for the doorknob, it suddenly opens, and Nora jumps into my arms. "Where were you, you idiot!? Codsworth told me there was a threat, and you ran headfirst to confront them! Don't you know how… I was so scared of the horde of those ghouls Cod told me, when they walked in front of the house… The same side you ran to…" Tears cascade from her eyes as she kisses me before continuing, "I am in love with a fool who doesn't care about me and his son…"

"Hey, Nora, you know that's not true, I love you more than my own life," I say, comforting her.

"I know, dummy, but seeing you outside, in danger… it broke me… I thought you were dead… Until Codsworth told me he felt your Pip-Boy signal still moving. It's been two awful days where I understand NOTHING about what is happening. Everything is just a mess, but the only good thing is that you and Shaun are with me… Even if I'm sad Shaun has to live in this broken world." Her hug tightens around me.

"I… I need to be helpful to you too, Duncan. You can't protect us by yourself… All the things Codsworth told me… I need to be strong for Shaun, for you." "And for yourself too," I continue.

"You know that my life has no meaning without you both, right? The world be damned by my hands if something were to happen. If, for your safety, I need to put myself in danger, I would, your consent or not, but we're family, so… If that's really what you want, when we are a bit more relaxed and rested in our house, we will plan security meaning well-protected and armed, and I will teach you what I know about fleeing, surviving, and, the last resort, fighting," I say, releasing her when we get inside. "First, how does Cod know where my signal is? And two, are you and Shaun alright?" I ask.

"We are both fine, yes. Codsworth talked about a RobCo radio signal he picked up when you wore the thing on your arm. He said something like it's in his data to monitor those emitting those signals, so he knows where you are. It's pretty scary, but it kept me from running to you," she answers.

"Running to me? And Shaun… No, we'll stop here. No need to talk further about it. I'm here, that's all that counts anyway. We'll need to be more careful around other MR.HANDY/GUTSY other than Codsworth if there are more around, if I need to sneak and they have my position it won't end well I'm sure." I continue. "So when I got to where the ghoul guys were coming from, I alerted them because of some bells and four ferals attacked me. I killed three, and just as the last one was about to backstab me, he was stopped by a talking one. He told me they were human from before the bombs. But they weren't from Vaults. He told me about the vaults, which are the playgrounds for twisted experimentation. He was really friendly and told me he would tell me what was happening in the world and teach me things. But as he came here to peacefully put down his feral family, he continued his path, but he said he'll contact me when he is done."

"That's a lot of information and not enough time to digest," she says.

"Don't worry for now; we have food, water, and weapons for some time. And soon, more information. As for information, you said, Codsworth seems to have some, and the Pip-Boys have some too. I read some. It seems that Vault-Tec didn't know or didn't care at the time that there is some data relayed between each and every Pip-Boy. Not confidential, logical, or you may need higher RobCo accreditation. And guess what? The cool ghoul Danny said he worked at Robco as a designer, so maybe we'll get even the secret information too."

"Information is crucial," I say. "But autonomy will become even more important. We can't sleep on both ears just because we have a stock of food and water. And we need more weapons, ammos in priority and all that."

After some time, I say, "We can't wait and do nothing. We need to prepare with the time we have in relative peace. As long as Danny doesn't call me, we will train, loot the houses around while killing threats, scrap cars and robots we find, and see what changed in Sanctuary. There were two gun shops, a police station near the bridge, and the mall near the lake. Even the firefighter could have something useful like working protectrons. Sanctuary, even if it is a small town, is still 5 km in diameter. It won't be tomorrow that we will know everything around here. Danny said that it's been a long time since someone got here, so maybe no humans, but ghouls, deathclaws, maybe even Raiders, The Forge, or Gunners…" I continue, but Nora's skeptical stare stops me.

"How do you know all of that?" she asked suspiciously.

'Fuck…' I say in my head. 'Deathclaws escaped AFTER the bomb fell and weren't known. And The Raiders, self-explanatory, do what they are called, how couldn't they exist, but Gunners are mercenaries, and The Forge is a gang… How do I escape this shit…'

'It's time for BULLSHIT NO JUTSU!' "I'll show you right now, everything is on the Pip-Boy," I lie, not knowing if there is actually real data about them inside the Pip-Boy, but fingers crossed the data exists inside un-confidential files.

"And you read all that in that short time?" she asks. I ignore her as I search 'Gunners' inside the search tab, who's looking like a magnifying glass icon.

I began to read "Vault 81: 8 October 2286 - … Again… The Berty merchant caravans were protected by Gunners! They are the same as those bloody Raiders! We couldn't take the supplies because these fuckers wanted to 'have a drink' inside. They can't even lie properly, it's the 3rd time this month!"


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A wish you a merry chris-... day !

DuncanIneaucreators' thoughts