
Haven Of Peace System

(A boys love story) Cadel was a ruthless assassin. A human weapon, One of the many others who was forced to kill by the Soul parasite which threatened his world. One should not be fool by his frightfully beauteous and fragile appearance. Condemned by many, cursed by many, and in the end killed by many. He didn’t resist. Allowing his worthless enemies to cut him down into bloody pieces. He only said one sentence before taking one last breath. “Thank you for freeing me...” The world was a cruel place. Sigh, he only wanted some peace and escape this wretched bloody world. What he didn’t expect was to find himself tied to a system and to forcefully go on missions in various worlds. Ding! Ding! Ding! Kerpuffle: Fear not! You will achieve a glorious life of peace! Cadel: *Sighs in relief* Kerpuffle: Er... after you finish this task. Oh! I forgot about this one! Oh, and this one! Wait, wait there’s a couple more... uhh, let me list them down. Give me a minute! Cadel: *Groans* Can I just go back to being dead now? A particular nameless person: Be good. Come into my arms, little kitten. ....................................................... “This fierce untouched beauty can only be cherished.” “My love, it has been centuries. I missed you...” “Let’s run away to a place where no one will find us.” “If you cannot leave here for eternity then... I will stay with you.” “With a bleeding body, I groveled before your grave... please take me with you.” How outrageous is this love. But if I have to suffer a million years for a single touch of your skin, for a single glance at your face, for hearing a single word from your mouth, then let suffering come to me. There is a price for peace. Hello, your Author here! Hehe~ I was inspired so I wrote this novel. The cover is personally drawn by me~ Hehe, want a commission? || NOTICE || This is a BL (Boys love) Story. Please be mindful~ Updates will be Sporadic

Heather_ANARE · LGBT+
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20 Chs

|| Chapter 1.4 || A Little Bonding

|| Chapter 1.4 || A Little Bonding

Cadel once said to himself that he would one day spend hours under the rain just to feel the shower upon his face and his body. It would be a wonderful experience. He would just be dancing under the downfall for as long as he liked, never caring about anything in the world. However, today was indeed not that day. He should be happy getting mud on his feet and not dragging some unconscious man through the storm.

Huffing as he struggled to search for cover within the dense forest, Cadel hitched the boy a bit higher on his back as he moved forward. He was anxious about the life-meter decreasing every second as he traveled further. He was down to one and a half but just a bit more... He will reach home where his little piano was, hot chocolate waiting, a warm fluffy blanket in his attic, and the little fireplace. Cadel felt motivated as he trudged through the muddy ground.

Finally, Cadel spotted the wall of the estate. It was hard to see from afar because of the tall trees, but Cadel could recognize it at one glance. Relief filled his expression. His steps fastened, coughing as the life-meter was down to one bar. He was nervous, but he knew he was going to make it.

Finally, Cadel plastered himself against the concrete wall. He released a sigh of relief, seeing the meter increase. Squeezing his eyes as the rain poured down on him, he decided to bring this young boy into his home. Consequences be damned.


"Young master! Who is he?! Get away from him!"

Cadel flinched as he faced the now awakened robot puppet. The system's influence has worn off, and now standing at the foyer with eyes burning a raging hell within, Mary confronted her master with a frightening expression. Her right arm transformed into a sharp double-edged blade, glinting fiercely under the light.

Mary wondered how she had shut down. She clearly remembered the exact time she deactivated. She mulled over how her precious master Luke encountered this foreign person. The estate is hidden well, almost buried within the forests surrounding the land. The Lord patriarch of the Vermillion clan made sure no one was able to discover this estate. And yet this... boy was here...

Fury filled Mary's eyes, and she advanced to eradicate the threat. The young master's existence must remain hidden or else...

Cadel took a step back in alarm. He held the boy in his arms tightly. "No! Stop! He's not a bad person!"

"Young master, Luke, step away from that person. You don't know anything about the people beyond this house. They are dangerous."

"B-But I don't want you to hurt him... " Luke bit his lips. The corner of his eyes turned red. "He's already hurt... At... At least let me help him... He is..." Cadel couldn't believe what he was about to say. "H-He's my friend..."

His exquisite face morphed pitifully. The corners of his eyes turned red, filled with punished tears, and his slender arms were trembling as he refused to let go of the boy in his arms. He was shivering from the cold. The pitiful figure could move the hearts of even the coldest beings in the world, most especially to one particular maiden puppet.

Mary had watched the child in front of her grow ever since he was still a baby. He was a frail thing. So fragile and small, so innocent. A pure thing. Mary had never met anyone as gentle and as sweet as the young child n front of him. Now, she was watching the child go against her. His beautiful, brave eyes stared at her fearlessly.

Clenching her fist, Mary tried to think of a way to separate the young master from that wretched boy, but the longer she stared at those eyes, the more she hesitated until she sighed in defeat. She could not let Luke be unhappy. Then just this once...

Her blade arm returned to its original form, and she watched as Luke's eyes softened.

Just this once...


Letting out a pained groan, the boy on the bed breathed heavily. His lashes trembled before a pair of weary golden eyes opened slightly. Cedric swallowed, feeling like a massive boulder was pressing against his whole being. Finally adjusting his vision, he met with a plain white ceiling. The refreshing scent of gardenias entered his nose. It was soothing.

Then his gaze lowered at the sight pressure around his hand. Cedric paused.

A head of pure white hair with slightly curled ends entered his sight. A boy that was probably a year older than him was holding his hand and sleeping at the edge of the bed. His face was turned to Cedric, allowing the boy to scrutinize his features. Long curled lashes trembled, rosy cheeks like pink flower petals, and full dewy lips parting a rose bloom at dawn. He had skin as pale as snow but softer and healthier. He was exquisite.

Cedric was certain this person was the one who saved him at the river incident. Was he one of the candidates? How come Cedric has never seen his face before. No, this boy couldn't possibly be one of them. Cedric studied every single candidate participating in the competition. This boy... isn't one of them...

Then who is he?

Suddenly, a hair-raising chill climbed up his spine. Cautious and alarmed, Cedric lifted his eyes at the door to meet a pair of glowing red eyes. A woman was staring at him as if she was about to eat him raw. Meat, bones, and all.

Cedric unconsciously tightened his hand around the slumbering Cadel, accidentally waking the young boy. Cadel rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He looked up and widened his eyes in surprise.

"Oh, You're awake!" Cadel said. His eyes shined brightly as he smiled.

Cedric blinked, staring at the youth's sharp teeth and mesmerizing crimson eyes. Suddenly, he didn't know what to say.

A vampire.

Cadel blinked his eyes. Curiously, he leaned forward. "Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?"

In an instant, Cedric jerked back on the headboard as his eyes darted between the boy and the woman behind him. "Who are you people? Where am I?"

Cedric raised his voice as he looked around him. Then he stopped and hurriedly looked at his wrist. The silver band remained around his wrist, and the blinking light beeped rapidly, matching his heart rate.

Cadel furrowed his brows and dismissed Mary. Although reluctant, the female robot only glared at Cedric one last time before exiting the room. He told the dumpling system to put up a soundproof barrier around the room before he returned his attention to Cedric Gray. Yes, Cadel was well familiar with this young boy. He was the most promising candidate in the competition. His chance of winning was one-hundred percent, the system reckoned. His original fate was to die with the other candidates. Fortunately, Cadel could not let that happen. Perhaps, the future will change because of what he had accomplished

"You... " Cedric briefly glanced at the bandages around his arms and legs. "Thank you for saving me..."

"You're welcome." Cadel smiled faintly. "You must be confused-"

"You're the one who took out Alexander Theal's men, aren't you?" Cedric declared without a second thought. His eyes are as sharp as knives.

Cadel paused. Turmoil filled his heart. Yet, it skipped a beat. Not bad. It seems conversing with this little man will be a bit easier... But still...

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Cadel feigned ignorance. With a faint smile, he turned his head and proceeded to pour the sixteen-year-old a glass of warm water.

There was suspicion in Cedric's eyes, but he didn't push the matter further. There were more important things to finish. He had no time to be lounging in some stranger's care.

Hours later, Cedric grew restless as he stayed inside the room. It was only with Cadel's permission did the psychotic-looking woman release him. Cedric was able to wander around the manor with Cadel as the tour guide. The teenager with bright ruby eyes looked dazzling as he kept on a sweet smile. He pointed at every interesting thing he could find as they walked in the halls and would try his best to impress the frowning boy behind him. Although Cedric only looked annoyed, he trailed behind Cadel without a single word of complaint.

Cedric witnessed the raging storm beyond the windows of the hallways. It was violent, and he knew that a teenager like him would not survive out there during this type of weather.

Young master Luke looked excited and happy in the presence of another person. He was calm, and anyone could perceive his pure intentions in his eyes. Cadel could read him like an open book sometimes. However, he wasn't the least interested in the boy. He was purely dedicated to finishing the competition as soon as he can. When the storm lifts, he will leave.

"Do you play the piano?" Cadel suddenly asked him curiously as they walked into the piano room.


Cedric refused to respond, only looking into the eyes of the boy in front of him. Luke obviously had the mind of a child. However, Luke's height annoyed him more. The boy was a few inches taller than him.

Ignoring Cedric's coldness against him, Cadel hummed a low song as he opened the curtains slightly, peeking at the rain. He turned around the grand piano and played a few notes. His fingers dance elegantly on the piano keys.

"Playing gives me a peace of mind. How about you?" The boy lifted his eyes with a soft smile. He looked as if he was already used to the silence around him.

The only look Cedric gave him was out of indifference. Without a second thought, he took one last look at Cadel before turning around and leaving the room. Cadel could only helplessly run after him, inquiring about his likes and dislikes.

Ding! Ding!

Kerpuffle: Host, why are you so concerned about the child?

Cadel: "..."

Kerpuffle: Host?

Cadel: I've never had a proper conversation with a kid before...

Kerpuffle: That's it?

Cedric Gray lived a life where he was surrounded by people who had high expectations of him. They taught him how he was destined to be great and powerful. He had surpassed the achievements of most of his ancestors at a very young age. Both vampire and human genes had long combined to create a new generation of humans, hunters. They were stronger and more intelligent, surpassing the strengths of both humans and vampires. Cedric was a pure-blooded hunter belonging to the Gray Clan, one of the most prominent hunter clans. Cadel wouldn't be surprised if this child would grow up suffocated by the pressure of his clan members.

Cadel felt a little sympathy for him. So, it wouldn't hurt to interact with him a bit. A little love wouldn't hurt him. Kerpuffle thought Cadel should stop reading those dramatic romance novels of his.

The next day, Cadel woke up early to drag Cedric to play chess. Thunders roared in the sky, but the young vampire boy only ignored it and arranged the chess pieces. He says cross-legged on the cushion before a small coffee table, eagerly waiting for Cedric to take his place.

"You're older than me, and yet you act childishly... How laughable." Cedric snorted as he eyed the pieces on the chessboard. He shifted his gaze to the billowing wind past the windowsill. It looked as if nature was attacking the manor at all sides. He already knew where the gates were. The only thing left to do is wait for the storm to calm.

Cadel propped his chin on his palm. "You're young, aren't you supposed to have fun?"

"I'm not supposed to have fun. I'm supposed to be out there, competing."

"Well, you're here right now. So, take a seat..." Cadel patted the table.


Cedric gave him an annoyed look before marching out the door without turning back. Sighing, Cadel looked at the chessboard and moved a pawn on a black square. Although he used to be playing by himself, it would have been a bit more interesting to have an opponent. The walls around the little man were a bit difficult to break down. However, Cadel was used to waiting. The little man might be colder to him now, but perhaps he'll warm up to him after a few days.


Scratch that. He will never warm up to Cadel.

It's been four days since the chessboard failure, and Cedric hasn't even given him a single sincere smile. Well, most of it was just mocking Cadel of his persistence. He tried baking cupcakes, rejected. He tried urging Cedric to play board games with him, rejected. He wanted to dress him up, rejected. Mary was almost seething, and Cadel had to send her away to cool off. Whatever 'cool' thing he did result in Cedric ridiculing him. Honestly, why was impressing this child more difficult than actually assassinating someone?

Cadel laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as if all the answers were all painted on it. He sighed. Maybe, there was no use. The teenager turned to his side, pressing his cheek on the soft pillow.

After a few seconds, a small smile formed on his lips. Cadel couldn't help but chuckle. What an interesting child...

Cadel, as a child, had the worst experience being the puppet of the soul parasite and its followers for years. He sold his soul, his body, his heart to be able to free himself from the shackles that bound him with the wretched alien entity. He had never experienced anything the average child would have. The memories should've traumatized him so much that they would break him inside and out until now. However... Cadel only felt nothing.

He just wanted to live again.

A solitary life was what he expected in this world. With only him and Mary...

But, with another person in the house... he had to admit it was more interesting, especially with this little man frequently rejecting his advances.

Cadel rose up from bed and stretched. Well, there was no point in forcing kindness on someone who doesn't want it. Perhaps, the little man will find the heart to open up with another person in the future. He has a long life to live now...

Cadel dressed and slowly walked towards the door. It was another day of living comfortably.

Going to go a little faster in the next chapter~

Thanks for reading!

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