
Haven Of Peace System

(A boys love story) Cadel was a ruthless assassin. A human weapon, One of the many others who was forced to kill by the Soul parasite which threatened his world. One should not be fool by his frightfully beauteous and fragile appearance. Condemned by many, cursed by many, and in the end killed by many. He didn’t resist. Allowing his worthless enemies to cut him down into bloody pieces. He only said one sentence before taking one last breath. “Thank you for freeing me...” The world was a cruel place. Sigh, he only wanted some peace and escape this wretched bloody world. What he didn’t expect was to find himself tied to a system and to forcefully go on missions in various worlds. Ding! Ding! Ding! Kerpuffle: Fear not! You will achieve a glorious life of peace! Cadel: *Sighs in relief* Kerpuffle: Er... after you finish this task. Oh! I forgot about this one! Oh, and this one! Wait, wait there’s a couple more... uhh, let me list them down. Give me a minute! Cadel: *Groans* Can I just go back to being dead now? A particular nameless person: Be good. Come into my arms, little kitten. ....................................................... “This fierce untouched beauty can only be cherished.” “My love, it has been centuries. I missed you...” “Let’s run away to a place where no one will find us.” “If you cannot leave here for eternity then... I will stay with you.” “With a bleeding body, I groveled before your grave... please take me with you.” How outrageous is this love. But if I have to suffer a million years for a single touch of your skin, for a single glance at your face, for hearing a single word from your mouth, then let suffering come to me. There is a price for peace. Hello, your Author here! Hehe~ I was inspired so I wrote this novel. The cover is personally drawn by me~ Hehe, want a commission? || NOTICE || This is a BL (Boys love) Story. Please be mindful~ Updates will be Sporadic

Heather_ANARE · LGBT+
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20 Chs

|| Chapter 1.2 || Listening To The Rain

Knock! Knock!

Cadel automatically lifted his head towards the door of his room. His hearing is sharp, and he narrowed his eyes cautiously. He was used to keeping a dagger under his bed and a knife strapped to his calf. However, right now, he was defenseless, stuck in a foreign... teenage body with only this... Glass cylinder in his hand?

"Young Master, It's time for breakfast. I know you're awake." A soft feminine robotic voice sounded from beyond the door.

Cadel relaxed as he recognized the owner of the voice with the help of the original's memories.

Luke Vermillion was a Pure-blood safely hidden from the eyes of the world ever since he was a child. His parents were the last purebloods of two different clans. They died tragically under the hands of Valerian several years ago. Valerian's threat to the pure-blood vampire race made the rest of Luke's family resort to shielding Luke away from the world. He was hidden well in one of the oldest five identical estates own by his clan family. The hidden estates were created to be identical and were located in five different places all over the world to confuse any traitors or Valerian's men if they could somehow learn about Luke. Several years passed, and only the grand patriarch of the Vermillion clan was the only living person who knew about the hidden pure-blooded child.

To avoid any traitors, none other than a puppet was tasked to raise Luke and guard him. He lived all his life in solitary and was curious about the world.

Cadel sighed as the last information appeared in his mind.

Luke Vermillion... was the last pure-blood Valerian needed to complete his ascension to absolute immortality and power. In the end, he was found and this beautiful estate was razed to the ground.

Cadel gripped his glass cylinder in his hand. The original Luke died hopelessly and was tossed away like an empty water bottle. Cadel was sure hell as certain that wasn't a 'noble' way to die. Whatever, he'll have time to think about it. For now, his stomach was going to eat innards if he doesn't get food down quickly.

"Come in!" Cadel called.

The door opened in the next instant. A tall, middle-aged woman with a formal high-bun hairdo entered. She was dressed in a long-sleeved dress with a high buttoned collar, looking elegant and gentle. However, this woman was neither human nor vampire. She was the said 'puppet' created to aid young master Luke.

"Good morning, Mary." Cadel greeted awkwardly before he slowly got off the bed.

Mary returned his greeting with a smile before reaching out and making his bed. After she watched Cadel enter the bathroom, she began choosing his clothes and belongings to wear for the day before waiting for her young master Luke to finish freshening up.


"I've prepared a list of things you would like to do for the day after your lessons. It will be easy and interesting to do." Mary spoke as she poured Cadel a glass of milk. "Young Master, your seventeenth birthday is a week away. Your grandfather would want to see you again."

"Yes." Cadel nodded as he held the milk with two hands, sipping on it lightly. His thoughts were filled with the image of the person he'd seen in the mirror back in the bathroom. He had checked his teeth for fangs, and he'd cut his finger playing with it. His hair was pure white, and his eyes were as red and sparkling as rubies. He had studied his own body, and he couldn't believe how slender and young he was. His skin wasn't marred with scars and wounds. Honestly, it was all too amazing. He can't believe he was really in another person's body.

He's really alive. Nothing was hurting or chasing him now. There were so many things he wanted to do!

Mary lifted his eyes and softened her gaze when she saw the sparkles in the child's eyes. Oh, her dear young master was excited indeed!

Kerfuffle: My Lovely host, I'm glad you're enjoying your warm milk. You have five hours left before the time to plant the marker expires, and you will be obliterated.

Cadel almost sprayed his milk at the System's sudden warning. He coughed, and Mary was quick to pat his back and wipe his mouth. Cadel's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Cadel: 'You're telling me this now?!'

Kerpuffle: 'Yes. I am. Well, you were really enjoying your time there in the bathroom. My little self didn't want to intrude. You looked so happy...'

Cadel resisted the urge to squeeze the life out of that flying dumpling. He forced himself to remain calm and continued on his meal while berating Kerfuffle with a million words in his mind.

After breakfast, Cadel internally struggled as he was led all over the house by Mary. He performed well in all his lessons striving to be as normal as he could. However, he could not help but be intrigued by all the things he hadn't tried in all his life, such as playing the piano and violin or doing a little bit of gardening. Before he knew it, three hours had passed. Cadel was so caught up in learning that he didn't realize his time was running out. Therefore, Cadel made a terrible excuse to Mary of using the bathroom before rushing off into the house.

"How do I do this?" Cadel asked as he examined the glass stick.

Kerfuffle: You only have to place it on the ground and leave it to activate. Don't worry. It is unseen to anyone else. The marker will only be visible to you.

Cadel snorted. He didn't know how those words were some comfort. Perhaps, it would be best to place it at the center of the house. The inner courtyard within the mansion was probably the best place. It was close to his room and the library where he would do his studies. Although Cadel was curious about the areas beyond the walls of the estate, there were still many exciting things to do in the house. His only worry was what he would do when the time to leave the estate would arrive. Cadel furrowed his brows in concern.

Kerpuffle: Host! Don't worry. There are still many years ahead to think about it. You're smart, so you'll probably figure it out.

In his head, the little floating dumpling was cheering him on. Cadel only felt even more sullen. 'Tch, easy for you to say. You're not the one whose life is on the line.'

Kerpuffle: (sighs heavily)

Hurriedly heading towards the courtyard, Cadel ran with his skinny legs, cautious about the time ticking in his head. Arriving, he didn't stop to admire his extravagant surroundings and approached the fountain situated at the center of the courtyard. He felt so tired already. Cadel wasn't used to the frequent exhaustion.

Wearing a stern expression, he climbed up the fountain and extended his hand out. The glass cylinder in his hand appeared to glisten beautifully. He hoped what he was doing was right. Loosening his fingers, the glass dropped into the flowing water. It faded away before it could even reach the bottom of the fountain. Cadel could feel a burst of energy spreading outwards from beneath his feet.

A ring sounded in his head.


(Base Marker Activated)

Three yellow gauges appeared at the right side of Cadel's vision. Three full lives. If Cadel weren't careful, the bars would be emptied, and he would die.

Kerpuffle: The areas beyond the estate's gates do not reach the marker's scope of movement. I advise the host to please stay within the estate to avoid life depletion.

"Great." Cadel scrunched his face as he mumbled. So he was literally trapped in here. With a sigh, Cadel carefully got down the fountain's edge. No matter. He wasn't intending to exploring just yet. He wanted to spend his days soothing his mind, ignoring the dumpling in his head, and relaxing.

"Young Master Luke, what are you doing here?" Mary suddenly revealed herself. Her eyes glowed a bright red as she scanned the area.

"Oh, I was trying to get a breath of fresh air," Cadel answered with a faint smile, hiding the surprise in his voice. "I was about to go to the bathroom..."

"Oh, I see. Then I shall escort you." Mary revealed a soft smile. She didn't want for Cadel's response and gestures for him to follow her.

Cadel recognized that look on her face. It was calculating and suspicious. Mary must have realized how strange he was ever since he woke up. Shaking his head, Cadel decided to be more careful. Even robots had more awareness than humans.


A couple of days passed, the manor was as silent as it was in the evening. Rain poured, and the distance of the forests and mountains seemed vague at the window. It was noon, yet the dimness seemed to haunt the lonely hallways. One would think something malevolent was haunting the place. However, squatting before the round window, where the heavy hitter-patter of the rain knocked, was the young master Luke leaning his head against the windowpane. The fire crackled in the small fireplace. A sweet, warm ambiance seemed to envelop the small room in the attic.

Closing his eyes, Cadel listened to the rain. A warm blanket was wrapped around his shoulders and within his hands was a cup of hot chocolate. Perhaps, to some people, this was something so insignificant, but Cadel, it was like a dream come true. He didn't need to worry about his depleting rations, the people hunting him, or the threat of the soul parasite in his mind. Here, it was so peaceful that he could shed tears. Books surrounded his comfortable form, towering like pillars while others laid open and unfinished.

Cadel was taking a break from the romance novel he was reading, enjoying the soothing sounds of the rain. 'Nothing was hurting him...'


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Cadel lazily opened his eyes in annoyance. This little stupid shi-

Kerpuffle: Language Host!

Rolling his eyes, Cadel snorted. "What is it?"

He took a small sip of his hot chocolate and pretended to be calm.

Kerpuffle: Intruders detected, three miles away from the base marker.

Cadel immediately sat up so quickly that he almost spilled the hot liquid on himself. Crimson eyes blinking at the window, Cadel inquired. "Valerian people?"

No, it was impossible the timeline didn't state the attack to be so early. There were multiples occurrences before that. Events such as...

Cadel drew his brows together. "What day is it?"

Kerpuffle stated the genuine time and date of the current world. Cadel nodded as the events clicked together. Today was the day of the tradition of three powerful hunter clans in the world. These hunter clans were precisely the people who joined to create an organization to destroy Valerian and his people. They swore to defeat anything that could endanger all the lives of both humans and vampires in the world—most especially pure-bloods.

"If I'm not wrong, the clans must have held one of their joined traditions near these mountains." Cadel gazed at the rainy scenery outside. The clan leaders would leave their children in the forests to survive for one month. Although the children could pull out of the competition anytime, they would lose the right for succession. All the gifted and skillful children of the clan had participated. However, a tragedy would occur, and most of the talented and outstanding children will die.

One of the children was so ambitious and desperate that he created a trap to force all the candidates to surrender. However, it didn't come to him that the trap would kill him and many others.

Cadel lowered his gaze. Imagining the deaths of those children reminded him so much of his childhood where children like him were sent to run into the woods and hunt each other to survive. His guts twisted into a knot at the thought. He couldn't bear to let those kids die...

The event would begin today at exactly midnight. But the tragedy would occur a week after the event starts. Cadel had enough time to prepare.

Drinking the last of his hot chocolate, Cadel stood up from beside the window sill and picked up his unfinished book. 'It seems I would be joining a hunt.'

His eyes deepened as he left the warm room, formulating a plan.


Under the dreary evening sky, the stars blanketed the atmosphere. The clouds had dissipated after the heavy rain, leaving the damp earth and humid forests. The freezing wind swept past the leaves, caressing the dancing tips of the wet grass.

A distance away from the hidden house belonging to one particular young master was a field facing the border of the dark forest. Tents were assembled, armor vehicles lined in rows, and a group of people roamed patiently, awaiting the beginning of the event. They have all been looking forward to it.

"Young Master, will you be alright?"

Within a lone tent, a tall man questioned. Concern was written all over his expression as he gazed at the young man facing the entrance of the tent, gazing at the looming wilderness.

Youth was evident from the exquisite features of the young man's face, but it seemed as if years of disapproval and disappointment had shaped him into the cold-hearted child he is now. His golden eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness of the forest, exploring the dangers within it. Many had looked at him in both awe and expectation. But most of all, it was the foul gazes of jealousy and bitterness.

"Ready my equipment, David." That was all he said in reply to the worried man behind him.

"... I... understand, Master Cedric." The man named David sighed in defeat.

David watched as the boy left the tent to join the elders of the Gray clan. Countless eyes fell upon him. Like wolves wanting to tear him apart yet grovel before his feet at the same time.

Six hours left until the commencement of the competition...