
Volume 1. Chapter 0 - Prologue

That's the end of my frail, boring and worthless life. I died, but I don't even remember how. All I remember is that I was drinking in a bar, and after that... that's it. Apparently, I died in a drunken brawl or something, but it doesn't matter at all, I don't want to know.

An endless darkness, through which one mortal soul floated in anticipation of something. But nothing happened.

Am I really dead? Maybe I'm just unconscious.…

My brain was already searching for answers, and there was a little hope when I found myself right in front of the angel.

She was a beautiful girl, dressed in a white cape, from under which I could see pure white skin and part of a large chest, from which I could not take my eyes off.

While I was looking, the angel girl was just reading something.

Nothing happened, and finally taking my eyes off her sexy body, I examined the place I was in. To my surprise, this place looked like a bank reception room, which made me have some unpleasant memories.

Yes... loans, loans, and then collectors... those were fun times!

After a few minutes of silence, I finally asked a question.:

— I'm dead, right? — I tried to speak as modestly and uncertainly as possible, as if I were a good boy.

—Yes," she replied firmly and coldly.

Of course, I didn't really like her tone, but I couldn't say anything, so I just continued.

"Am I... am I going to heaven or am I going to be reborn?"

It would be nice to be reborn in some fantasy world where there will be cat girls, elves, slaves… I would have a big harem! I would become super strong so that no one would bother me.

My thoughts, which goes without saying, immediately became mired in lust and desires, until I quickly pulled myself together, because since I have an angel in front of me, then she can read thoughts, probably?..

— Yes, I can.

— And…

Oh, fuck.

— But don't think anything, these are ordinary human desires... — I tried to justify myself.

—Yes, yes..." she replied so coldly and indifferently that she was already starting to piss me off, but I had to keep my thoughts in check.

Calm down, calm down…

— And then where do I go... — I asked again.

 Oh, yes... to hell.

— Yes, it will be… "what?

"Your karma is negative," she began, "you have done a lot of bad things in your life. You cheated, took out loans, deceived people, especially girls," she read from a notebook, "you also had unclean thoughts, for example, you wanted to rape a classmate.

— Um... — I was nervous, which made my face look fucking askew, — I don't think I was that bad. After all, I didn't kill or rape anyone, and fraud... can hardly be called something bad..." I was already mumbling.

— Really? She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

- yes! Many people were engaged in fraud, but this did not make them bad. It would be more accurate to say that they simply taught gullible simpletons to be smarter! I defended myself.

Well, it's true!

Crossing one leg over the other and exposing her curvy thighs, to which my eyes were simply magnetized, she replied firmly:

— And yet fraud is a crime.

Avert your eyes... avert your eyes... eh? What did she say there?

—Fraud is a crime," she repeated.

— It depends where. And anyway, since fraud is, in your opinion, a crime, then put all the bureaucrats in hell!

"A lot of people are already there," she replied boringly. — It all depends on the number of a person's karma, and your karma is negative.

— But this is not an indicator…

— Indicator. Bye, have a nice trip," she waved at me, after which I began to fall straight into hell. There was complete silence in the office.

— Well, here's another one ... — the girl clicked her nails boringly. — And why do I always get such individuals?..

Meanwhile, I was flying to hell, where my amazing adventure would begin!

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