
1. The Darkness

In the encompassing darkness, I am lost. No light penetrates this void, and I am left to stumble blindly, my senses overwhelmed by the absence of illumination. With each step, I struggle against the oppressive nothingness that surrounds me, my movements futile against the suffocating blackness.

My mind races with questions, but there are no answers to be found in this desolate realm. How did I come to be here? What path led me to this forsaken place? Memories elude me, slipping through my grasp like whispers on the wind, leaving me with nothing but a sense of profound disorientation.

Desperation claws at my chest as I attempt to scream, to cry out into the void and shatter the silence that envelops me. But my voice is but a whisper, swallowed by the darkness, lost amidst the vast expanse of nothingness that stretches out before me.

In this realm of shadows, time loses all meaning. Minutes stretch into hours, hours into days, and still I am trapped within this endless night, a prisoner of the abyss.

In the stillness of the void, a voice pierces the silence, sending a shiver down my spine. It's not my own voice echoing in the darkness, but that of a man—a whisper so faint it's as if it's spoken directly into my ear.

Startled, I turn to my left, searching for the source of the haunting whisper. Yet, as quickly as it came, the voice shifts, now echoing from my right ear, its soft cadence sending a chill through the air.

With each whispered word, I feel a sense of unease creeping over me, as if the very darkness itself is speaking to me. My heart races as I strain to comprehend the meaning behind the mysterious voice, but its origin remains elusive, lost amidst the shadows that surround me.

Amidst the darkness, my desperate cries echo into the void, unanswered and swallowed by the abyss. But then, like a glimmer of hope in the night, a faint light appears, drawing my gaze like a moth to flame.

With renewed determination, I press onward, drawn inexorably towards the distant beacon of light. Though the path ahead may be fraught with peril, I cannot afford to falter. For in this world of darkness, that faint glimmer may be my only salvation.

With tentative steps, I approach the source of illumination, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I draw closer, the light resolves into two orbs of golden fire, their brilliance piercing through the shadows that envelop me.

But what I thought were mere orbs reveal themselves to be something far more unsettling—eyes. Two fiery orbs fixate on me from the darkness, their intensity burning into my soul with an unspoken message.

Paralyzed by fear, I watch as the eyes begin to move, a silent yet menacing presence in the abyss. With each movement, they seem to draw closer, closing the distance between us until I can feel their gaze searing into my very being.

Once more, the haunting voice calls out from the shadows, its silky timbre weaving through the air like a siren's song. With a shiver, I turn on my heels, confronting the source of the enigmatic voice.

There, standing before me, are the same golden eyes, glimmering with an otherworldly allure. They move with a predatory grace, each motion calculated and deliberate, sending a chill down my spine.

As the voice continues its relentless call, I feel its resonance reverberating within me, filling me with a strange sense of recognition. Though the voice does not utter my name, I can't shake the feeling that it is meant for me, that I am the one it seeks.

"Seraphina," it whispers, each syllable dripping with an intensity that leaves me breathless. Despite my attempts to deny it, the name resonates within me, stirring something deep within my soul.

"I- I'm not S-Seraphine," I stammer, my words faltering in the face of the unearthly presence before me. But even as I speak, I watch in horror as the eyes begin to change, their once-golden hue darkening into something altogether more sinister.

The once-golden eyes now blaze with a fiery intensity of blood and gore, that pierces through the darkness, casting sinister crimson shadows upon the void. As they lock onto me with an unyielding gaze, a wave of terror washes over me, freezing me in place.

Before I can react, the eyes lunge forward with an alarming speed, their depths now swirling with a menacing darkness. I stagger backward, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggle to comprehend the unfolding nightmare.

In the blink of an eye, the haunting red eyes are upon me, their malevolent presence overwhelming my senses. I feel a chill run down my spine as the voice echoes in my ears once more, each word dripping with malice.

"Seraphina," it intones, a sinister promise of pain and suffering echoing in its wake. Before I can react, darkness envelops me once more, the deafening sound of pounding drums echoing in the abyss, drowning out all other thoughts along with the last image of those fangs.






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