

Fran Garner finds herself living in a haunted house, but among all the weird things around, there's something darker and more dangerous lurking. To her dismay, the only one who can deal with it is the king of TV ghost-hunting, Brandon Price. Not only is he the last person she would like to turn to for help: they're also black-and-white opposite about pretty much everything. So there's no telling what will happen when they have to work together to fix this mess. And after. Especially after. A story of bonds that transcend realms, and the struggle to overcome an inner darkness that can be scarier than actual demons.

La_Prelooker · Fantasy
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124 Chs


I think I got to frown. I'm not quite sure. If I did, it lasted less than a heartbeat, because his lips brushing mine melted it —and me— away. My eyelids fell, erasing whatever surrounded us, and I stood on my tiptoes to reach his lips better.

He broke our kiss a lot sooner than I would've wanted, and met my eyes with that warm smile that was my doom.

"Tell me again who's in the Manor right now?" he whispered, his thumb tracing my parted lips.

A stray brain cell, the sole survivor of his kiss, helped me answer. "The Blotters."

"Three, four of them?"


"Six, wow. And your two friends, and Isaac, right?"


"And a demon in the garden."

"He's not a demon."

"Well, your hellhound pet in the garden."


He tilted his head and I knew whatever he asked, I wouldn't refuse.

"How about sleeping here?"

The bastard whispered it with his lips brushing mine. Was I to say no? I just kissed him. And I had to stop him when he tried to turn to the bed.
