
Chapter Five

 For some reasons, the first thing my brain registered when I woke up, was that I was beneath the bed. I wasn't in anyway disoriented. I crawled out slowly while trying to avoid the glass pieces on the floor. My joints cracked into place, it had been stiff due to the fact that I had been sitting in the same position for long. Once I was out from beneath the bed, I stood up to my full height. I felt a little dizzy at first, but everything stood in full focus a while later. I checked the time and it was 9 am. I traced my step to the toilet and washed the blood off my face. I dried my face, then I brushed my teeth. I took a shower afterward. I let myself relax very well in the shower, then I was out and all dress to meet the coming event of the day. What massacre is Rose planning today? I'm all ready for it, but first I have to find out if I was the only victim of last night assault. I took  steady steps towards my room door, I twisted the knob expecting the door to open, but it was locked. I don't usually lock my door, but I checked the lock, it might be one of those rare occasion where I mistakenly shift the lock. With amazement combined with horror, I realised that the door was locked from outside. What was I going to do? 

     "Anna" I called, nobody answered "Anna" I called louder "Steve. Can someone get this damn door open" I bellowed. 

    "Relax. Your therapist would soon be here" Anna said. She was standing just outside my room. I could guess the key was resting somewhere behind her jeans pocket.

    "Who called for therapy? Who needs it?" I asked, knowing the obvious answer. Anyone locked behind a door is definitely the one that needed a therapist.

   "You of course" she said. An hint of anger was in her voice.

    "Why?" I was trying very hard not to start crying at that moment. Anyone could hear the sob in my voice.

    "Why else, you shattered your room window then went ahead to sleep beneath the bed. What were we suppose to do? Keep on watching while you go crazy?"

   "You idiot. It was an attack. If I shatter my window the glass would be outside not inside. You stupid idiot, now will you let me god damn out" I was almost wailing. Little sisters could be annoyingly stupid at times, especially if they are the last child. She was silent for a long time, I thought she left.

   "Well, the therapist is already on his way. Do well to cooperate, okay? Don't make me look stupid" She said after a while.

   "Is my life less important than your appearing stupid?" I asked "You might ask your new best friend why she's so resolved on killing me?" I asked again when she didn't answer my first question. She didn't answer that either, she must have left or probably decided to ignore me. The sob racked through my body and my legs gave way. Soon I was sitting with my back leaning against the door and my head bent on my folded arms. I was crying like never before. This is injustice, pure injustice. I was the one protecting them and I was the one being locked behind a door. I'm tired, what ever Rose will do to them let her do it. I'm done protecting a bunch of retarded fools. If she will cook thier flesh and serve it as grilled pork to her fellow witches, then let her do it.

     A few hours later, I heard the key rattle in my door. A signal that the therapy session is about to commence. I got up and rushed for the bathroom. The way I approach the therapist is very important. I made a thorough rinse of my face, I made sure every single tears had been rinsed off and my nose cleared. I breathed in and out to check if I'm still sniffing. No tears, a good measure. When I returned to the room the therapist was already going through my stuffs. He was a man of maybe fifty, I'm not that good in guessing people's age. He had a salt and pepper hair and his skin was slightly wrinkled at the back of his neck. He wore a grey shirt beneath his lab coat and his stetoscope was around his neck, like he intended to choke himself with it. His shoes were dusty and the tip as been grazed a lot of time. When he became aware of the fact that he wasn't alone anymore, he turn around and gave me a large smile. His eyes were like dark stones in his socket and they glistened with knowledge. Many years of studying a professional course probably paid off. His nose looked like it had been glued to his face and his still smiling lips looked white, as if blood doesn't flow in them.

    "Good day Miss Bella. I heard the water running in the bathroom and I thought you needed some private time. So, I decided to entertain myself before your return." He said then he offered his hand.

   "Good morning Mr..." I said trailing off as I didn't know his name. I ignored his out stretched hand though. Which probably the wrong thing to do. If there was any doubt that I wasn't crazy, I must have wiped it off his mind now. He probably think I am really crazy now.

    "James, you can just call me James" He said. He retracted his hand and took a deep breath as if to say "let the show begin" 

   "Doctor, if I was to break a window glass from within my room, where was the shatter from the glass suppose to be? inside or outside?" I asked. We had no reason for wasting each other time. I don't need a therapy session and he doesn't need to get paid for a job he didn't do.

    "Huh, outside" He said. He probably doesn't know the direction my question was going. He must have thought of it as funny that he was the one who is suppose to be doing the questioning, yet he is the one being questioned.

   "Case closed. I don't need a therapy session. If there is anyone who should be here it's the police and not a therapist." I said. I hopped on the bed and covered myself up in pretence of sleeping, when all I wanted to do was get to the fridge and eat every last food I see there. 

   "That's not the last part though. Your sister told me you had someone recently visit you. Rose if I'm correct?" He said. I didn't know if that was suppose to be a question, but I didn't answer him anyway.

    "She said you were overwhelmed with the hallucination that she's a witch. Why do you think of her as witch?" He asked.

   "I thought these is suppose to be a therapy and not interogation session?" I called from where I still had my back to him. 

   "But I don't know anything about what you are thinking. I had to know how your mind works before I would offer anything to ease it" He said. I heard a weight dropped on the edge of my bed. He must have come to sit beside me. I still didn't face him. I needed a listening ear, here is one sitting right thier before me. Would it hurt to tell him all that is going on? I could just tell him everything. Maybe for once someone might believe what I'm saying. So, I told him. I told him everything and I didn't filter anything, but I didn't tell him about Alice's advice. I rised into a sitting position when I was done with my story. My back was pressed to the pillow and I was facing him in eager expectation of some support. He nodded is head in an understanding way. For a moment, he didn't say anything, he was probably gauging his words and I didn't push him either, I waited patiently for him to make his mind obvious.

    "You know..." He started "the existence of demons and witches are mere myths. Even if they existed before, they have been eradicated and the issue regarding the black cat and the red eyes, those are just colours, it doesn't signify whether something is evil or not. Get it out of your mind now, black and reds aren't evil" he said.

   "What about my dreams and the images I see?" I asked.

   "Those are what comes with your overthinking things about demons and witches. Give Rose a chance and see how it turns out. If you still think of her as a witch, give me a call. I'm going to come straight down here with a priest. Okay?" He said and i nodded. The concern edge in his voice made it very reassuring for me, though I still don't believe his words of demons and witches being eradicated. Satan is still out there and if he's out there then he must have deciples. he can't be doing all the work alone, could he? I decided to give Rose a chance anyway and maybe if I'm friendly she's going to change are mind about the evil intention she had.

    "Thank you very much doctor" I said. I appreciated his effort and even if I'm still going to kick Anna's ass, I appreciated her effort too. I shook his hand this time and escorted him out. Time to be friends with Rose.


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