
Chapter two Doom's day

However on the 5th of April 2014 tragedy struck.


I was at the backyard looking aimlessly at my Dad who sat in the parlour devouring the akara and bread which he bought. You may be wondering where my mum is, my mum died when i was 7 in a fatal motor accident and since then he cared only for my sister. Sometimes he would feed me with soured soup and spoilt garri, anytime my sister tried to talk sense into him she gets either beaten or made to stay hungry throughout that day.


I was already dozing off on the side of the window when i felt a pain at my back that made me fell to my knees quickly, i opened my eyes to see my dad with a very long whip and he raised it again this time it touched my neck region and i screamed out my lungs out.

My sister that was my shield went out to visit a friend and i was left to face this beast and heartless man called my father. I stood up despite the flogging and tried running but i felt on the floor due to the weakness my body felt.

Blood was flowing from my hand suddenly i saw everywhere going round in circles and i passed out.

Check for chapter three