
Hate You, Love You.

Adelaide Montessori Prep, school for the children of the rich and upper-class members of the social ladder. So what is Melody Jones doing in a school like that? One word: Scholarship. ......................... Meet Melody: Melody is not a damsel in distress. She's witty, sassy, and badass, but one person just seems to irk her every time: Jason Blunt. Meet Jason: Son of a famous model and hot shot lawyer, Jason is living the high life: luxury vacations, private jets and designer everything. He seems to have it all but he just can't seem to stand one person: Melody Jones. But they both have secrets, and once they get woven into each other's web, it will change their perceptions about each other forever. Like they always say: There's always a fine line between love and hate. NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, this book would be told from the female lead's (Melody) perspective.

Queen_Of_Royals · Teen
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132 Chs


''Is that a dead skunk?''

''The head of a dead skunk,'' he corrects.

''Who would send this?''

''My guess is the people out for your boyfriend's blood, and by extension your blood,'' he answers bluntly. Leaning towards the side, he grabs a paper which I hadn't seen earlier and opens it. 

''What does it say?''

His expression goes hard again and he doesn't respond so I grab the paper from his hand. In bold letters, written in red blood ink or actual blood (I'm not entirely sure) are the words: 'YOU ARE NEXT.'

For a minute or two, I'm frozen, white as the sheet of paper I'm holding. The paper is trembling in my hands as I resist the urge to scream. I feel like my life is being sucked out of me with those three words. Whoever is trying to kill me has me on their radar. For fuck sake they know my house address and they could attack me or my family at any time.