
Chapter 6 : The journey of love

I never knew that this day would come ,when someone I had had a longlasting crush on would be my date,fascinating right? Des and I were just taking things slowly not to rush anything and enjoying the moment while it lasted. I went back to the hostel and called my two friends to come , see me to gist them about the recent updates. On my way to the hostel I bumped into someone,guess whom I ran into...you won't believe my eyes I was shocked as well for a bit but had to get a hold of my self,it was Michael,the guy at the party.

Hey! Watch were you are going,he said I scoffed,"are your kidding me am the one who ought to be saying that" I said in my mind,are u for real I out bursted ,he then freezed a bit as if he had saw a ghost, Josephine??I called out,what is it??I asked...He smiled and said wow!! Same old you Full of her self it was through your voice I recognized it was you..Jeez this guy is getting me irritated, I just feel like stabbing him, but am not a murderer I don't know why I so much despise him and hate the site of his presence,why most he be in same school with me not as if I owned the institution but I just can't stand him. It's me Michael he said ,I know already I replied...Wow !! you've changed a bit at least your beauty has enhanced, are you kidding me what does he mean by my beauty had enhaced, wasn't I beautiful from onset,I knew I had it in me , I was always beautiful, I don't need his stupid compliment,even though it sounded as an insult it was a compliment.Thanks I said what faculty are you ??he asked ,"Are you kidding me right now" I gave a fake smile Art I replied. Wow,close to my department am studying engineering,that means we would get to see often,he said. Hey!! I gotta go I said... trying to leave but was stopped.. Hey we ain't quarreling are we he asked??I looked at him with an eyebrow raised quarreling with who??I gat no time for such,I said in my mind,I am running to somewhere I lied just to get out of there,he smiled and said nice seeing you again... really??I don't feel same,I thought out loud yeah all in my head, it was as if I had an encounter with devil himself,that was the level of how he disgusted me. I smiled and said you too and bidded him farewell. Why must I have such a good day and want to ruin it with this bad nightmare,not as if he had done anything wrong to me I just hated not dislike,I hated every single thing about him. Reaching to the hostel,I called Jane and Ashley, Ashley said she was with Patrick her boo that when she was done with him she would come. So Jane came to the hostel as soon has she heard it was gist...my friends loved me so much and they loved everything about my life and most especially gist aspect,so I had to tell Jane the recent development..that I and Des are now an item..she was so surprised and at same time happy for me,but Phine she said...yeah I responded, why now??..I mean back then in college he acted as if you didn't exist,yeah I know that people change, and all that but am just concerned coupled with the fact, that I know you guys are really really really close..don't you think there must be a reason he acted cold towards you back then she asked...yeah she was right dou,and I had already confirmed that aspect today and the thing was that I hadn't filled them up about that part,so I told Jane about why he avoided me and she smiled and gave me a hug,am happy for you she said with a sigh of relief, she was about letting go Ashley walked in,what's going on here she enquired. I smiled and turned to her almost screaming but still on a low and excited tone,am dating Des now..she jumped with much excitement...Wow,baby girl am so happy for you,she gave me a hug at least your day dreaming has come to fulfillment,she said...I smiled...I never regretted having them as my friend they always gat my back.

I and Des were inseperable,he doesn't do anything without calling me informing with the details and all. If he was bored, he calls me online to come chat alongside with him,he was my addiction we spent quality time always together,yeah I know what you are thinking don't she have school activities to attend to than always been with a guy..?yeah I do but I try to balance the two together, but trust me when I say, it wasn't easy for me and I know it wasn't easy for him as well but I can't just stop loving him,even when I get alot of admirers from dudes in campus I turn them down cause I was so much blinded with love for Des. My love for him grew each day.