
Has been rebooted (read description)

This has been rebooted to a new novel named, Rebellious Path, check it out!

Omniverse_Creator · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Hero Exam? Are you fucking kidding me!?

As Riku said that, the students inside looked at him with blank expressions as if not able to process everything. 'The fucking pig-bodied shit-faced ugly son of a bitch became this handsome!?', was what they thought.

The instructor, of course, didn't know about Riku getting bullied and beat up like a fucking piece of shit turned into a soccer ball so, he just said, "Riku! no cursing in school premises!"

Riku then looked at him and sneered, "I don't fucking care about your fucking rules, shut the fuck up and start class, we'll find our seats."

The instructor couldn't help but grind his teeth, but one thing he knew, if he tried to attack Riku right now, he'll be turned into fucking meat paste that looked like shit.

Riku then walked towards the empty area with Yua and sat down. Yua then looked at Riku and said worriedly, "Onii-chan, you shouldn't lose, there might be consequences after all."

Yua already knew that Riku did not like to follow the rules ever since she stayed with him, but she didn't mind that at all, but it really gets her worried that she's about to die.

Smiling, Riku slowly sent out his hand in Yua's head and patted her head lightly as he said, "I don't really care about their consequences, but you're right, I shouldn't have lost my cool."

Yua then smiled widely as she happily nodded and appreciated Riku's pats. Lia, on the other hand, looked at Riku with pure happiness, it seems as if she was not affected by Riku cursing, she was just too happy to see him again, and this time, more than happy as she saw Riku's handsome face.

The guys who beat up Riku before he disappeared, had blank expressions on their faces as their minds went blank. They already looked like stupid shits, now they looked more like STUPID SHITS.

Riku couldn't help but chuckle momentarily, as that chuckle was filled with mockery and smugness. Riku couldn't help by cross his arms in smugness as the instructor coughed lightly to garner the attention of the students. Glaring at Riku, the instructor then said, "Alright, now that that's over with, you people should get ready for the Hero Exam, it will start in a few minutes, and oh, Riku, do not have that attitude during the examination."

Riku's lips couldn't help but twitch as he heard that whilst he thought, 'Hero Exam? Are you fucking kidding me!? fuck no, heroes are hypocrites, and what's more, I don't want to remember the show that I watched where the fan base makes gay ships, fuck no, even the main character looked gay.'

Riku then gazed at Yua and saw her having an excited and inspired expression. Riku couldn't help but smile and sigh bitterly as he just shrugged his shoulders and just listened in.

The instructor then looked at them with a big smile due to their silence and said, "Miss Ouri will come in later on and will lead you to the field, and at the time, the exam will start. Remember, be cautious and always expect the unexpected."

The instructor then turned around and was about to leave, but he stopped in his tracks as he looked back and said, "Oh, by the way, I'm Okimura Rai, A.K.A, Lightning Bolt", with a big smirk on his face.

The students then, couldn't help but get shocked, but Riku only has his face twitching and cringing whilst he grumbled, "An epic name isn't it? lightning bolt. I should get Zeus and let him throw you to the ass of hades. Fuck you, stop acting so smug when your name sucks ass."

The instructor smugly left as Riku heard the students talking about him, whispering and such, "I didn't think it was Lightning Bolt! Omg! we just met the fastest person on the planet!"

"Yeah! I know right! and he ain't just fast, he can even contend with the fifth-best lightning user!"

"Yea! and with his speed, I bet he can even beat the fourth-strongest lightning user!"

Riku then couldn't help but be intrigued as he thought, 'Ho! the fastest person on the planet huh, he beat Usain Bolt in speed with his lightning. I guess I'll forgive him from his cock sucking name just because he's a little bit strong.'

But at that time, Riku realized, 'Wait, Usain Bolt.... Lightning Bolt..... fuck, I ain't forgiving him. Usain Bolt is much better than his gay fuck name.'

Riku then couldn't help but cross his arms at the thought. Even he, who doesn't have a good naming sense, could make a better name than that.

At that time, a woman with blonde hair walked inside. She was not too tall, and not to short, and she had a quite petite body, so that means small breasts, but it is enchanting! And, one more thing, she was an elf!

She was wearing clothes that looked like ot cane from a fantasy novel and she had a bow that looked like she had to kill two unicorns to design it, placed on her back.

She then stood up front and said with an enchanting smile, "Students, I am Furukawa Ouri, you can call me Miss Furukawa or Miss Ouri, but outside the school, you should call me Glacia."

The students' heads then rose up as. they knew who she was, the famous ice archer. She was an absolute beauty as well, but the big breasts fans don't think so. They then excitedly talked about her, "Miss Glacia is the third strongest in the ice category, and is the best archer too! and she's really kind and caring, oh! I'm already jealous of the man who will steal her heart.

Riku then pondered upon the name, yes, he only cares about the name, 'Glacia huh, it fits perfectly actually. And it sounds nice too, at least she's better at naming than that Lightning Bolt.'

Ouri then smiled kindly as she looked at everyone present. Her face then turned from left to right with a smile, but when she saw Riku, she didn't know why, but her face flushed and she instantly turned her head.

After looking at everyone, she said, "Alright everyone! let's head out now! we don't have all day", as she clapped her hands to, as if, wake the students up.

The students then didn't just dawdle and sit down, they stood up and quickly formed a line, and that includes Riku and Yua. Ouri then smiled one more time as she said, " Alright everyone! let's head out!"

They then walked outside the room they were in and gone up to an empty field. It wasn't filled with grass nor dirt, but instead, it was filled with cement.

"Alright, everyone!", Ouri shouted as she looked at somewhere and continued, " Sensei! can you please set up this place quickly!", then suddenly, targets and such appeared kit of nowhere shocking the students, all except for Riku.

'They transferred everything using.... space magic', Riku then accessed his so-called memories and immediately knew it was space magic. Ouri then one more time clapped her hands as she said, "Everyone! shall we start the test?"

After speaking, Ouri grabbed her bow and aimed at a target. She then pulled the bowstring and suddenly, an ice arrow appeared out of nowhere. She then released the bowstring after aiming for a split second and hit a bullseye.

Ouri then smiled as she said, "Everyone can use projectiles to shoot something that is far. Be it a physically strong person, or a person who can use elements."

"Before we start the test though, I have to say one thing, anyone who fails the exam instantly gets expelled, no matter what", Ouri spoke words that caused the students to be in shock. They couldn't believe the instant expulsion if they fail. They should at least give them a chance you know.

"Alright, the test begins, let's start with Riku Akatsuki-kun", Ouri called out. Riku then walked forwards and Ouri looked at his extremely handsome face and his perfect-looking horns, which made her feel hot. Her face then flushed and she shook her head to calm down.

"The first test will assess your accuracy at projectiles, now let me ask you, are you the physical type or can you use magic it anything like that?", Ouri asked a question that Riku instantly answered with, "I can use magic."

Riku then raised his hand and a dark-colored ball appeared as various arrows that also has the same color as the ball simultaneously appeared.

Ouri's eyes then looked at Riku with shock as she thought, 'Manipulating Darkness!?', Riku then smirked as the dark-colored ball disappeared as he sent out his hand and the arrows instantly moved towards the targets at the speed of light.

I'm the god of cringe and I will always be the god of cringe, for I am the incarnation of cringe.

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