
Chapter twenty


"Come on brother we are going to be late" kess shouts from the bar to my room. A good 4 month have gone by since any of us have heard from Ava. The club spent over 2 month trying to find her but she has completely gone off the grid. My mind has gone from is she safe, what the fuck is she playing at, Fuck her and I can't get her out of my head. I just wanted to know she was ok. I kept tabs on Kyle this whole time but even he had no idea where she was and I knew this from our monthly pick ups because I would get the the 3rd degree and odd threat about knowing her whereabouts and paying with my life if I did. I swear this "partnership" is becoming a pain in my arse and everytime I see him I see Ava in the state on the floor in the bedroom all over again and want to kill him.

"FUCK SAKE SNIPER" Kess shouts as he walk into my room snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Jesus kess calm down, we are not going to be late" I roll my eyes laughing. I have never seen him this twirled over a girl but I guess if any girl can do it to him it's Terri. Yup Terri how it happened don't ask me although I think she petrified him into dating her poor Bobby did not stand a chance. So today is her birthday party she has been planning for weeks and spending the entire time bossing the boys in the club around, delegating jobs out and as we speak they are at her place setting up, even fucking blade has been dragged in and I have never ever seen him scared but I'm telling you pure fear flashed across his face when Terri glared at him when he tried to tell her no outsiders in the club and that his club was not a party planning service. Next thing I know he's offering the alcohol and taking it there himself. I take one last look in the mirror and mentally note I don't need to check the same black T-shirt and jeans and my cut look any different then the 50 other times I check a week. I walk by kess who is now pacing back and forward past my doorway. "Let's go what you waiting for I joke" he jabs me in the ribs "prick" he mutters and we walk to our bikes.

We pull up to Terris park up where all the other bikes are and walk in i hear a high pitch screech and see Terri fly at kess and the tongue down his throat is my que to head to the bar where most of the boys are looking like they have been on a 150 mile drive in the rain. I slap blade on the back who is rubbing his head. "Alright there boss man" I laugh.

"Don't" he holds his hand up and I just shake my head laughing and and pour a whisky. The party picks up as more people arrive and I take my spot next at the bar.

"Hey handsome" a voice from behind me has my heart stop. I spin in my chair to see a blonde but not the blonde I thought matched that voice. I roll my eyes as I try to restart my heart. "What's up darling" I smile.

She giggles and plays with her hair. Shes cute and I recognise her as one of terris friends that was helping setting up.

"Drink?" I ask

"Sure, thanks" she takes the bourbon I pour for her and I see her wince as she takes her sip.

"So how do you know Terri?" She looks around the room at the boys "she certainly made some new friends" she laughs.

I nod to kess who is stood wrapped round Terri. "My best friend is dating the birthday girl" I smile as I down my drink and pour another. We get into small talk as the night rolls on and take it to the sofa. She's a cool girl shares a little more than I'd like but she's passing the night. She leans in for a kiss and it's definitely the whisky that has me leaning towards her.

"AVA!?!?!" Terris voice echos through my ears and I almost head but this girl as I spin round to where her voice is coming from and there she is standing there in the door face full of fear which has me racing towards her I reach where Terri stands staring at her and then I see him. The guy behind her holding her shoulders and my concerns turn to instant anger as I feel someone behind me grab my hand as I lock eyes with the girl who bailed almost 5 month ago and the stupid jealous child in me holds her hand back as a fuck you which I instantly regret when I see avas eyes drop to my hand and a flash of hurt cross it before she composes her self that way she does and looks back at Terri "your safe" she says as looks like she is breathing for the 1st time.

"Why wouldn't she be safe" kess asks.

I leave go of the chicks hand and rush towards Ava and the preppy little arsehole holding her pulls her back. She looks back at him and smiles "it's ok" she whispers and I loose it.

"What the fuck Ava, who the fuck, where the fuck!!" She glances at me practically looks right fucking through me and my anger builds.

She looks back to Terri "I thought he had hurt you, I'm glad you are safe" she says wiping a tear from her eye and at that they rap their arms round each other and sob. Everyone slowly gets back to the party and I tell the boys to stand down as they see me winding myself up.

Terri finally let's go of Ava smiling. "I've missed you where have you been, what have you been doing, are you ok? , why did you think I wasn't safe"

Ava grabs hold of her again "I've missed you" she sobs. "Is there somewhere quiet we can talk."

Terri nods and leads her and the guy stuck to her fucking side through the house. I look at kess who is just as dumbfounded as I am shrugging at me as we follow them into the guest room.

As we get in I see Ava and her man sat side by side on one couch and Terri opposite. Kess walks over sitting next to Terri and I stand by the door. She doesn't even look in my direction.

"So what are you doing here" Terri asks.

"I had to see you where ok, I got a call. He said he had spoken to you he said he had pushed you for my number I thought he had hurt you I had to see he hadn't hurt you" . Ava rushes it out to her last breath.

"Who? Ava who called you" kess asks

Then she looks at me as she says it "kyle"

Everyone looks in my direction and I flip I smash my glass off the floor and walk out to the room. I find blade and tell him kyle has been intouch with Ava tell him to call him.

"I'll sort it brother" blade nods to the boys and they all leave. I take a breath and head back into the room. Walking in I see kess handing this kid and Ava a beer. He grabs another one and passes it too me and I sit in the chair.

"Hi Jordan" Ava smiles and it melts me I swear this girl will have me locked up in a mental hospital.

I smile and nod unable to get any words out because I know the 1st thing that will come out of my mouth is who the hell is this kid touching your hand every 2 seconds.

"Go on" kess says

Ava plays the voice mail for us.

"When did you get it" I ask

"It was left yesterday but I only got it today when I turned my phone on" she explains.

"We rushed right over as soon as she did" the guy says.

"And you are" Terri asks

"Sorry" Ava looks embarrassed as she introduces everyone "Terri this is dean" Terri smiles but looks straight at me Ava goes on "dean this is Terri, kess and Jordan"

he smiles and nods. "It's nice to meet you all"

"Dean huh" I scoff out swigging my beer "so dean how do you know Ava" I don't take my eyes off her.

"Well I met Sophia" he nudges her and they laugh like it's some inside joke and my blood boils my hands begin to shake.

"Sophia?" Kess questions

"It's a long story but I work for dean he's a dr and when I left I thought it best to change my name" Ava explains

"Well that comes easy to you why wouldn't you" I bite.

"Fuck you jordan go back to your girlfriend, I only came to see if Terri was safe and now I know she is we can go." She stands and dean follows.

"Like fuck you are leaving" I walk towards her and he steps infront.

"Get the fuck out of my face" I step in closer.

"Jordan stop" Ava yells as she gets between us she grabs deans arm pulling him back "it's fine" she tells him.

"Please don't go" Terri says still sat quieter than I've ever seen her. "Stay just tonight, I've missed you".

"Ava you can't leave, not until we find Kyle and make sure he hasn't followed you". Kess says and I can't thank him enough for caring.

"I can't stay we have work in the morning" Ava walks over to Terri "happy birthday I'm so glad you are ok I'm sorry for not calling"

"Stay please it can be my birthday present" Terri begs and jokes a little. And Ava rolls her eyes looking back at dean like she's looking for permission and it pisses me off.

"I mean who can say no to a party" dean laughs. And Terri jumps up and down screaming "I like you"she throws her arms round dean and I see kess getting a little jealous and it makes me laugh I look at Ava and she notices too smirking and I can't help but smile. God I've missed her, but I also want to strangle her for dropping off the grid like that.

"Ok it's settled let's party" Terri drags dean and Ava out the door leaving me and kess behind.

"Who the hell is this dean" kess asks

"Got me, let's go find out brother" I say downing my beer and following them out.