
Chapter twenty three


I watch as the door closes behind them and throw the covers over my head. I swear I am not meant to have sex with this man. I lay and sulk for a little while then get bored 20 minutes have past and he's still not back. What the hell was so urgent. I get up and find one of his T-shirt's to throw on it's like a bloody nightgown so I don't bother putting my jeans back on I walk out the room and I can still hear loads of voices in the main living area so I walk in too Terri still singing and dancing and dean still Cozy with Cassie, I head over to where they are sat and sit on the sofa opposite next to I think his name was billy I remember him from Jordan's house.

"Hey Ava how you doing, you are looking better" he smiles

"I should hope so after 5 months" I laugh "how are you"

"I'm exhausted but Terri refuses to call it a night, and I'm on clean up duty" he says a little annoyance in his voice.

"want me to tell her to get lost" I go to shout her and he stops me

"No kess will have my head" he laughs

We sit and chat for a while and I'm slightly pissed dean hasn't even realised I am sat opposite him, but I let it go it's not often I suppose he gets to hang with bikers I guess he fits in pretty well. I'm starting to get a little scared at how easy I am fitting in, at how comfortable I feel in here with everyone. Finally dean comes up for air.

"Oh hey where did you come from" he smiles

I roll my eyes "where did I come from? Dean me and billy have just had a better show than what we would get in Amsterdam"

Cassie laughs a little embarrassed but we all just laugh.

"Anyone want a beer" I ask and they all accept.

I head over to the bar where a pretty blonde stands talking with another one of Jordan's friends. He looks up.

"Hey nice T-shirt, suits you" he smiles

I look down and suddenly become very aware I'm not wearing pants

"Thanks" i pull it over my knees awkwardly. "You have any idea when they will be finished in there" i point to where I can hear the odd shout and muffled conversations come from.

"That's none of your business sweetheart" the blonde jumps in.

"I'm sorry what" I turn to face her

"Their hoes don't get to know how long it will take for them to finish up too fuck you" she snaps

"Excuse me" I walk to where she stands "don't ever call me a fucking hoe again"

She laughs flipping her hair "could have fooled me"She says eyeing me up and down

"Crystal watch your fucking mouth that's Jordan's girl" the guy says.

"Oh funny, I was Jordan's girl two days ago nice to see he hasn't upgraded" she mocks and I see red I don't even know what comes over me but I fly for her slapping her across the face. She grabs my hair so I grab hers back and we go tumbling to the floor. Before I know it I hear Terri screaming for kess and Jordan and dean has got me wrapped in his arms as I try to keep swinging for this stupid cow.

"What the fuck is going on" blade shouts and Jordan runs over.

"Damn Ava you could have put some pants on before throwing down now my whole MC has seen your arse" anger in his tone.

I stop struggling in deans arms and dean starts laughing at Jordan's comment making kess and the rest of the clubhouse laugh too.

"Oh my god Jordan your little slut has ripped my extensions out" crystal cry's

"Who are you calling a slut" I launch myself back at her but this time I'm caught by Jordan's arms.

"Get the fuck out Crystal" Jordan bellows and she gets herself together and listens instantly. I push out of his arms and storm into his room slamming the door my adrenaline pumping through my body. What the hell ive never fought anyone before what is wrong with me. I look for my jeans and sit on the bed pulling them on. The door opens.

"What are you doing" Jordan asks watching me frantically trying to push my leg in my trousers.

"I'm leaving Jordan, I'm sure crystal will keep you company" I snap back

"Don't do this Ava don't find excuses" he slams the door and walks towards me.

"Excuses?!?!, she said she was in here fucking you 2 nights ago is that true" I don't even know why I ask I don't even care I wasn't with him but he's right I'm trying to find an excuse.

"Don't do this" he repeats

"I need to leave, I need to go home" I pull on my shoes and walk out of the bedroom.

"Ava" Jordan follows me out. "AVA FUCKING STOP" I stop dead and turn to face him Terri walks over to me. "Babe where are you going" she asks.

I look past her to dean "can we go home please" dean instantly nods and stands walking towards me.

"No please don't go" Terri begs.

"Everyone shut the fuck up" Jordan shouts and the whole clubhouses attention is focused on us. God can this get anymore humiliating.

"I can't do this jordan not here" I plead.

"So what you think you are just going to disappear for another five months, with out a fucking word, I don't think so Ava. I told you, you are not leaving" he snaps and walks towards me.

I loose it completely who the hell does he think he's talking too. "I'm not one of these dumb club whores that will listen when you say jump don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot do!! I am leaving" I look towards dean "let's go"

Jordan holds his hand up to dean "you ain't going anywhere"

I see the anguish in deans face and how uncomfortable he has become.

"Fuck sake jordan seriously who do you think you are. You think what because you are part of whatever this is, you get to tell people what too do. Who died and made you god you prick" I scream back at him.

I look around the room and everyone is watching like it's some theatre production.

"I should never have come back here" I can feel tears pooling in my eyes and it's pissing me off because I don't even know why, maybe it's the mix of anger and adrenaline but I can't stop them from falling.

"Babe" Terri rushes over and grabs me. "Ok that's enough of the nosey shit for one day everyone fuck off" Terri says looking around the room. I swear this girl is my saviour only she could tell everyone to leave in their own place it almost makes me laugh.

"It's fine I'm leaving" I say cuddling her bye.

"Like fuck you are" jordan spits out and Terri stops him.

"both you are dean have been drinking you can't drive anywhere tonight. Come back to my place sleep and head out tomorrow" she smiles and I agree.

"She's not leaving, you are not leaving" kess's voice comes out of nowhere.

Terri spins like a woman possessed in his direction.

The look he gives her doesn't get past me he motions her over in his direction and she walks towards him. I wipe my eyes and dean comes over while jordan just stands and stares at me. "What do you wanna do" dean asks. I look at Cassie holding on too his hand looking a little scared and uncomfortable. I shake my head trying to listen to kess but I can't hear a thing.

"I thought you where coming to stay at my place" Cassie whispers too dean and I suddenly realise what I have drag him into and feel so guilty. I turn to face him. "Go with Cassie" I smile.

"No I'm not leaving you" his eyes full of concern looking around the room like it's the 1st time he's actually took in where we are.

"She's safe here" blade interrupts, he looks at me "Ava you need to stay here"

"Blade don't" Jordan shouts

"She needs to know brother, she needs to know what she is walking out too" blade carries on

I look at him my whole body now shaking. "What do you mean, what is he talking about Jordan"

"Please just stay" jordan begs "I'll explain everything".

I turn back to dean "you go enjoy the rest of your night and I'll call you tomorrow"

I see dean about to argue but Jordan is now stood right next to us. "One of the boys will follow you back, she is safe here I promise" he talks to dean.

Dean nods and kisses me on the forehead "get some sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow" I rap my arms around him "I'm so sorry" I whisper.

"Nothing but excitement with you Sophia" he jokes and it makes me smile. "you don't have to be sorry, I'll see you tomorrow" he takes Cassie and the are followed out by billy. I turn back to Jordan "what's going on"

I see the anguish in his expression at what he's about to tell me and it's like I already know.

Blade walks over and takes my hand leading me to the sofa now followed by Jordan, kess and Terri she sits the other side of me blade is on the other and kess and Jordan sit on the couch opposite. "It's Kyle" blade begins to explain that he knows I'm here and the meeting was to let the boys know to shut down the clubhouse and no one was to be let in or out without their knowledge. He then tells me that Kyle has agreed to leave me alone if he can just get the chance to speak to me.

"Over my dead body blade" jordan snaps "he is not seeing her, you never mentioned that"

"It's done sniper stand down" he says still looking at me "you have to understand it's the only way I could stop him pulling the deal we have with him.

"blade" jordan begs.

I look at Jordan and smile "it's ok" I look back at blade "I can't thank you enough for what you have done and if this is something you need me to do I'll do it" I kiss him on the cheek "I'm going to head to bed now if that's all" he nods a little dumbfounded, everyone looks at me like I have lost my mind and honestly I think I might have I feel calm and numb which is not what I expected to feel hearing that I had to see him again but here we are. I stand and head to Jordan's room.