
Chapter thirty one


It almost feels like an eternity since she left and it's only been a couple hours. I can't settle I pace the room.

"Jordan she will be fine dean will keep her safe" Terri try's to comfort me but fails miserably.

I roll my eyes and grab a beer as I do my phone rings I run to where I left it on the bar and I see a number I don't recognise.

"Hello" I answer

"She's gone, she went to the bathroom and she's gone how could I let her go, she got a call it was that prick and now she's gone. I've looked everywhere, I've lost her. I know he has her. How could I be so stupid" Deans voice is frantic down the phone.

"Dean, what the fuck are you talking about where the fuck is she" I bellow

At that I see kess and Toni jump up.

"What's happening" Toni screams

I hold my hand up to her. "Where are you dean" I wait for him to give me his location and i end the call.

"Get the car?" kess asks

"Now" I feel sick physically sick I why did I agree to her leaving I knew that he couldn't protect her I fucking knew it.

We reach the service station and see dean pacing the parking lot he walks over as we all walk to him.

"Where the fuck is she dean" Toni screams at him

He just shakes his head as she punches into his chest.

Kess grabs her and looks at dean "tell us what happened"

He explains everything and just like that vengeance burns in my veins "I'm going to murder that son of a bitch" I bang my fists on the bonnet of the car. I try to compose myself as I pull out my phone and call blade. Explaining the situation to him "we will get her back brother if it's the last thing this club does" he snaps and the line goes dead.

"Let's go" I say to them all

"Where" dean says "we have no idea where she is"

Kess looks at me as he walks to the drivers side "yeah but we know where to start" and I know we are on the same page.

We head back to town and to his house the cocky prick won't hide he will be there. Toni sobs in the back of the car she must have left 50 voicemails on Ava's phone while we drive begging her to be ok and my heart races but I refuse to show it I need my emotions off to do what I'm about to do to this arsehole.

We pull up to the gate and as I think we are going to have a fight to get in they begin to open. Kess looks at me and we share the same thought. The bastard knew we would come. We get to the door and there he is standing there waiting for us the look on his face like he's won. "I'm going to kill him" I growl and dive out the car. As I do the rest follow.

"Where is she you son of a bitch, I swear if you have laid one finger on her I'll-" I don't even get to finish and the door opens and there she is standing back in the house I carried her half dead body out of. I look at her something is off something in her eyes, they look defeated.

"Ava" Terri cry's "Ava come on we are taking you home" she runs at Kyle "you let her go now" he just laughs infuriating me more than Ava just standing behind him.

Kess steps forward "Ava listen to Terri, get in the car"

But I can something is off where is the fight she had in the clubhouse when she faced him.

Kyle holds out his hand and Ava steps in like a robot holding onto it. I lunge forward and he grips her so tight she buckles "don't do anything stupid"Kyle laughs as Ava composes herself.

"Ava please"Terri begs "come home"

Kyle turns to Ava "tell them"

Ava looks me dead in the eye "I am home" her words cut me worse than any knife could as I shake my head "no, not a fucking chance I'm not leaving without you"

Kyle smiles looking back at her again still gripping her hand and nods like he's giving her permission to speak "Jordan im sorry for all the trouble I've cause you all l, but you need to leave" she says.

Something is really off she would never do this not unless…. Then it hits me there is no body guards to be seen,he was waiting for us. The only way he would have got her to leave dean is not to threaten her life but his. He has men watching us. I look back at Ava and she knows I figured it out and she looks at Terri then back to me and pleads with her eyes looking around the lot. The bastard has set this up and put Terri's life as leverage. I look at kess hoping he understands and of course he does as he drags Terri back to the car and throws her in the back dean following them not even able to look at ava.

"This isn't over you cunt, I will kill you" I spit out at Kyle who just smiles at me.

I shoot ava a look a promise I won't stop till I get her back and she nods tears filling her eyes I swear this girl can read my mind. I turn and jump in the car.

Terri screams and cry's for Ava begging us to go back for her, we get back on the road and kess brakes "what's the plan brother"

"The plan the fucking plan you just left her" Terri rags at the door trying to get out and I snap "she just saved your fucking life how else do you think he got her to stay, it wasn't by threatening her own she wouldn't care, he had people watching us, she didn't have a choice"

She breaks down crying into deans chest and kess drives off.