
Chapter thirty five


The fucking state of her she looks like she's been tortured this entire time but yet that fire in her eyes still there still burning. God she so fucking strong.

"So what now" kess asks

"We take her" Terri snaps "I won't leave here without her Jordan, I won't"

I look at her but I can't even give her an answer because I don't know. I can't put my club, my brothers in the line of fire again and I will not do anything to put Ava in danger.

Terri carries on "he told her to remember an agreement before I brought her in here, what does that even mean"

I shake my head but I know exactly what it means he's keeping ava in line with the threat that got her here in the 1st place.

Kyle walks back into the kitchen smiling but without Ava. "Where is she" Terri shouts

It was a good call bringing her although she can annoy the crap out of me she's the only one with the balls to stand up to this prick at the minute without the repercussions.

"She's entertaining, sweetheart. This is a party after all" Kyle smiles and dismisses her talking to blade.

"It's good to be back in business" Kyle holds out a hand and blade takes it not letting go.

"Look when I agreed to this arrangement it was with the understanding no harm would come to anyone, that included ava. Looking at her there Kyle I'd say you have already gone back on your word" blade drops his hand

Kyle looks at me "oh you have it confused, my girl likes it a little rough in the bedroom. I'm sure you can understand sniper" he grins and I grip the counter trying not to put my fist through his face.

He just carries on " so I brought you here to sign a few things I think it's time we made sure our deals don't take anymore, unexpected turns don't you"

Blade moved forward looking at the papers on the counter basically saying we will leave Ava alone forget she exists and the club will go back to been the way it was with all our business returning to us. Kyle then goes on to explain that there is a part in there that shares the same as Ava's contract and i that I see Terri's face putting the dots together. I shake my head as I see her edging for another argument. He explains that no harm will come to anyone as long as she's with him. Blade nods "fine" let's just do this.

"NO" Terri shouts "HELL NO are you all really about to agree to leave her in this fucking house, that wasn't the plan"

Kyle turns to her "the plan, oh do tell what was your plan"

She shakes her head realising what she had said and Kyle looks back to me. "Oh one more thing I don't need you to sign this blade, I need you" he passes me the pen. I take it and throw it to the other side of the room Terri is right what are we even doing thinking about leaving her "go fuck yourself kyle"

He nods "i see"

"Gentlemen" he shouts and in walks 2 men holding ava one has her hair in his hand and the other running his hand inside her dress.

"She's the perfect hostess" one laughs

We all stand there on high alert but no one moves except of course Terri "get your hands off her" she shouts moving towards them

Ava just stands there unable to make eye contact with any of us.

"Oh sure no problem" they let go and she drops to the floor.

"Get your bitch in line kestrel, or I'll give you a few tips on how to do so" kyle scoffs

Ava looks up at Terri "please stop, stop now"

I see the fear for Terri in her eyes not for herself.

She looks at me as she stands up and I see her eyes go cold I look at her pleading for her not to do what I know she is about to but it's to late she steps forward holding onto Kyle's arms.

"You all have out stayed your welcome, you where invited here to make amends and my husband has done his best to do so, sign the papers Jordan and then all of you get out of our house"

My heart sinks when I hear Terri cry for her not to do this begging her to realise this isn't right and she looks her dead in the eyes.

"Do what Terri, stand up for my husband when you are attacking him, how do you even dare throw your morals about. You where fucking kess while poor Bobby loved you like a sap, so don't you dare lecture about right and wrong"

And there it was she hurt her in the worst way she could and because of the emotion she knew it would invoke In Terri she's didn't even realise she was saying all this to keep her safe. Terri walks out not saying a word and I see the flicker of pain in Ava's eyes but she recovers fast.

"Now sign them and you can leave with her" she looks back at me.

I walk and pick up the pen and sign the papers.

"Ok now that wasn't so hard was it, as you can see my wife is just fine, I mean we all know that's why you accepted our invite"

I stand just watching her hand in his staring blankly at us all.

"I think it's time we leave" blade says

We all follow his lead as I take one last look at Ava. She gives me a look that she will be ok and for now it's the only comfort I can cling too.

"That bitch that fucking bitch" I hear Terri

"Don't you fucking dare" I dart at her and kess pushes me back

"No brother" he shouts

"Can't you fucking see she's just saved your life you stupid cow, god if you had carried on with your mouth in there he would have killed you, if you believe anything different you are a shitty fucking friend" I scream

"Enough" blade shouts "let's ride"