
(Chapter nine)


Standing in front of the mirror in Jordan's bathroom breaks me completely. Who is that looking back at me. How could Kyle do this. The thought of him turns my stomach, he will look for me. He is going to want to talk. Suddenly a sharp reminder of what had happens come back to me when I drop the sheet wrapped around me my whole body is bruised I swear I could have been hit by a car and got less injured, how the fuck am I not dead I think to myself.

Because of Jordan, because of the guy who had shown up just when you needed him most even though you where a bitch to him.

I step into the bath and the water stings but feels so good all at once as I completely submerge myself. I try to lay back to get my hair wet but I can't move I feel like i have gone 15 hrs on an ab trainer. I sit there pulling my knees up to my chest and the tears begin to fall and I don't stop them. I can't stop them. What do I do now?, what will happen when Kyle finds me?, why do I want to jump the bones of this biker who has shown up in my life?. I laugh and now I'm convinced hysteria has set in.

A knock on the door snaps me out of it.

"You doing alright in there" Jordan shouts

"I'm fine" I can't even hide my sob

"What's wrong" he bursts in

Knees still to my chest I grip them tighter "hey do you mind" I shout.

His face drops as I see him scan my body.

"That son of a bitch" he seethes

I shake my head "I'm fine"

He raises an eyebrow "girl you are crying in a bath in a house of someone you knew a lifetime ago looking like you just gone 12 rounds with Tyson" he shakes his head and I laugh.

He's right what kinda fucked up situation is this.

"Is Terri back yet" I ask

"No why, you are safe here you know" he says looking a little hurt.

"I know, I just...." I don't get time to finish

"I know it's a fucked situation but we are going to figure this out ok" he interrupts.

I nod "it's not that, it's Ermm...." I put my head on my knees this is so fucking embarrassing.

"I can't wash my hair jordan I can't lay back and I can't lift my arms to put shampoo on, so I need Terri" I cringe

He laughs "you don't need Terri, I have hair I know how to wash it"

I look at him "are you serious" but before I can say another word he turns the shower head on begins draining the bath and washes my hair. This should feel like the most uncomfortable thing in the world. But the truth is I felt safe having him around.

He finishes up and holds out the towel as I try to stand I struggle. He quickly catches me and lifts my out of the bath. Standing me up and wrapping me in the towel.

"Thank you" I say for the 1st time.

"It's just a hair wash Ava" he jokes

"No I mean for everything you have done, thank you for saving my life" I brake again and he wraps me in his arms with out a second thought. I cry so hard my body hurts.

"Come on let's get you dressed" he walks me into the bedroom and he drys me and dresses me without another word.

I look down at my T-shirt and it says deadly demons mc it's about 12 sizes 2 big but comfy and I have a pair of shorts that fit which made me wonder what girl left them here but I don't say anything.

"You like it" he laughs seeing me look at the T-shirt.

I roll my eyes as I sit on the bed "what's not to like".

"Are you hungry" he says as he walks the towels back into the bathroom to dry.

Truthfully I hadn't even thought about food. I shake my head as he walks back in.

"Ava you haven't eaten for days, you have to be hungry" he says like he's scolding me.

I shrug "nope" i take the bottle of water off the dresser and sit back onto the bed my legs crossed.

"You have to eat" he snaps

I narrow my eyes "I don't have to do anything jordan I am not hungry" I snap back.

"Fuck sake Ava, don't make me force feed you, cause I will" he says straight faced.

"YOU WONT FORCE HER TO DO ANYTHING" a voice comes from behind jordan.

I instantly laugh looking smug knowing it's Terri. The little crease that appears between Jordan's eyebrows, is funny, sweet and hot as fuck all at once.

"Hey Terri" he rolls his eyes at me and turns to face her.

"Don't flash that smile at me mr, you won't force her to do anything" she snaps with a little smile because let's face it that smile of his could make anyone weak.

"Fine" he snaps as he stands " but if she doesn't eat she will never fully recover"

"You haven't eaten yet" she scolds

I look at Jordan who is now looking at me eyebrows raised with the smuggest look I've ever seen and it makes me laugh.

"Thanks" I shake my head rolling my eyes

"Terri not now I'm tiered and sore, and just want to sleep"

"Well I've been home cleared my spare room you can come live with me. Me and bobby went to kyles....." at the mention of his name my whole body tenses and I see Jordan's do the same.

"You for fucking real Terri, you went back there" Jordan spits out.

"Well she needs clothes, her things. That bastard doesn't get to keep all of that" she snaps back.

My eyes fill with tears as the reality of being homeless, jobless and moneyless hits me. But the only thing that comes out my mouth is "was he there"

She looks at Jordan then looks at me and nods. I see her glance back to Jordan and the look she gives him doesn't get past me as they both leave the room. I want to argue and tell them to stop talking about me like I'm a child and hiding things from me but I really don't have the energy too so I just watch them leave and lay back down and drift back to sleep.