
(Chapter fifteen)


My phone rings and it wakes me, but what I wake too makes me smile. I sit my head rested on the back of the couch and avas head lay on my chest as she lay still wrapped in the blanket. I move the hair from her face and she's sound asleep I look at the tv and it's gone on standby. Fuck how long have we been asleep I wonder as I reach from my phone from my pocket trying not to wake her.

"Hello" I whisper. I should really get up and take the call outside but I don't want to move her. I could stay like this forever. I roll my eyes at myself and that last thought. Fuck kess is right this girl is making me soft.

"Sniper are you listening" the voice from the other end of the phone says and I realise I was completely lost in thought forgetting I was on the phone. I move it away from my ear to check the number seeing it's blade. "Sorry boss yeah I'm here, everything ok" I ask.

"Well I could ask you the same, you haven't checked back in since you left, so I was just checking everything was ok with Kyle" he says

I look at Ava sleeping soundly for the 1st time since she's been with me and I find myself smiling "I'd say all is good yeah pres" I reply

"So I'm guessing by your lowered tone, the girl is still with you" he questions and it's hard to tell if he's pissed off at the fact Ava is still with me.

"Yeah pres" is all I respond with expecting an earful.

"Good, I'm glad she's safe" he says way more sincere than I expect.

"But..." I don't get to carry on when he interrupts

"We can deal with it tomorrow brother, for now I'm just glad she's safe" and then the phone goes dead. All I can think is what the fuck but I don't even question it as I put my phone back in my pocket and at that *SLAP* right around the back of my head "son of a bit....." I don't even get to finish my sentence when Terri's voice buzzes through my ear. "Shhhhh don't wake her" she whispers and I hear kess laugh. I spin my head "well what was that for" I snap and I watch her point to kestrels face as they both walk round to the other sofa and sit down, he is looking smug as anything. I look confused at the closeness of them as the sit down it almost has me forgetting about the slap. "Well" I say rubbing my head.

"He's just told me you punched him at the clubhouse" she scolds like I'm a naughty child.

"So" I shake my head throwing daggers at kess "he returned the favour" I turn my head to show the nice little bruise I assume is forming pretty much in the same place as his. She looks at him and he holds his hands up shaking his head and she just smiles smacking his leg playfully.

"You two are looking pretty close, how long exactly was I asleep for" I tease.

"Could say the same for you brother" kess says nodding over to a sleeping Ava. Honestly this girl would sleep through an apocalypse. I smile at her laying there.

"She means a lot too you doesn't she" Terri smiles as I realise she's watching me. I just nod.

"She fucking better do or I've had to put up with you for fuck all" kess jokes with Terri as she slaps him again but a little harder this time, but he grabs her hand and pins it making her laugh and waking Ava up. I shake my head at the both of them as she pushes up off my chest and looks around the room she sits up crossing her legs stretching out her back. Seeing the pain she is in just with those small movements kills me and I can see it have the same affect of Terri but neither of us say anything.

"Good sleep babe" Terri asks her. It takes her a little to get situated as she looks at the tv then at me then as confused as I am at kess and Terri sitting together. Then she nods and smiles the most beautiful sleepiest smile I've ever seen. "You look cute when you have just woke up" I lean forward and whisper in her ear. She turns to face me a little blush passing through her cheeks.

"How long have I been asleep for" she asks

"Not long a little over 1hr" Terri smiles. "You wanna go up to bed" she carries on.

"Terri I'm not a child quit acting like I am" Ava teases.

"Ohhh someone's feeling better" Terri laughs and they both laugh together. It makes me smile. She turns to face me "have you just been sat here the whole time?" She asks. I shake my head. "I was woken by a swift slap to the head by your bestie" i raise my eyebrows in Terri's directions. She just laughs holding her hands up "must have been dreaming" she sticks her tongue out and it makes Ava giggle and shake her head. We all sit and talk for the next few hours. Laughing and joking. Telling stories me and kess tell them some of ours they tell us some of there's and surprisingly theirs are way more interesting than ours. I can see avas eyes getting heavy after taken some of the pain killers the doc had gave her. She's trying her hardest to look interested in the conversation going on. "Ready for bed" I say quietly as Terri tells the story of how her and Ava met. I'd already heard this and didn't need to hear it again being reminded where she once worked. She nods and stands. She walks over to Terri bending down and Giving her a kiss and saying good night. Then she walks over to kess and bends down kissing him on the cheek " I don't think I could ever repay you for what you have done for me tonight alone, thank you" she says as I hear her hold back the emotion building at the bold reminder of what we had all forgotten these last few hours. Kess nods "don't mention it darling, it's my pleasure. Good night"

She nods "night"

"Night brother" kess shouts as I show Ava to the master bedroom I ignore him hearing the taunt in his voice.

She walks around the room. "It's so beautiful here" she smiles.

I just stand and watch her not saying anything, I walk over to the bed and pull back the covers. "Come on, let's call it a day" I say

She smiles and walks round the bed to where I stand she comes up on her toes and kisses me. I don't know what but something takes over and I kiss her back, hard, passionate my tongue exploring her mouth and hers meeting mine and doing the same.