
( Chapter two)


I hear kyle's car start up and 12 foot iron gates that keep us locked in from the world open. I get out of bed wrapping my robe around me as I look out of the window to see him pull away and the gates begin to close again. I grab my phone off the bedside table and head downstairs. Opening my phone I see 5 missed calls and a message that made absolutely no sense from Terri.

Terri is my best friend and has been from the second I walked into the club at 18. She had worked there for 2 years before me she had hair like fire, bright red and unruly just like her personality. She didn't care what anyone thought of her, she said what she felt and acted only in her own interest, I had always been jealous of that, I have gone through life changing my personality to fit who ever I'm around to the point now I have no idea who I really am.

She was the only girl there who actually made me feel like she didn't want to beat my face in for showing up with no experience and getting the job anyway.

My looks had always helped me through life my long blonde hair and bright blue eyes where never a hindrance, I was small only 5'5 and wore the same size clothes I did when I was 18 despite eating like a 6'7 body builder. As shallow as it may sound I came to realise pretty quick I could get my own way by using my appearance and so far it's never failed.

Terri and I ended up making a great team we made great tips and have been inseparable ever since.

Well until I stopped working there after Kyle and I became serious he said he couldn't have me working somewhere like that, and from that day all I do is spend my days inside these 4 walls, drawing, eating or drinking coffee.

I say 4 walls like it is a prison, the house is a huge 3 story 8 bedroom complex surrounded by 100 acres of land and fenced and guarded like the White House. But trust me when I say it feels like the smallest place on earth when you haven't left in over 3 months, infact this party will be the 1st time I've seen anyone other than Kyle or Terri (who just shows up as and when she pleases) in months.

The thought of her makes me smile but then I get a sharp reminder of last night. I turn to look in the mirror and realise I'm going to need a load of make up tonight to hide the bruise that had already began to show.

He said he was sorry, just forget it happened and move on.

I find myself frowning in the mirror as I try to convince myself it wasn't him and he never meant it, at that my phone buzzes scaring the living day lights out of me.

I smile as I see it's Terri

"Ohh my god girl, you should see who I have in my bed right now" her voice is low but full of excitement and it makes me giggle

"Well hi to you too" I laugh

I hear her try to stifle a laugh and then a door close

"Good morning" she jokes talking at a normal volume now making me realise she is now away from sed person in her bed.

"So come on don't keep me in suspense" I say

"Fucking Bobby" she squeals down the phone.

Bobby was her flavour of the month and once she set her sights on someone it was inevitable they would end up in her bed.

We talk about bobby and how drunk she was last night for over an hour as she tells me about how she ran into him and how hot the sex was. Which stings slightly as I can't remember the last time I enjoyed having sex, it had become some sort of bedtime routine for me and hearing Terris' stories make me realise how much I crave no holds, passionate sex. My mind must drift off as all I hear is

"AVA , did you hear me" slight annoyance in her voice.

"Sorry, I'm listening go on" I snap out of it and say.

"Ok so you think I can bring him to the party tonight" she sounds so giddy it's adorable.

"Yeah I can't see why not, just you and him though this isn't a frat party, we have to behave" I laugh

She joins in a little too loud then all I hear is "Shit he's awake, I gotta go, I'll see you tonight love you"

And just like that the line goes dead.

I turn on the coffee machine and scroll through my other messages seeing one off my cousin asking if I'm coming home for the anniversary of my parents death. I close and delete the message. The next one I open is from Kyle.

* Hey baby, Jason will be there in 1hr to drop off something I got you for tonight, I hope you like it. Love you see you soon*

I reply

* I'm sure I will love it. Love you too see you later *

Then I put my phone back in my robe pocket.

Jason was Kyle's driver, I think I'm not really sure what he did I just know he was around all the time and was the size of Dwayne "the rock" Johnson.