

hapter 7: Day in the Dungeons (Narcissa Malfoy)

A/N: People ask me how I am able to write these. All I can say is that all you have to do is take any morality and throw it out. Then you can write stuff like this.

I got a few suggestions for Minerva but geez, I can't bring myself that low. Umbridge maybe in a rapey/non-rapey situation but still, I shiver every time I try to come up with a scenario with Minerva, sorry guys(OK maybe not ALL morality).

Got one for Poppy Pomfrey, a good suggestion, I might try to make it work. This one is a bit more rapey than the last few, so just be warned.

Harry royally fucked up. He knew this from being in the cellar of Malfoy Manor with Ron and Hermione after getting captured by Greyback and his pack. He looked over to see Ron and Hermione chained up against the wall, still knocked out. He heard steps coming down the steps to the main level. He quickly pretended to still be knocked out as to not garner unwanted attention.

He heard the door creak open and what sounded like multiple pairs of footsteps enter the room, some heavy, most likely either Greyback or one of his pack and some light, most likely women.

"What do you want us to do?" a gruff voice asked.

"Stay there ready for a command." a woman's voice said firmly.

"Aguamenti," she said as she sprayed the teenager's faces with water,"wakey wakey" making him gasp and open his eyes and actually wake up Ron and Hermione.

"Well, isn't this just a surprise!" the woman's voice, now known to belong to Narcissa Malfoy,"The Boy-Who-Lived himself, and his two sidekicks! Isn't that just grand." she finished with a signature Malfoy sneer.

"What- what do you want from us?" Hermione asked shakily.

"Oh, I wasn't sent down here per The Dark Lord's request to gather information from you silly! I was sent down to break him!" she said and pointed to Harry.

"Re-chain him to the table." she said with a vicious smirk,"I am going to break him and you are going to watch his face as he finally succumbs to it!" she said continuing her speech to the teenagers as Greyback and his pack unshackled a struggling Harry and dragged him over to a table. They bent him over the end of the table and shackled his hands to the far corners of the table while shackling his feet to the legs of the table closest to him.

"Perfect. That is all I required, you may leave now," she said.

"Wait, you mean we don't even get to play with the others?" one of the pack members whined.

"I said you may leave, now," she said more firmly.

He was about to say something else but saw a couple of his pack mates shake their heads fiercely so he settled for grumbling on the way out.

"Now that they are gone, it's time for the fun to begin," she said smirking.

"Please don't hurt him!" Hermione cried out, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Take me instead!" Ron yelled.

"All in due time." she chuckled as she vanished all of Harry's clothes. Harry's cock flopped down to below the table edge, even soft he was above average at 6 ½ inches. He just grunted and stared ahead, his eyes hard not wanting his captor to have the satisfaction of seeing him break.

Hermione was fully crying and Ron's face was stoic.

"Oooh what a nice arse you have Potter," she said while slapping his arse," well, your cock is a bit, hmm, pitiful although." she drawled.

"Pitiful? That is a first." he thought while keeping his face emotionless.

She started to massage his arse, but after thirty seconds of doing so "accidentally" stuck her thumb in his arsehole.

Harry sucked in a breath of air but didn't say anything. "What's wrong, Potter?" she asked,"Don't you like this nice massage I am giving you?" she said while she continued to work her thumb in and out of his arse. She removed her thumb and Harry sighed. She then started to work his arse with both her index and middle finger as he clenched his teeth.

After a minute the uncomfortable feeling was gone for Harry, replaced by a weird sensation every time she hit this certain spot inside of him. Harry didn't know why but it was driving him insane. He quivered every time she scratched his prostate, fighting the urge to moan. His resolve finally gave as she inserted another finger inside him just adding to the stimulation and he moaned.

He realized what he did as he heard Narcissa chuckling behind him,"I knew you were a slut the second my thumb so easily slipped in."

Harry started to protest but she rubbed his prostate and it instead to turned into a moan.

"You vile woman!" Hermione screamed at Narcissa.

"By the sound of his moans," she rubbed him making him moan again for emphasis," it doesn't sound like I am being cruel to him," she said.

"You put some sort of spell on him to make him not think straight." Hermione denied vehemently.

"Silencio," she said pointing to Hermione, she did this once more on Ron to stop a problem before it began. Hermione just silently watched Harry, crying for him.

It was clear to everyone that Harry was hard, at a nice long eight inches long. Narcissa could feel Harry about to reach his peak, so she stopped the stimulation but kept her fingers in his arse. He whimpered. "What's wrong Harry? Was that feeling, good," she said as she rubbed around his prostate, teasing him. "You're gonna have to beg for it Harry," she said, continuing to tease him. He mumbled something unintelligible.

"What was that Harry? I didn't hear you," she said.

A definite,"Please" was heard. "Please what Harry?" she said as she caressed his prostate with a gentle touch.

"Please finger me!" He finally moaned out before he could stop himself.

She finally started to scratch the itch that was his prostate, finally bringing him over the edge as his cock twitched and started to leak his cum into her hand, all the while moaning loudly.

She brought her hand up to his mouth,"Clean it up, slut." she commanded. Harry slurped up his own cum letting it coat his throat without a second thought. After he was finished, he burped, tasting the cum that he just swallowed.

"How cute, the savior of the wizarding world is actually a sissy slut." she chuckled as she moved so she was in his view. She started to slowly strip down her robes and garments, capturing the teen's attention. Soon she was down to a bra and panties, when he looked at her panties, though, it seemed as though they were shimmering like a mirage. She first removed her bra, showing off the Black family assets. She moved on to her panties, as she brought them down, a fat meaty cock that would belittle any man popped out.

Narcissa was at least 14 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. She pumped her cock in front of him, his eyes glued to the massive meat stick. "This whole cock is going to fuck you in the ass Harry," she said as Harry shuddered.

She walked back around behind Harry and started to rub her cock on his arse, a bit of her precum lubricating the tip.

"Do you want this cock up your arse Harry?" she whispered seductively.

"Yes." he moaned.

"How much do you want it up your arse?" she asked, her voice still husky.

"So much..." he breathed out,"Please." he whimpered.

That was all it took for Narcissa to start pushing inside. Harry groaned as the massive intruder attempted to make its way inside. After continuous pushing, the tip finally popped in and with it a couple more inches making Harry moan as it practically pushed his prostate out of the way. She continued to apply pressure and soon enough he felt her thighs press up against him. He moaned thinking of how full he felt and how that giant log of meat was inside of him.

She pulled out fully and realigned her cock at his entrance,"I want to feel you stretch around me again." she said huskily as she pushed and entered him for the second time, making him feel like he was being stretched from the inside out. He moaned at the feeling of his prostate being crushed once again.

This time she pulled out to where the head stayed in, and thrust deeply, filling him all the way back up. She continued to pull back and thrust in, gradually increasing her pace to work them up to orgasm.

"Umph. I- I'm about-ah. About to cum!" he ground out between thrusts.

"You're going to cum when I fill your ass, slut." she barked out. With that, she let out a roar as a powerful load began to fill Harry's ass. "Oh, mmmm." Harry moaned as he came stronger than ever before, hitting the floor and splattering.

She pulled her cock out and let the cum leak out onto the floor. She looked over and saw the two other prisoners with tear streaks down their faces, mourning for the Boy-Turned-Slut.

She removed the silencing spells on both of the other prisoners,"So, who's next?" she asked.

A/N: Sorry that this one took longer than usual, Thanksgiving, family, and whatnot. Will try to post as often as possible.

Thanks to DeschenesB for the suggestion! Hope you all enjoyed this and until next time, stay perverted!