

apter 2: Good Morning (Ginny)

A/N: I didn't expect to get multiple follows so quickly! Thanks to those who support this work. Not sure if I will make one-shots or link them all together.

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head" Ginny cooed.

"Wha...?" Harry replied groggily.

"It's morning you prat! You slept in till past 9" Ginny said.

"What else do you expect after one an astronomy class?" he replied, "And what are you doing in here? Where is everyone? Why can't I move?!".

"Down at breakfast, and I may or may not have tied you spread eagle on your bed, don't worry I put locking and privacy charms on the door," Ginny said, her voice starting to get husky.

"I-I don't know Ginny, what if we get caught?" Harry asked.

"That's for me to worry about Harry," she said as she started pulling down his pajama bottoms. "O-OK, If you're sure" he replied.

"Ooohhh" Harry groaned, "I can feel that," he said as he felt her wet tongue on his tight arsehole.

Ginny giggled. "Feel's good huh?" she asked cheekily.

"You have to ask?" he ground out.

Ginny continued to work his arsehole, sticking her tongue deeper and licking him from the inside. She removed her pajama bottoms, then slowly rolled down her panties, letting her huge girl-cock spring out.

"My turn," Ginny said smirking.

Harry heard her whisper a spell and instantly felt like something slick coated the inside of his arse.

"Ready Harry?" she asked as she positioned her cock at his entrance, "On the count of three. One . . . Two . . ." was as far as she got as she started pushing against his hole, entering with a slick pop.

"Urgh! Wait . . . let me get used to it Ginny!" he pleaded.

After around thirty seconds, "Alright, I think I am better now."

"About time" she smirked, "Here it comes," Ginny said as she sunk the last 10 inches deep into his colon in one swift, fluent motion. Harry let out a guttural moan, her fat meat log completely crushing his prostate on the way in, making him leak pre-cum onto the bed and her moan with pleasure. Ginny pulled all the way out until just her tip remained in, then she pushed it, with all her weight, all the way back in, hilting herself in his arse. Harry whimpered as she let out a moan. "Fuck Harry I can feel you stretching around me!"

She continued to hilt herself into Harry, pulling and pushing with fast, deep strokes. Harry could map out every detail on her girl-cock, feeling every vein as it delved it's way deep inside his arse.

Harry was now moaning every time she scratched his prostate on the way in, encouraging her to go deeper and faster. "Here . . . I . . . COME!" Ginny squealed. As she hilted herself once more, Harry's body shook, and his cock twitched, spewing cum onto the sheets. His ass tightened causing him to milk Ginny as she spewed strands of girl-cum deep into his ass.

It took two minutes for her to stop cumming in his ass, and to be able to come down from her high. She quickly did a spell to untie his ropes and collapsed next to him.

"Hey Harry," she said, still delirious.

"Wha?" he said, even more out of than her.

"I might have told a few girls that have the same," she paused, "problem, as me about you."

"Who?" he asked.

"Really? You aren't even going to complain, you are just curious? If you must know, Susan, Hermione, Parvati who will almost certainly tell her sister, and Luna."

"OK," he replied.

"You're not mad?" she asked.

"Maybe later, but I'm too delirious to understand right now probably," he replied.

After getting dressed she pecked him on the lips, "See you later, Boyfriend".

After she left, Harry groaned. He had forgotten about that,"Maybe this won't be so bad." he thought to himself.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but more girls? You tell me. This is my first try at writing Fanfic so tell me what I can do to improve and I will try to give you guys what you ask for. Do tell me who you'd like to see first and I will do my best