
Harry Potter ~ Twins - Enter the Chamber

Where back at school for another long and hard year at school, I hope this year we can finally learn how to actually use spells rather than worry about other things.

Kanamerose · Fantasy
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I thought it was funny how Vernon would lock our owl cages so we couldn't send letters to our friends but he couldn't get Shina into her cage. She would scratch him or bite him whenever he tried before running to me, although when everyone went to bed I would let our owls out. Harry seemed really happy that I had spent some time with the Weasley twins learning all this stuff. So we would wright our letters during the day when we were free before sending them at night using our owls. However they would still make a lot of noise during the day which would irk the others but we couldn't just let them out since Vernon would think we had the key. Vernon complained about the owls at breakfast the next morning since our pets were a little noisy. "Third time this week! If you two can't control your owls, they'll have to go!" I smiled at him knowing even if we got rid of them they'd come right back to us no matter what. "There bored they're used to flying around outside. If we could just let them out at night -" Vernon didn't like it when it came to anything to deal with our magic even our animals or friends.

"Do I look stupid?" I had to keep myself from answering and I could tell Harry had the same problem because he really was stupid in this aspect. "I know what'll happen of those owls are let out." Harry kept trying but was drowned out by Dudley's loud burping which I thought was disgusting since its rude. Then Petunia started complaining about how Dudley wasn't getting enough food at Smeltings. Then Dudley told Harry to pass the frying pan but Harry did something that surprised even me but I was kinda glad he did. "You've forgotten the magic word." The entire room went quiet before Dudley gasped and fell out of his chair which had me laughing, Petunia let out a small scream. While Vernon jumped to his feet with his temples throbbing and I knew we were in for it, since if Harry got into trouble so did I just because something went wrong in their eyes."I meant 'please'! I didn't mean -" I knew what Harry had meant but apparently they had all forgotten about that after we had went to Hogwarts. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU, ABOUT SAYING THE 'M' WORD IN OUR HOUSE!" I sighed since you could use any word that starts with 'm' like mother or in Dudley's case mommy, so it was hard to know which one. "But I -" I knew Harry was trying to explain what he had meant but I knew Vernon wouldn't listen, he never did. "HOW DARE YOU THREATEN DUDLEY!" I looked at him confused since when had this come to that, it made me wonder if Vernon's head was on right. "I just -" Harry kept trying but I knew it would be useless to keep going the Dursleys never listened to us about anything. "I WARNED YOU! I WILL NOT TOLERATE MENTION OF YOUR ABNORMALITY'S UNDER THIS ROOF!" We started at our now purple faced uncle to our pale aunt who was trying to pick up Dudley from the floor. "All right, all right..." Ever since we had come home for the summer holidays Vernon had been treating us like a bomb that might go off at any moment.It was because we weren't normal kids but it's pretty much impossible to be normal everyone is different. Harry and I were wizards, fresh from our first year at Hogwarts and I couldn't wait to go back. I knew they wouldn't like having us here but we had no choice we didn't have anywhere else to go. We both missed Hogwarts since it was our true home, we missed everything about the school but we especially missed our friends. I couldn't wait to taste the food again it was really good and had me wanting to learn how to cook it.Although I could tell that Harry missed more than I did because he had more going on than I did since he was on the Quidditch team. All our spell books, our wands, cauldrons and Harry's top-of-the-line Nimbus Two Thousand broomstick had been locked away. Vernon had done it the instant we had gotten back, but unbeknownst to our uncle I had snuck back everything he took. Thanks to the Weasley twins I knew how to pick locks now so I could get our stuff back before hiding it away. I had managed to hide everything so they wouldn't know we had them I even found a good spot to hide our candy we got back at school. I had already packed my truck which we kept at the end of the bed, full of all my belongings with a trick lock that Fred had given me. I also put one on Harry's trunk it only opens to a code we know I chose saying Hogwarts as my code for mine, while Harry used Quidditch for his. It was something only we would know because no one else wanted to get to know us thanks to our family.We made sure to stay out of the way as much as possible nowadays since it was getting close to head back to Hogwarts. We didn't want to ruin our chances of getting Vernon to take us to the station so we could go back to our true home, Hogwarts. Although I had a bad feeling about all of this, I couldn't explain it but it felt a lot like it did last year when we faced off against Quirrell/Voldemort. Everyone knew that we didn't belong to this family since Harry had jet black messy hair, wore glasses over his green eyes and had a scar above his left eye. While I had long straight red hair with darker green eyes, and had prefect vision, with an S shaped scar on my hand, we were both also very skinny. While the rest of our relatives were well fed, and had either brown or blonde hair and blue eyes with Dudley and Vernon being fat. We had been left with our aunt shortly after our parents had been murdered by Voldemort so we could be saved and grow up healthy. Then one year ago our letters from Hogwarts arrived much to our aunt and uncle's frustration since they couldn't stop it.I was hoping that when we got back that they would stop all that but it was hopeless they didn't want anything to do with us. So when night came I sent off Kuro to deliver our letters after picking the lock on there cage's. Harry also sent Hedwig so she could find herself something to eat before being locked up all day so they wouldn't suspect anything. "Don't forget you two be back before sunrise or they may do something I cant get you out of." They hooted before taking off which made me happy since they were free to fly while we were stuck here on the ground. I couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts and see all our friends again as well as being able to learn more spells, charms, and potions but it had me wondering about our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I already knew who our teacher was and he was an idiot when it came to this stuff since he stole the ideas from the right wizards. I knew I wouldn't be learning anything in his class so I planned to buy more books about the class that aren't his. I didn't even want to go to his class since I knew it would boring so I told Harry to be ready.None of the Dursleys even remembered that today was Harry's and my birthday although I knew Harry wanted to really celebrate it. Then Vernon cleared his throat importantly which had everyone waiting to hear what he had to say. "Now, as we all know, today is a very important day." I could see Harry snap his head up to hear what he was about to say but I knew he wouldn't like it. "This could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career," I look over to see Harry going back to his food which had me upset with him as well since I didn't like upsetting him or seeing him upset. "Are you ok Harry?" I asked using my new found power towards the middle of last year, when I learned I had a telepathic ability. Professor Snape told me to keep practicing with it since only that would make it stronger. So during the break we've been practicing with it a lot I've even been able to project it onto our relatives to see what they think but it got boring after a while. "Yea, I'm ok, I've still got you to celebrate it with me and our friends." I smiled happily but made sure no one but Harry could see it since it would be a dead giveaway if the others saw it. Then Vernon started going over where everyone would be at which made me roll my eyes since it was stupid. "I think we should run through the schedule one more time, we should all be in position at eight o'clock. Petunia, you will be -" I sighed looking at her knowing she would have been prepared long before now. "In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously into our home." I sighed quietly so they wouldn't hear me and start them screaming at us which we didn't want. "Good, good. And Dudley?" I looked over at Dudley to see him looking stuck up and smug as if it was a great privilege which it wasn't. "I'll be waiting to open the door, may I take your coats, Mr. and Mrs. Mason?" I cringed a little at that knowing he was doing his best to impress someone and not doing a very good job. "They'll love him!" I tried to keep from vomiting since it was all fake, none of it was real which is what Mr. Mason probably wanted.Then all there attention turned to us, we just looked at him like he was stupid since we knew our roles to be quite and stay out of the way. "Well be in our room, making no noise and pretending we don't exist." We both said at the exact time which made us smile at each other since we've been doing it a lot lately. However that would only make them mad forgetting that it was something twins did everyday around the world not just wizards, I just didn't feel like correcting them. "Exactly, I will lead them into the lounge, introduce you, Petunia, and you offer them drinks. At eight - fifteen -" I was starting to get bored with where this conversation was going since none of this concerned us. "I'll announce dinner." Which meant we wouldn't be getting any dinner tonight since they would be staying for dinner. "And, Dudley, you'll say -" I started wondering when we could leave since it was getting close for them to come and they didn't want us anywhere where they could see us.They kept going with the conversation not caring that we were there and only talking to us when they asked where we would be. We kept saying the same thing over and over again which was starting to get annoying and I was about to throw something. "Too right, you will, the Masons don't know anything about you two and it's going to stay that way. When dinners over take Mrs. Mason back to the lounge for coffee, Petunia, and I'll bring up the subject drills. With any luck, I'll have the deal signed and selected before the news at ten. We'll be shopping for a vacation home in Majorca this time tomorrow. " I just rolled my eyes, I knew Harry wasn't excited about this either since it meant we'd be working twice as hard. Plus we knew they wouldn't like us any better there than they did here on Privet Drive so what was the use?? "Right - I'm off into town to pick up the jackets for Dudley and me. And you two, stay out of your aunt's way while shes cleaning." He said glaring at the two of us much like we wanted to be here in the first place or even wanted to attend there stupid party. So we left through the back door, it was a brilliant sunny day, we crossed the lawn, before slumping down on the garden before we sang to each other. "Happy birthday to us... happy birthday to us..." We didn't have any cards, no presents, and we would be spending the evening pretending not to exist.We just sat there gazing miserably into the hedge, we'd never felt so lonely before and it wasn't something that we wanted to get used to.