
The massacre on knock turn alley

-Narrator pov -

Unbridled rage-filled Harry's soul. His shop entrance was broken down and his employees were injured. He knew they weren't dead he would have known that much.

It was the principle behind everything they dared to touch his things, destroy his things, and hurt his people.

The twenty men from the Zabini family hit squad felt fear, they were scared and they would never forget the feeling of Harry's magic rolling off in waves, of course, if they survived.

The alley was full of people backing off waiting for the inevitable, Harry stretched out his hand and smashed it in the air. Like a mirror cracking, he and the Zabini family men were in the Mirror Dimension.

"I can't portkey!" one man yelled in Italian

"Same!" another said

"So pathetic, so weak and you still dared to attack my people?" Harry said his voice sending shivers down the men's spines

Not waiting for a response Harry began to form a multitude of hand signs, his two hands turned into sixteen as he cast the mystic arts spell hands of Durga.

Mandalas started to appear everywhere, they broke down into spikes and launched themselves at the wizards.

""PROTEGO!"" They all yelled together creating a giant shield

Harry bent down placing each hand on the ground, "The Seven Suns of Cinnibus," Harry said quietly

Solid Beams of orange hot scorching heat launched from the ground near his hands burning and destroying anything in the path of the beam, the giant shield it was approaching stood no chance.


The shield broke apart like glass, and the remainder of the beam launched about cutting some of the attacker's heads and other vulnerable body parts off. Harry seeing this formed an evil smile on his face, wanting to get up close he got to work disappearing from his spot and appearing in between the group of mafia members.

Waving his hand outwards he transfigured the rubble from his spell onto spears that impaled ten men.

"Nooo!" one man yelled seeing his friend die

He wasn't able to react in time, Harry was behind him in an instant.

*shiirk* Harry thrust his hand through the man's heart

"Glglglg," he tried to speak but his throat was filled with blood

Harry began to move once more he was like a phantom everywhere he went two bodies would drop.

Eventually, there was only one man left.


*click* the sound of Harry's steady approach terrified the man

*click* he was so scared

*click* the next thing he knew he was tied to a cross his sister stood in front of him with a knife

"sorella?" he said in confusion (translation: sister?)

"stai fermo fratello, presto sarà finita" She replied back gently (stay still brother this will be over soon)

Then she took the knife and began to gently carve his skin.


Minutes passed.


Hours passed.

"kill me," he pleaded to his sister

Days passed.

The illusion ended,

"Haaah kill me,"

"I beg you,"

Harry didn't reply he just broke the Mirror Dimension. For the people outside the mirror dimension, it looked like they disappeared for a few seconds and then reappeared with dead bodies littered all around Harry. The blood of the Zabini men flowed free like a river dying the pavement red, everyone who saw this scene will remember this for the rest of their lives.

-Harry pov -

I called Abigal and snape to my location they need to start fixing up my subordinates.

I waved my hand and started to transfigure and fix up my shop, as I did that I brought my four injured employees' bodies into the shop.

I still had the last remaining alive attacker with me, he needs to be used for something else.

Abigal and Snape arrived and began to help their fellow employees, while they were doing that I turned and said to them, "this won't happen again," my voice was cold and emotionless

I then started to seriously fix up the shop, floorboard after floorboard, table after table, chair after chair I replaced everything. I then took several sculptures I made out of my inventory and placed them around the shop. I will need to put in some extra strong wards.

The way those bastards were able to get through my wards was by some skill and luck, from what I learned from this guy's mind they had a dude on their team that had mage sight, he saw a very small weakness in my wards but one person couldn't break-in still. I also have mage sight so my wards were airtight it was only that one stupid mistake.

So they all had to power a spell to launch and break through the wards they did not account for a huge explosion to happen afterward because of my safety features.

Anyway, I will need to make the wards even stronger and better so this will not happen again.

I brought the survivor to the ritual room in the back, I threw his body on the ground and started to chant, cuts started to riddle the man's body. He was so broken he barely reacted to the pain.

His blood started to flow and formed a tree, people's names started to appear on the tree like a how a family tree worked, the only difference was everything here was done in blood.

I walked over to see the names properly, my ritual material was now dying of blood loss. I found the name, Lorenzo Zabini. I pushed my magic into that name and face appearing in the blood, I then transferred it to my captives body and began to chant in, Zulu.

While I was chanting res lines began to form all over my captive's body, his hair started to change color and grow, he started to grow facial hair and he felt so much pain.

"Ahhh!" he screamed but stopped quickly scared of being punished

Soon he looked like a younger version of Lorenzo Zabini, he was now dead but his body is useful. The spell I first used is a blood magic spell that finds alive wizards related to you and forms a family tree, the second spell is a type of blood magic, and voodoo combined. You select the person you want to focus on out of everyone on the blood family tree, in my case Lorenzo Zabini, then the spell isolates his features and blood branch. It will then convert the person into a life-size voodoo doll.

I took out a knife and started to heat it up so it would be even more painful, I then slowly and methodically began to carve into to right forearm of the voodoo doll. The words I was carving were 'I'm coming for you,'

-Lorenzo Zabini pov -

If people were to ask me 'how is being a crime boss?' I would answer amazing. Currently, I am lounging in a recliner with a cigar and some single malt whisky celebrating the victory In knockturn alley.

I puffed out some more smoke and went for another sip of whisky, a painful sensation assaulted my arm.


*crash* my glass crashed onto the ground shattering into a million smaller pieces

"AHHHH!" I screamed lifting my right sleeve

Someone came crashing through the door, "boss are you okay! I heard the screaming," then he saw my arm "oh shit,"

I looked down the pain finally receded and I could see what happened. Looking down at my arm I saw the words. 'I'm coming for you,' etched into my arm

Oh shit.

-Snape pov -

When I was called in to help heal the injured members I was surprised no shocked and terrified of the scene before me, twenty or so bodies absolutely slaughtered, Merlin knows I have seen horrible things during my time as a death eater but I don't think I have ever seen so many wizards slaughtered by one man. And then there is that guy he let survive I don't know what the boss did to him but that guy is now broken mentally.

I wonder if I can as boss to help me go after Potter, that insufferable brat would stand no chance.

-Narrator pov -

The next morning after the attack and the paper got delivered, the daily prophet swooped down into people's hands fresh to read. Looking down at the paper many read the headline and their eyes widened.


Massacre at Knockturn Alley!

-Yesterday twenty Wizards the Aurors have identified to be part of the Zabini crime family attacked one of the new up and coming shops The Merchant Market. According to witnesses the boss came and slaughtered the twenty crime family members. We tried to get more detail but the witnesses wouldn't talk they said, "The blood merchant will come after me please just leave,". Whoever this blood merchant is he has them on a leash, who is he? Is he a new dark lord?

-Article was written by Penelope Clearwater


A lot of people were surprised and worried looking at this newspaper, they just got rid of Voldemort and they don't want another one. Luckily they have nothing to worry about unless they interfere in Harry's business.

--Harry Pov-

I read over the paper and was honestly surprised, they really said I will come after them? I mean when I think about it them saying I will come after them if they talk makes my Blood Merchant persona seem a lot more terrifying and strong.

The shop has been rebuilt and now I'm just layering wards upon wards on the shop, some wards are connected to the sculptures so when a person breaks the rules or attacks someone in the shop and somehow the first couple of defenses don't work the sculptures will take care of the rest.

I personally don't feel guilty for what I did to those men and every one of them did terrible things in their life working under Lorenzo Zabini and some even before they worked for him.

They should have known the second they saw my wards that I wasn't playing around and they should leave, but they didn't and got killed for it.

I'm going to have to make a trip to Italy soon it seems.


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