
Chapter 2: The boys who lived

"Harry, Levi!" Lily yelled worriedly as she ran into the room

"Good you're still both ok but we have to leave right now." She sighed in relief seeing the two unharmed but soon got serious as she picked up the two and prepared to leave

However, as she was about to leave the room, the door to the room was suddenly blasted open and flew out

'He's here' Levi thought solemnly as he stared at the figure standing right in front of them.

"Voldemort!" Lily stared at the man in fear as she turned around and protected Harry and Levi.

"Hand them over." Voldemort smiled crookedly and demanded as he stared at the two boys in her hands with vicious eyes

'How ugly' Levi thought In his mind as he stared intently at the man's face

"What did you do to James." Lily ignored his demands and asked about her husband's situation

"Hehe, what else? I killed him for deciding to defy me and getting in my way." Voldemort laughed and replied to her question

Hearing this tears couldn't help but pour out from Lily's eyes as she heard about her husband's death.

Levi on the other hand didn't know what to feel as he had mixed feelings about his parents.

"Now then hand them over or die." Voldemort repeated his demands

"Never" Lily shouted with determined eyes as she tried to launch a spell at him

"Then Die!" Voldemort shouted

as he launched a spell of his own that quickly overwhelmed Lily's and hit her head on causing her to drop Harry and Levi onto the ground.

"H-have mercy" Lily asked in desperation as her life slowly began to fade. Pleading for him to not kill her children

However, as she breathed her last breath Voldemort ignored her as he walked slowly towards Harry and Levi.

"To think that two brats would give me so much trouble." Voldemort said as he pointed his wand towards them

"But no more." He continued as he launched a spell towards the two

Having been prepared Levi let the attack hit them as he prepared to launch his own counterattack if Lily's spell didn't work or cover him

Fortunately, at the last moment a barrier quickly covered the two of them and deflected Voldemort's attack back at him.

"Nooo!" Voldemort screamed in anger as the attack hit him and threw him back hard onto the wall.

'Is he dead?' Levi asked hopefully as he stared at the motionless figure

[Not yet sir, It has been detected that the man named Voldemort is still alive] Echo blasted his hope and replied to Levi

And sure enough the next second Voldemort slowly got back up and staggered on to his feet

"That wretched woman." Voldemort screamed in anger as he prepared to launch another attack.

'Why didn't he die?' Levi asked Echo as he prepared to defend himself

[It seems sir that the spell that your mother used after her death was meant to only protect one person completely against the person who killed her. However since she tried to protect the two of you with the same spell the effect of the spell ended up weakening. There is a good chance that the next attack will breakthrough the spell covering you and hit you head on.] Echo carefully explained

'I see then I can't just wait and let him continuously launch spells at us can I.' Levi replied as he launched his own attack.

'Legion Magic: Gehenna Game' Levi shouted out as he summoned a large chessboard filled with chess pieces that flew out of the board and landed firmly onto the ground with their size incomparable from before as they grew larger in size.

'Cool! This was so worth it' Levi shouted in his head having chosen legion magic as the magic he wanted to have for this first year.

'Now then attack!' Levi ordered as the soldiers followed his orders and launched an attack on Voldemort.

"What!" Voldemort screamed in shock at the scene before him having seen Levi summon a crowd of soldiers which was completely unbelievable to him as he was still just a baby.

However he didn't have any time to think as the armored soldiers completely surrounded him and threw multiple punches at him

As he tried to defend himself the soldiers continued breaking through his spells and continued landing heavy blows on him that knocked him back and forth and worsened his injuries

Seeing that things weren't going anywhere and that he was getting close to death's door Voldemort quickly focused his attention on Levi and went ahead and launched an all out attack at him hoping to kill him and cancel the spell.

"Die!" he screamed as he watched the spell breakthrough and hit Levi head on. However as he waited expectantly for the spell to kill Levi a different barrier suddenly appeared around him which completely neutralized his attack.

"Impossible! Damn that woman did she also do this." Voldemort screamed in rage as he saw his attack fail again making him doubt his own life.

And as he was about to desperately try to launch another spell the soldiers quickly went ahead and attacked him .

However seeing this Voldemort quickly canceled his spell and tried escaping out the window.

Not wanting him to escape Levi quickly activated his Forbidden Balor View and stopped him in his tracks.

'Finsih him!' Levi ordered out loud as he struggled to continue keeping Voldemort still.

Following his orders the armored soldiers rushed towards Voldemort and launched an all attack on him. Shattering his body into pieces and finally killing him.

'F-finally' Levi sighed in relief as he cancelled his spell and looked towards his dead mother with complicated eyes.

'She might still just be a stranger to me but she did risk and sacrifice her life to protect me and Harry. I can revive her right now as well as our father but that wouldn't really be a wise choice for now as it'll disturb all my future plans. But I promise that I'll revive the two of them in the near future when my plans are complete.' Levi swore as his body slowly fell to the ground and as he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep completely exhausted from casting a single spell and from using the Forbidden Balor View.

'I guess I used up all my magic power.' were his last thoughts as his consciousness slowly drifted away.


"Good evening Professor Dumbledore" an elderly woman in a witches costume greeted the elderly man in front of her that was dressed up in a similar get up.

"Good evening professor McGonagall." Professor Dumbledore responded and greeted her back

"Are the rumors true Albus?" She looked at him and asked curiously

"I'm afraid so professor. The good and the bad." Dumbledore replied to her question

"And the boys?"

"Hagrid is bringing them."

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"

"Ah, professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life." Dumbledore replied to her with complete confidence as he suddenly looked up and stared at the vehicle that was slowly descending down to the ground.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall." A large man with a big beard got off the vehicle and slightly bowed his head towards the two of them as he took off his goggles.

"No problems I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked

"No, sir" Hagrid replied

"Little tykes feel asleep just as we were flying over Bristol heh. Try not to wake them." Hagrid explained as he opened the pouch he was carrying, showing two babies who were currently asleep.

"There you go" he went ahead and handed the two of them to Dumbledore.

"Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them with these people. I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of muggles imaginable." Professor McGonagall asked worriedly as they began walking towards a certain house

"They really are..."

"The only family they have." Dumbledore interrupted and replied

"These boys will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who won't know their names." She continued to persuade

"Exactly. They're far better off growing up away from all of that." Dumbledore argued as they set foot in front of the door.

"Until one day one of them is ready." He continued as he placed the two of them down with a letter near them before knocking the door and disappearing with his two companions.