

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not uploading.

I've made a really big mistake in posting this novel before I was ready. I was just so existed to post it, and I ended up biting off more then I could chew.

I found myself wanting to write for this book, but needing to write for my fate ff and vice versa. I would switch off every other chapter, and find that I wanted to write for one book, while needing to write for the other, and that made a problem of not writing for either.

So with a heavy heart, I must inform you all that I'll be putting this novel on hold until my fate ff is over.

I'm really sorry that it's come to this, but I can't do both.

I pinky promise that I will NOT drop this book. I promise that when I'm done with my fate ff, I WILL return to this book.

My schedule for books goes like this.

Juggernaut of fate, HP rune knight, rdr2 deal with the devil, Skyrim: The World Eater. Then I'll be working on my very own novel. As of right now, that's what I have planned. The only change that might occur during that time, is with this book. I might decide that I'm in a good position to start writing my fate ff and this again, but it might change as well.

I just don't want to keep leading you all on, so I'll tell you up front right now.

If I'm feeling like I'm able, I might release a chapter for this book, then not release a chapter for a while. But once my fate ff is over, I'll be on this one 100%

Would you guys like for me to release chapters when I can during this time, or just wait till I can put forth all my effort towards this?

Again, I'm so sorry. I thought I could do it, but I can't. Please forgive me.

I hope that when I start writing for this novel again, you all will find your way back here, and we can once again see Scorpius and Cynthia's journey through the world of Harry Potter.

I appreciate every single one of you.

Thank you.