
A Black Family Reunion

'Everything seems to be in order,' she mumbled. She stopped suddenly, her eyes narrowing. 'Wait, it says here that the boy's father is Sirius Black. The Sirius Black?'

'The one and only,' Uncle Marius said drily.

'I don't know about that,' the witch said hastily. 'A criminal, really. Most irregular.'

Just then a tall witch with iron-grey hair stepped into the office.

'Mrs Edgecombe, I hate to bother you again, but there seems to have been another problem with my application,' she said, completely ignoring the fact that there were others in the room. 'I simply must have my documents ready before I leave for Transylvania Wednesday next.' She stopped, suddenly noticing the presence of others in the room. 'Oh, I see you have another appointment at the moment.' Her eyes widened when she realised who it was. 'Great Merlin! It's you.'

Marius smiled up at his sister. 'Hello, Cassie.'

'Whatever are you doing here?' Cassiopeia Black demanded shrilly. 'I thought you spent most of your time in the Muggle world these days.'

'I did,' Uncle Marius acknowledged. 'Things change.' He indicated Harry. Cassiopeia turned her sharp glare on the boy.

'Who is this?' the witch asked. 'You surely haven't spawned again, not at your age, and not after the embarrassment of the last attempt.' She smirked. 'Unless he managed to reproduce.'

Aunt Clytemnestra turned pink, but Uncle Marius only scowled.

'This is Aries,' he said coldly. 'He has recently come from France to live with us, after the tragic passing of his mother.'

Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 'Who was she?'

'My niece Regina,' Aunt Clytemnestra said evenly.

'Oh. And who's the father?' Cassiopeia asked.

'Sirius Black, apparently,' muttered Mrs Edgecombe, still sitting behind her desk.

'Sirius had a son?' Cassiopeia's voice was almost hungry. 'With a Malfoy? A pureblood?' She cackled. 'This is marvellous! How could you keep this news from us, Marius Alphard Black? The Black male line continues—and it's unquestionably pure! Oh, such a pity dear Walburga didn't live to see it. Pollux will be absolutely beside himself. Not to mention Arcturus.' She stopped as suddenly as she started. Her expression grew suspicious as she stared Uncle Marius in the eye. 'How can we be certain that the boy is who you say he is?'

'We have documents, Cassie,' Uncle Marius said, but Cassiopeia cut him off.

'You've lived amongst the Muggle swine for too long, Marius. What care I for your documents?'

'He looks just like Sirius,' Aunt Clytemnestra pointed out. 'Is not that sufficient proof?'

'Sufficient for you, perhaps,' Cassiopeia snarled. 'Hardly for me.' She drew her wand without warning and pointed it directly at Harry's forehead. 'Ostende paternitatem.'

'Really, Miss Black. Dark magic in the heart of the Ministry!' Mrs Edgecombe protested feebly.

The smoky image of Sirius Black suddenly appeared above Harry's head. Cassiopeia did not hesitate, but fired a different spell.

'Ostende maternitatem.'

The image dissipated, transforming into the delicate features of Regina Malfoy.

'Sanguinis status.'

Regina's image vanished, but the smoke remained, turning bright gold in colour.

'Ostende potestam.'

Harry's entire body glowed with a faint golden aura before fading. Cassiopeia smiled smugly before turning her attention back on Mrs Edgecombe.

'Don't just sit there gawking at your betters,' she scolded. 'Complete the boy's paperwork at once. Do you have any idea who this is?' She paused and turned to Harry, speaking to him for the first time. Harry was shocked at how gentle her voice became when she addressed him. 'Hello, dear. I'm your Auntie Cassiopeia,' she said sweetly. 'What was your name again?'

'Aries Sirius Black,' Harry said hoarsely.

Cassiopeia smiled softly. 'Such a lovely name for such a darling boy.' She twirled back toward the unfortunate Mrs Edgecombe and snarled. 'This is Aries Sirius Black. His great-grandfather is Arcturus Black, Order of Merlin, First Class. His other great-grandfather is Pollux Black, sometime Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.'

Harry could have sworn he heard Mrs Edgecombe mumble something about the dangers of inbreeding, but no one else seemed to, so he could not be certain.

'He is directly descended from Sirius Phineas Black, Minister for Magic on four separate occasions,' Cassiopeia continued. 'Not to mention the great Phineas Nigellus, the finest Headmaster Hogwarts has ever known. Surely you can manage to put in an extra bit of effort for someone of Aries' stature.'

'Whatever you say, Miss Black,' Mrs Edgecombe muttered, and began scribbling furiously on a piece of parchment. She handed it to Harry, along with the other documents Uncle Marius had provided.

'Welcome to the United Kingdom, Mstr Black,' she said.


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