
Chapter 1

(AN) This should be noted: I am really bad at writing, like awful, so hate all you want, I really don't care.

Don't expect much. I'm lazy, so this is Harry's first year and its the stone incident, but Harry isn't friends with anyone.

| Chapter 1 |

Professor Quirrell just revealed to be hosting the shade of Voldemort, and Harry was surprised about it.

"Give me the stone, boy."

"Never Moldy-Ass"

Then Harry pulled out his secret Jericho 941 and popped a couple of caps at the shade-man hybrid. Only a single shot hit the abomination, but it still screamed in agony at the sudden pain jeering through it.

"You're dead now, boy" said Voldemort in intense anger.

"No, your dead shithead"

As Harry went to fire his gun again, it jammed, rendering the weapon useless.

"Damn," Harry yelled.

Voldemort snatched Harry and used (a move he obviously stole from Pokémon) Heavy slam to throw harry into the cobbled floor of Hogwarts. Harry felt like his whole body was set on fire at that moment, but he reached into his robes and pulled out his sawed-off shotgun and blasted Voldemort in the face. This action cost Voldemort his host's body, forcing him out while shouting.

"You'll never fully kill me, Potter, I'll never die fool."

Just then, Dumbledore breaks the door open to hear the end of Tom's tirade.

"I fear this maybe just the start of your battles with the dark lord, Harry" Dumbledore said sadly to The-Boy-Who-Lived.

"I know I can feel it in my very bones."

Was it good, bad horrid, let me, know

Next chapter