
Harry Potter: The Gamer

Harry was an ordinary kid, till he woke up one day with his name hovering over him.

shadeumbris99_ · Book&Literature
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1 Chs

The Gamer.

Fate looked down on the baby in his cot, knowing the hardships that were to come, she saw the world from two perspectives, what would happen if she interfered and what would happen if she didn't, so looking down on the baby fate made a decision, she might not have done it in another world, but had chosen to do so in this one, so the life of the true boy who lived was forever changed.

Time skip 4 years

At around Twelve-o-clock young Harry Potter lay in his "room", more like his prison, he was confined to a cupboard and had to do chores, his body usually was aching all over, from the "chores" he was made to do and the beating he was given to stop the "freakishness" in him.

Harry was an intelligent child and knew that this was not how a kid was supposed to be treated, he had seen many stories like Cinderella where the mother was called abusive, he had looked up the word and saw that it meant exactly engaging in or characterized by habitual violence and cruelty. He then knew that for some reason his aunt and his uncle thought he deserved to be treated like that, they hadn't treated Dudley like that, so Harry was always curious, today was the day Harry;'s life would change and his powers would be activated.

"Boy get up now, or there won't be any breakfast for you".

Harry Potter woke up, grumbling under his breath," Is there ever any for me anyways" and looked up to an astonishing site.

Harry Potter

Level 4








Potter heir



Potter heir

Harry[?] Potter is heir to the wealthy Potter family, which holds lots of influence in the [?]

+100 mp per level + 1 Wis and +1 Int per level.


Harry Potter has a sharp mind for a 4-year-old and can be classified as a genius, currently, he is as smart as the common 5th grader.

+2 int per level +1 Wis per level.

The True Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter saved the British wizarding world by vanquishing [?] 4 years ago, even if his [?] is lauded as the Boy Who Lived

Grants the Perk

Last Resort

A Perk fueled by Harry's emotions, the stronger his emotions when he uses the Perk, the stronger the Perk.



You are fed way less than what a child your age should be fed.

-1 strength -1 Wisdom


The neighbors view you as a trouble child because of your aunt and uncle

-25% reputation with all residents of private drive

-25% reputation in school

Harry just stared.

Harry Potter was not a boy who was surprised easily, but well there were times where even the highly unlikely happens, so Harry stared and stared and stared and would have stared more if he hadn't heard a wh-Dursley shouting.


Harry still just stared, well till he remembered that he would get no food if he didn't go and make the whal-Dursleys their food.

Harry quickly hurried out to fix the three "normal" people their breakfast.

Harry entered the kitchen grumbling under his breath "It's like they want their son to be obese like his father, four pancakes, three omelettes and five sausages and all i get is a quarter of a pancake and some bread, whales the lot of them."

Harry went to the counter and was startled when

Ability discovered, cooking Level 9

 do you want to use it?


Curiously, Harry tapped yes and was surprised to find his hands, moving on their own, thanks to that Harry quickly finished the breakfast for the whales.

Harry went out of the kitchen to the Dursleys, now one would expect someone to be grateful for making them a delicious breakfast they otherwise wouldn't have had, right?

Nope all Harry got was a


Harry was kind of pissed and was going to hold his tongue and not do anything, till

Quest alert

 Infuriate the Dursleys till they learn their lesson.


more food

200 exp


Harry tapped Y and quickly went and got the pancake sauce but he added hot sauce inside it and he also quickly crushed one of the chilis. He quickly went out and gave the sauce to the Dursleys and watched with a smirk as

"Mmmm," the man said as he ate the pancake with the sauce before he found it tasted "slightly spicy".

"HOOOT" the Dursley screamed out as he ate the pancake. Harry looked over at Dudley and was surprised to find him not screaming his ass of at how spicy the pancake was, he then noticed him eating the sausages.

Harry just chuckled and quickly took some of the food and exited the place.

Quest completed!

reward: 200 exp

Exp bar discovered!

Harry Potter

Level 4(0%)-(50%)








Potter heir



Potter heir

Harry[?] Potter is heir to the wealthy Potter family, which holds lots of influence in the [?]

+100 mp per level + 1 Wis and +1 Int per level.


Harry Potter has a sharp mind for a 4-year-old and can be classified as a genius, currently, he is as smart as the common 5th grader.

+2 int per level +1 Wis per level.

The True Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter saved the British wizarding world by vanquishing [?] 4 years ago, even if his [?] is lauded as the Boy Who Lived

Grants the Perk 

Last Resort

A Perk fueled by Harry's emotions, the stronger his emotions when he uses the Perk, the stronger the Perk.



You are fed way less than what a child your age should be fed.

-1 strength -1 Wisdom


The neighbors view you as a trouble child because of your aunt and uncle

-25% reputation with all residents of private drive

-25% reputation in school

Harry took whatever food he had managed to snatch up and quickly ate it in his cupboard.

Due to his gamer abilities, Harry was feeling more confident and giddier, but no matter what if Harry had done one thing in his life, it was to his relatives whom Harry knew were abusive, Harry had to keep out of the house for some time, or he would suffer a lashing from his uncle.

So Harry quietly opened his previously locked cupboard board and peeked out to see an unwelcoming site. Harry saw his uncle with a belt in his hand, with a look that promised pain. He also saw Dudley, standing there with a smug? look on his face.

'What the actual hell' he knew Dudley was responsible, but how, Dudley barely had an IQ over 80.

He also was surprised to see no Aunt Petunia, she usually made sure they didn't get out of hand, usually.

Harry locked his door again and this time he was about to panic when suddenly he felt calm.

New Ability Discovered

Gamers Mind



Allows the user to think calmly in almost any situation. 

Although Harry knew he could be in danger, he just needed to find out about the game.

"Game guide?" Harry said, making sure not to say it too loudly.

What would you like to learn about?

After the response he got Harry came to a conclusion, he could learn everything in detail later but now he needed to discover his abilities

"Abilities," Harry said, making sure not to say it too loudly.

"Abilities are the skills that a character possesses."

Hidden quest complete.

Reward: 200 exp

Skills tab

One skill

Which skill would you like to learn


Master Chef

Hair control

Puzzled Harry decided to first see what the first one is,"Apparate?"


A way that a person who can control their mana can appear from one destination to another

MP cost:450

Note: A person has a risk of splinching(losing a body part).

Level Up

Harry Potter

Level 4(50%-100%)

Level 5(0%)








Potter heir



Potter heir

Harry[?] Potter is heir to the wealthy Potter family, which holds lots of influence in the [?]

+100 mp per level + 1 Wis and +1 Int per level.

The True Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter saved the British wizarding world by vanquishing [?] 4 years ago, even if his [?] is lauded as the Boy Who Lived

Grants the Perk 

Last Resort

A Perk fueled by Harry's emotions, the stronger his emotions when he uses the Perk, the stronger the Perk.


Harry Potter has a sharp mind for a 4-year-old and can be classified as a genius, currently, he is as smart as the common 5th grader.

+2 int per level +1 Wis per level.



You are fed way less than what a child your age should be fed.

-1 strength -1 Wisdom


The neighbors view you as a trouble child because of your aunt and uncle

-25% reputation with all residents of private drive

-25% reputation in school




Harry considered his options.

'Hmm well, I guess it Would be better than Uncle Vernon, especially with Dudley there.'

Dudley could pack a punch if he wanted to.

Harry then tried to Apparate. After 10 seconds nothing happened till he felt the oddest sensation of being squeezed into a tube, then the tube going at three hundred miles an hour and then him being squeezed out of a tube behind the shed.

'Impressive Potter'

and as Harry looked up he saw two red eyes staring back at him.

It was Dudley, he had red eyes, and Vernon was lying there. He was dead.

Harry panicked, but then Gamer's mind set in and the panic went away, but Harry had no options as he looked at Dudley.

"Your magic pulled us along with you Potter."

Harry made to apparate again, but before he could a foot slammed into his stomach interrupting his focus.

Ignoring the pain Harry glared at Dudley and decided to stall.

"You're not Dudley are you."

"Of course not, seems you're not a complete fool, no I am Lord Voldemort."

"What's that some kind of chickenpox."

Dudleymort glared, before breaking into an evil smile, "Amusing Potter, I see you have your father's snark in you, he was snarky as well."

Whatever plan Harry was making stopped, shocked he asked, "Wha- what do you mean? didn't my parents die from car crash?"

"From what I remember, they were left alive but unconscious, but here you are discarded in favour of your brother, yes a brother and a mother and a godfather, all probably enjoying their lives as poor little Harry Potter slaved away in the kitchen, fed scraps and whipped by his uncle's belt.


Harry, ignored the warning signs as his emotions overwhelmed him, They left him. They left him. THEY LEFT HIM.


Dudleymort laughed at the child in front of him, he had broken Harry Potter, the true boy-who-lived.

Harry had started to see red, hate filled his every being as he looked at the laughing Dudleymort, never again would people fuck him over, starting with Dudleymort, he looked up his eyes turning blue and spoke a word with almost otherworldly authority.


Dudleymort, stopped laughing ready to mock the child before the world exploded, and where Private Drive had once been there was nothing but a crater

So this was a story I started long ago, my first real attempt, I re-read and thought why not give it another go so here we go I guess, lol

Also Gib me your stones, powerstones that is.