
Magical community

It took about 30 minutes just for the old lady to arrive at her destination.

Along the way, we crossed many streets and went around many corners. I had to jump off the roof sometimes to keep up with her. It didn't look so but she was quite steady despite how she looked.

I focused on the place she stopped next to. It looked like a dark bar with no one inside. Although you couldn't be sure because the windows were black from the outside. There was a lot of dust on the windows. It didn't look like a place you would like to go alone at night.

I assumed that it was the famous Leaky cauldron. It looked worse than in the films.

It was already around midnight and I didn't want anyone to see me. It would be even worse if they could somehow recognize me in the future before I get the Hogwarts letter.

'I still don't know what I would do when I receive my letter to Hogwarts. I might have to create some plan. But it must be foolproof because I don't want anything like before happening again.' I thought as I waited on the roof next to the Leaky cauldron.

'And the reason why I waited for you ask? I want there to be as least people as possible. It will be very weird to see me go in and just go to Diagon alley at midnight. And if that old lady is still there she would recognize me. I will wait around 1hour just to be sure. I can check the wand and the pouch in the meantime.'

Undetectable expansion pouch. It's a pouch that can store many things. Its size depends on the level of the person who enchanted it. It creates a pocket space inside the pouch.

Eric held it inside his hands while sitting in the shadow on a dark roof with a visibly excited expression.

He stared into it and put his whole arm inside. Logically his whole arm couldn't fit inside but because it was this special pouch it happened so easily.

When his whole arm finally went in there was a sound coming from inside the pouch. It was like many metal parts colliding together.

Eric looked into the pouch and his amazement showed inside his eyes.

There were gold coins. They were galleons. That was the only thing that was in the pouch.

But it was the only thing in the pouch so what made Eric so amazed? It was the number of galleons!

There were more than 1000 galleons piled up as a small hill in the pouch. Based on the money Weasleys could buy with one galleon the value of one galleon is around 4 pounds. If converted into dollars it would be around 5 dollars. Although that was just a guess of Eric.

'Well, this would fund me for my plans a little. I should be able to buy some basic things to start my plan to gain even more power and influence. Of course, the most needed thing is to buy things to survive easily first and then maybe find a way to gain more. I should be around 9 years old so I still have 2 years until I finally go to Hogwarts at eleven.'

I picked up the wand and looked at it more. It was completely black. It was around 14 inches long and had a pointy end. The end was more into healthy wood color. Its handle had some spikes on it. It wasn't uncomfortable but it was weird to hold it.

I wanted to try using some magic but I didn't know any. So I just tried willing my dark magic to come out while waving the wand. Then there was a slight pause where the wind seemed to stop making any sound as if fearing something. Then it came out. The black smoke like a hurricane quickly covered the roof I was on and continued forward.

It was full of black lines and killing intent. Just nearing it could probably corrupt the thoughts of a normal person. The black lines didn't feel like much but they were sharp. I didn't understand how something like lines could be in there too but it was similar to a thread that was connecting it all. It was almost everywhere and was sharp but it didn't do anything to me.

Anyone would also be instantly cut if they neared it smoke as well. Not to mention breathing it in. Probably instantly making them crippled and a few seconds later killing them.

I quickly tried to control the smoke. It was hard to control but after a few seconds, it came back to me with me somehow absorbing it by my skin.

'That was my dark magic! I didn't know it was so powerful and large. And it wasn't even a quarter of it!'

I felt a little confident in my abilities now. But just releasing that part of my dark magic was enough for me to almost lose control over it but still be able to manage it. But using it on myself was something different as I couldn't control even 1% percent of all the dark magic in me without going crazy thanks to it.

Time went fast and it already passed one hour.

I stood up and went still soundlessly down the roof. I jumped on the ground with a thud from a height of around 5 meters.

I stood before the door and put my hand on the handle. As I pushed towards the door made a creepy screak and opened it.

And there it was. That was Leaky cauldron. While from outside it looked abandoned. It looked quite comfortable from the inside. It had wooden walls and there were chairs and tables everywhere. There were some wizards.

Some wizards were openly showing their faces and drinking what I assumed was a beer or a wine. But some other ones were in the corner of the bar without a drink ordered and had their faces hidden. There were around 5 or six of these hooded people but they picked the most isolated place in the bar so I couldn't see them properly.

"Hmm. Who are you, child?" Said Tom as he was cleaning one of his beer glasses while looking at me with a friendly smile.

'I wonder if he ever sleeps' My thoughts wondered a little.

"Hello, Tom. My father told me to go into Diagon alley. Can you just please show me the way there?" I told my prepared answer while keeping a friendly innocent smile as well.

Tom had a little weird face now. It may be because I didn't tell him my name or something but it didn't matter to me that much.

"Of course don't worry. Follow me I will show you the way." Tom said.

'I almost think he is going to kidnap me with the way he said it.' I amusedly thought but still followed.

We went into the backdoor of the bar and he opened the door. There was only a wall.

He took his wand and tapped on some random brick three times and the wall slowly revealed what was behind it.

While it couldn't be seen too much at the first sight because it was still around midnight. But you could already tell that it was amazing. Seeing Diagon alley with your own eyes was much better than watching it in the films.

The only real difference between the films may be the people. Why? Because there weren't any families or children running around.

There were only some dark wizards hiding in the dark. Some of them were going into the next alleys to go into completely different shops than the one in Diagon alley.

Of course, most of the shops in Diagon alley were closed currently because it was night.

But my first stop wasn't at Diagon alley which was mostly closed, the other part of Diagon alley was much bigger but normal people didn't know about it. That place was my destination.

Knockturn Alley.

One of the most dangerous places in the wizarding world. It is this place that most of the dark wizards that are wanted hide in. Even Arours rarely try to enter this place because of the sheer amount of dark wizards and dark magic used in it. And don't forget that Aurors are the elite of wizards but even they don't dare to go in alone without a plan.

'Although it's really dangerous for me to go in there are many shops that I need some things from. I can't really stand out too much since some dark wizards can team up on me and defeat me easily. So I should not kill too much on sight. Well, even the Ministry of Magic doesn't want to have anything to do with it because of the fear that dark wizards will make an army together. I understand them a little. Dark wizards can definitely be unpredictable.'

I thought more about Knockturn alley while walking in Diagon alley. I didn't know the way. But the man that I was currently following knew.

The man who was showing me the way didn't know about me being behind him and that was because I was always using my Silent step skill.

'Since he had that shallow dark magic on him he must have used some dark magic. I would be surprised if he didn't know the way. He also looked too suspicious for me to ignore.'

The shops around me turned into dark and old walls. There was an ominous feeling all around me telling me that something brutal happened here. I didn't mind and just continued.

The dark walls turned into shops once again. But now I was in the tight alley with some small shops all around. They were dark and small but they definitely had something in them. There were even some shops that had weird items in them. I even saw some bones out there it was really creepy.

A shop that caught my attention was the shop that looked like it had identity cards seen from the outside as that was exactly what I needed. I didn't have anything on me and there should be no papers on me. If I somehow go to the Ministry of Magic I could be asked some unnecessary questions.

I went towards the shop but someone approached me from behind.

"Hello! Such a cute child! Are you lost or something? Don't worry I will show you the way! Come with me!" Said an old and greasy grandma in her eighties.

Before me having to say anything she continued talking by herself.

"Ohohohoh. Don't even think about escaping now. If you try, then there will be something much worse than me taking your bones slowly from your body."

'I am not gonna lie I expected something like this to happen.'

There were still some people going around just looking at us for a while and then continuing on their way without minding us. Everyone saw what was gonna happen next but no one tried to do anything. This was just how the Knockturn alley worked. Mind your matters or be silenced.

The greasy grandma then put her hand strongly on my shoulder and pushed me with her towards the shop I walked across earlier. It was the one which had bones inside.

Anyone else would be helpless in this situation at my age.

But I was calm.

I already knew that this was gonna happen many times in the future.

She was already doomed the moment she put her hand on me. Because Slyde at that exact moment showed his head a little through a secret pocket in my hunting suit and bit her hand. It was just so pierced perfectly with his sharp teeth that she didn't even feel it.

But Slyde injected the poison inside her. And his poison was no joke. About three seconds later she stopped walking.

She started violently coughing. Her eyes started to bleed. Her nails fell off. Her face was getting worse and worse. She had slightly green skin now. The hand that touched me had a black color that indicated the corruption of poison. And the black color quickly spread more and more inside her.

Once the black color covered her entire arm it fell off.

The whole arm just fricking fell off her. It landed on the ground with a small thud. She already realized that she was poisoned and quickly tried grabbing her wand. But she couldn't control her body anymore. She fell.

She looked like a normal human. But as I looked at her again a few seconds later she was no longer human. It was like some muddle of blood and some remaining parts of bones that were lucky.

I felt weird. I killed so much in the forest but this was the first dead human I saw. And I felt again nothing. Well, I felt something.

'I love the feeling of my dark magic getting more powerful again from killing. This time it was a much bigger gain than ever before even though I didn't kill her by myself.'

I was enjoying the feeling of getting stronger and knew that this was my way to go.

My way to get stronger. My way to become so powerful everyone listens to me.

This was the way that guaranteed it all. The way of killing. Maybe I knew it from the start. Just the feeling of me just going crazy and killing everything was so good that I could have figured out that its the thing I want to do.

Knockturn alley. The place where killings are so often they are ignored as a daily thing. This may also be the place I start my career as a killing maniac. No. I think it was called Dark lord here...

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