
Magic Theory

Early in the morning, Eric woke up with Slyde wrapped around his arm as normal. Since he was alone in a dormitory there was no one he could disturb by waking up soon so he did.

Eric slowly got up from his bed and looked around noticing the time on the clock. It was around 7 AM and the sun was already rising steadily, not that Eric or anyone from Slytherin that didn't get up could see it since the Slytherin common room and dormitories were underground.

Eric slowly put on the school uniform that he had few sets of and opened the door of the dormitory.

There was nothing special except a few senior students reading a book and discussing the contents.

The seniors looked at Eric with slight surprise in their eyes. This group of three people from the fifth grade didn't expect anyone to get up so soon.

They didn't mind Eric after a while and continued discussing the contents in more whispering voices.

Eric didn't care about this group, there were definitely many groups that may have some projects, especially in the proud house of Slytherin where everyone has some ambitions they want to achieve.

Most of these projects didn't have any results whatsoever so what's there to care about?

Rather than that Eric took a look at the paper that was stuck to his dormitory door by elves using spells.

It was a schedule for a Slytherin 1st year student.



-9:00 AM - 10:30 AM-: Magic theory (Classroom M1) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.-

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Transfiguration (Classroom T3) with students from Slytherin and Gryffindor.

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Charms (Classroom C1) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Defense Against the Dark Arts (Classroom D5) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Herbology (Greenhouse GH4) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: History of Magic (Classroom H6) with students from all houses.


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Transfiguration (Classroom T3) with students from Slytherin and Gryffindor.

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Flying Lessons (Quidditch Pitch) with students from all houses. (The class will start taking place only after 3 weeks after the start of the school year.)

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Potions (Classroom P2) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Charms (Classroom C1) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Defense Against the Dark Arts (Classroom D5) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Herbology (Greenhouse GH4) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: History of Magic (Classroom H6) with students from all houses.

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Potions (Classroom P2) with students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Transfiguration (Classroom T3) with students from Slytherin and Gryffindor.


Eric scanned the contents of the schedule with his eyes quite shocked at what was there.

They basically had a whole evening to do all their homework and studies. This really complimented Eric's plan at learning the magic theory. Especially the first class that they will take. Although only one class of magic theory he can study more in his free time.

Eric quite satisfied with his school schedule slowly made his way out of the Slytherin common room and started to walk toward the great hall.

Eric tried to take the path he remembered from the sorting ceremony but couldn't help but take a few wrong turns making him lose more than 30 minutes of time.

Finally, with slides help, Eric managed to find the great hall. The breakfast was already on the tables but there were only a few people eating. One of them was a potions teacher who had a notable reputation in Hogwarts.

Eric took a few slices of bread with chees and butter and took some of the fruits for Slyde to eat.

It was not like Slyde didn't have anything to eat but he just wanted to taste new things so Eric didn't have anything against that.

The time quickly passed as Eric with his extraordinary appetite ate a quarter of all the food on the Slytherin's table. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed as Hogwarts elves quickly added more food to the table.

Also, some Hufflepuff were a little amazed by his appetite.

The great hall quickly filled up to the brim as everyone had a place to sit perfectly.

A senior from Slytherin House then kindly reminded all the first years. "Don't try to be late for the first class or the rest of the year will be hell for you." Although it wasn't said with any threatening face or posture everyone understood the meaning well.

Eric already with an intention to go to the class then looked at the senior and asked. "Can you tell me where the Classroom M1 is?"

Eric clearly didn't know where the heck would find the class and was sure to be late in such a big castle.

"Just command the stairs to take you there. You should just go straight ahead and find it after a while." Senior told with a cold face looking down at Eric for not knowing not caring that it was Eric's second day at Hogwarts.

Eric left the great hall with Slyde hidden under his shirt and stood on the stairs.

'Do I just really need to think about where I wanna go?' Obviously not believing what the senior said. It sounded really too simple and it would save much trouble for the golden trio if they knew about this.

Eric finally decided that not giving it a try was not gonna help either so just try it at least once.

When the stairs started to move on their own again Eric commanded in his head.

'Classroom M1!' Eric tried to somehow connect his thoughts with the castle not that he knew how.

The stairs amazingly under the stare of Slyde and Eric slowly stopped and changed the direction of rotation.

Eric remembered the instructions of the senior and just went forward encountering another stair a while after that.

Eric did the same thing and went forward. He continued a few times until the stairs didn't change direction, Eric guessed that he must have missed the classroom already so he turned around and he really did.

A few meters from the place he was standing was a big door made from black wood and some strange images carved into the wood.

Eric opened the door and went in. There were already some students from Hufflepuff in a group talking about some activities they encountered in the wizarding world. Eric didn't mind them as they didn't as well and found a place to sit.

Eric added a lot of importance to this class so he picked a place at the front so he could hear the teacher well.

A few minutes later more students started pouring in. Some obviously tired and some were excited that their wizarding study would begin in less than 10 minutes.

Of course for some these 10 minutes were long and for some was a while just like for Eric who was thinking if this class could also help him control his black magic better.

10 minutes later all students sat well and properly, everyone quieted down and expected a teacher to come. The moment the clock ticked off the last second in the 10-minute mark Professor McGonagall opened the door and went in.

Not wanting to waste any time professor started talking the moment she entered the classroom while walking towards her place to be, in front of everyone.

"Hello, students. Today we will discuss and learn something about magic theory.

The first thing I want to tell you is that the art of magic is nothing to be messed with and any mistake may and will be punished by me or even by your own consequences. So no messing around in my classes.

The magic theory is essential for the study of magic as a whole. For your wizarding journey, your perception of magic theory will change depending on the knowledge you gain."

Proffesor started off trying to intimidate everyone to focus and not mess around. As the professor focused on the most important points of magic in essence Eric found himself in a state of enlightenment and understanding, every few words from the professor made him be like "Oh so that's why!" this continued for a whole class.

This kind of face was rarely seen in students since some of the contents were pretty complicated to understand so Professor Mcgonnagal already took notice of that. But once she saw who it was she quickly took her look off and didn't look at Eric anymore.

Eric didn't care as he was happy to understand so much about the workings of magic.

Some students diligently took notes so that they could study in the afternoon and become better than others.

Once the class ended most of the students got up and left the class not interested in more but Eric just continued sitting trying to take in all the knowledge he gained anew.

'The magical energy or power that is everywhere around us is released through lines and nodes on the earth.

Lines are something like threads that contain massive amounts of magic with special properties. The magic contained in the line may be like fire energy, water energy, or dark magic. They continuously release the magic energy stored in them into their surroundings.

The mix of all these energies forms the basic magic power that can be more universally used.

Nodes are places where Lines intersect and form a place with huge amounts of magic or special items. Such a place could be considered a Hogwarts castle.

A wizard releases a spell using the magic power from his body that was passively absorbed without the knowledge of the wizard from the surroundings.

When the body isn't full of magic power it starts to absorb more magic into itself and thus making the body more accustomed to the presence of more magic power thus making it able to store more magic power.

That is also the reason why wizards seem to be able to have more magic than normal after practicing countless times. Their body has become more accustomed thus they have become able to carry more magic power.

Once the spell used by the wizard ends the magic power goes back to the surroundings making the lines nearby richer in energy. The wizard then continues absorbing more magic power since they just used a spell and thus becomes more accustomed to the magic power thus being.... creating a cycle of improvement!'

Eric's enlightenment session ended with one of the Gryffindors shouting that everyone should go to the next class together.

What do you think about the magic system introduced here?

LukasNPCcreators' thoughts
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