
Across the Lake: A homecoming.

Eric stepped out of the Hogwarts Express while looking around. It was already deep at night. Students of various ages and heights spilled out of the Hogwarts Express, their excited chatter filling the air. Some of them bore a striking resemblance to giants, with their towering heights and robust builds. Eric's eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the colorful ties denoting different houses,

But some students had Hogwarts uniforms but had white ties which probably meant that they just like Eric were freshmen. Of course, most of them were trying to find something or someone who could show them the way to Hogwarts since older students were going to Hogwarts by carriage.

The freshmen probably heard from the seniors that school keeper Hagrid would take them by boat to the sorting ceremony.

A while after the seniors left a big man suddenly appeared behind the trees.

All the freshmen were standing near the express station on a small path that led somewhere in the forest but no one dared to go further.

Eric just looked at the man unfazed by his huge appearance because he was a well-known character to him. In the books he was already described as a huge man almost near to a giant in terms of appearance, wearing a coat of leather didn't help him change anyone's opinion of him.

A small part of the freshmen was standing near the path to the dark forest and joking about going in. And obviously, they were making fun of a boy that looked quite cowardly.

"Hah, Longbottom, scared of a simple forest? What could possibly be lurking in there?" A boy said in a disdainful voice.

Neville's shoulders slumped, his face paling as he clutched his books tightly. The taunting words of the boy with white hair had struck a nerve, tapping into Neville's deep-seated insecurities and fear of being seen as weak. He then shakily said in a low voice. "G-Giant!"

"Giant? You are out of your mind Longbottom. It seems that rumors in pureblood family meetings are true, you are insane. There is no way my father would let Giant be free in the forest."

"N-No... Behind you!" Neville finally stuttered out.

The boy with white hair finally realized something.

He shuddered in fear as he slowly and carefully turned his head around to look behind him.

"G-Giant!" He yelled out.

"Nah, me? Yer havin' a laugh, ain't ya lad? I'm jus' a humble school keeper, I'm Hagrid. I'll be showin' ya the way to the sortin' ceremony.

First years, come along with me, now. Follow ol' Hagrid, yeh will." Hagrid said.

As all the freshmen's attention fell on him, he turned around and stepped on the path to the forest that no one dared to go on alone. His huge figure made a slight boom every time he made a step because of his physique and weight.

Students worriedly quickly caught up to him so that they wouldn't be left alone in this forest which they didn't know too much of.

Eric was one of these students but his reason was just that he didn't know which way were the boats. On the other hand, he knew the Forbidden Forest and its creatures probably the most, after all, he lived a long time there.

Because of that Eric gained a special knowledge about the animals and magic animals that lived there and their characteristics and some of their core magic and how to defend against it.

It could be said that the Forbidden Forest was Eric's second home.

As Eric returned to the forest, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. The creatures of the Forbidden Forest trembled, sensing the presence of a being that had once left an indelible mark on their memories.

But somewhere, deep in the forest, was a small beast trembling. Not in fear or anything like that. If Eric saw this he would understand the beast's emotions.

That was trembling of anticipation of a fight.

However, Eric didn't see anything of that. He slowly made his way next to Hagrid whom most of the students wanted to hide next.

It was mostly because they believed that Hagrid would protect them if something happened.

Eric didn't blame them for being scared cats. He knew what kind of monsters there can be and with their strength, they had no chance to fight.

Of course, the freshmen were mostly scared of the dark and some noises around but Eric didn't know that.

Eric slowly took a lead as he stood in front of the students with a calm and indifferent face. Other freshmen looked at him like he was some kind of psycho, well at least Neville did.

As they continued on their way Hagrid had a weird expression of doubting something.

"Yer see, it's mighty strange. Ain't spotted a single creature 'round here. Seems like they're all skippin' town, like they're frighted of somethin'." Hagrid said with his booming voice.

All of the freshmen were scared shitless by this. Not because of what the Hagrid said. But because they were on their toes hoping that nothing would move or make any kind of sound.

Being already so scared, Hagrids booming voice made them skip one or few beats of their heart. Some already expected Hagrid to say something looking at his expression.

"Well, that's a bummer. Was lookin' forward to showin' ya some of me little friends. They're real friendly, hehe"

'Compared to you everything is tiny. If it is little to you it would probably be bigger than us by a few heads.' Everyone thought.

They all sighed in relief that something scared all the animals and thanked the being deep in their hearts, not realizing that the being could be much more dangerous than some little animals.

'Aww, how unlucky. I wonder if I ever encountered some of Hagrid's friends before. That could be a fun fight if I couldn't use dark magic.' Eric of course thought of something else than others.

The way continued rather smoothly except for a few yells every minute because of some pranks.

The boy with white hair already recovered from the previous shock and embarrassment and was already harassing other freshmen and showing himself off.

Eric just continued along and inspected the environment in the forest. The abundance of natural magic gave him a whole different feel.

After ten minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the pole with wooden old boats. Every boat could probably fit 5 students and a lamp inside.

Hagrid waited for everyone to calm up after arriving. And then yelled.

"Right then, listen up! Make groups of four and pick a boat. Get in and mind yerselves, don't go fallin' off now."

The loudness of Hagrid's voice could probably be used as some kind of attack considering that the eardrums of the people close to Hagrid hurt.

But everyone slowly made groups of four and chose a boat together.

Eric got into a group with 2 boys and 1 girl already in it. The boys were talking among themself not caring about the girl in the boat.

Eric silently step into the boat a seated himself. The old boat creaked and alerted the boys.

"Heyy, you want to sit with us?" Said one of the boys with black hair and a chubby body.

"You can if you want to. What's your name?" Said the other boy with orange hair and a thin figure almost at the same time.

"If you don't mind then I will join this group. My name is Eric. What's yours?" Eric accepted and introduced himself. Trying to look friendly at least.

"My name is Felix. And this is my cousin George. Nice to meet you." Said the chubby boy.

Eric responded and continued to chat with the two boys for a while before Hagrid attacked them with his loud yelling again that they are leaving off.

The boats started moving quickly and steadily even though you wouldn't expect them to based on the creakings they made.

The scene almost immediately changed as every student was mesmerized by the beauty of the Hogwarts castle at the moment.

The Hogwarts castle looked huge and so majestic in front of such lake. The lake reflected the lights coming off the castle making everything seem even more bigger. There were imaginary sounds of musical instruments making every freshmen's eyes lock onto the castle.

The image of such a majestic and beautiful castle engraved itself deep in the minds of the freshmen filling them with endless joy and anticipation for their studies.

Even some types that hated studying the most had this kind of thought that they wanted to learn as much as possible at Hogwarts and achieve the best results.

And Eric was no exception. In addition, he really wanted to study to become stronger, it fueled his desire to learn and improve even more.

The time you enjoy something is always short.

They arrived at the front of the caste in a short while. Everyone reluctantly stepped out of their boats and followed Hagrid into the castle.

In the halls at the distance, you could see a stern old lady standing there. With her emerald robe, she looked at every freshman and then finally looked at hagrid and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Hagrid, that will be everything." Said the professor.

"Of course Professor Mc.Gonnagal. I am always happy to help." Responded Hagrid happily.

With a dramatic pause after Hagrid left the scene, Professor Mc. Gonnagal started talking.

"Dear students, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and the Head of Gryffindor House. Today marks the beginning of your journey at this esteemed school, and I am honored to be a part of it.

The Sorting Ceremony is not just a mere formality, but a pivotal moment in your Hogwarts experience. The house you are sorted into will become your home away from home, and your fellow housemates will become your family. Within your house, you will learn, grow, and face challenges together.

Gryffindor, known for its bravery and courage, values those who stand up for what is right, even in the face of fear. Ravenclaw, renowned for its wisdom and intellect, values those who seek knowledge and embrace curiosity. Hufflepuff, recognized for its loyalty and fairness, values those who are kind, hardworking, and inclusive. And Slytherin, known for its ambition and cunning, values those who are determined and resourceful.

Remember, your house does not define you, but it can provide a community that supports and nurtures your strengths. Embrace the diversity within our school and learn from one another. Respect and celebrate the differences among you, for they are what make Hogwarts truly special.

As you embark on your Hogwarts journey, I urge you to strive for excellence in your studies, respect your professors and fellow students, and uphold the values of your house. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with open minds and courageous hearts.

I have no doubt that each and every one of you has the potential to make a lasting impact at Hogwarts and beyond. So, let us begin this new chapter with determination, integrity, and unity. Welcome to Hogwarts, and may your time here be filled with magic and wonder!

Of course, for some of you, this might not be the first visit to this school although not formally." In the end, she looked Eric deep into his eyes with a little frown.

With a stern yet encouraging expression, Professor McGonagall delivers her speech.

Originally I wanted to make the House sorting together in this chapter but sadly it has to be left for the next one.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LukasNPCcreators' thoughts
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