

As Ciaran guided Harry towards Dumbledore's office on the eighth floor, Professor McGonagall escorted a group of Gryffindor wizards back to their common room, nestled within the Gryffindor Tower. Positioned outside the passage on the eighth floor was the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Professor McGonagall trailed at the rear, her wand held firmly in one hand, her expression stern.


The leading wizards suddenly heard screams, their voices tinged with fear.

"What's happening?" Professor McGonagall asked urgently, pushing through the crowd of young wizards to reach the front. What met her gaze was a wall bearing blood-red writing that appeared to still be dripping.

"Ginny Weasley, her bones will forever reside in the Chamber of Secrets!"

Percy, who had maneuvered to the front, went pale, nearly collapsing. Thankfully, Professor McGonagall steadied him.

"Oh my goodness!"

"Ginny, how is this possible? She's a pureblood!"

The young wizards in front couldn't help but murmur, their comments spreading through the crowd. Neville observed Ron, Fred, and George trembling, their faces turning pale. Sympathetic gazes from surrounding students fell upon them.

Ginny Weasley, the youngest of the Weasley siblings, a pure-blood, kidnapped into the Chamber of Secrets by the heir of Slytherin on the orders of a basilisk. She was the first to disappear after being attacked by the basilisk.

While others - be they people, cats, or ghosts - were petrified, there remained hope of recovery, especially with Professor Sprout's diligent care of the mandrakes. But Ginny, taken directly into the secret chamber, left the young wizards unable to fathom her survival.

The Gryffindors felt immense sorrow for the Weasley brothers.

Professor McGonagall appeared strangled by emotion. Her lips trembled as she said, "Don't linger here any longer. Return to the common room immediately. I fear until this matter is resolved, you may not leave the common room. Hogwarts... may be unable to continue its operations!"

She directed the young wizards back to the Gryffindor common room, instructing the prefects to maintain strict vigilance and prevent any students from slipping out.

Percy, Fred, George, and Ron wished to search Hogwarts Castle with Professor McGonagall, hoping to locate the secret chamber and rescue Ginny, despite the slim odds.

Professor McGonagall, her voice strained, said, "Very well, if you... accompany me."

They exited the Gryffindor common room, the Fat Lady's portrait closing behind them.

"Let's proceed to the Headmaster's office first. Albus must be informed," Professor McGonagall said, hastening towards the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle. The Weasley brothers followed in sombre silence, not uttering a word.

Meanwhile, Ciaran and Harry had already entered the Headmaster's office, beginning to explain the situation to Dumbledore.

"...Miss Granger, Miss Crevat, Gryffindor's ghost, Nearly Headless Nick, and Mr. Finch-Fletchley, all petrified by the basilisk," Ciaran reported.

Harry added nervously, "They were already attacked when I arrived. I didn't see the heir of Slytherin. Sir, I don't know who he is or who commanded the basilisk to do this."

"Very well, Harry, remain calm," Dumbledore reassured. "I trust Madam Pomfrey to tend to them. I will visit the infirmary later."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief momentarily, but Hermione's petrified visage flashed in his mind, stirring profound sadness.

He fixed Ciaran with his blue gaze. "Ciaran, you seem to have something to share with me."

Ciaran nodded. This was why he brought Harry to the Headmaster's office - to relay the information he possessed to Dumbledore. Yet, he needed to choose his words carefully, being a time traveler. No leaks could be permitted.

"Yes, sir. I believe I have a lead on the identity of the heir of Slytherin."

Harry glanced at Professor Frémont, acknowledging that the professor had indeed noticed something amiss with Malfoy. Surely, Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin!

As Ciaran prepared to speak, footsteps echoed from the passage. Professor McGonagall and the Weasley brothers entered the Headmaster's office, their countenances heavy with dread.

Ciaran felt his suspicions confirmed; Riddle's diary had indeed manipulated Ginny into entering the secret chamber prematurely.

Suddenly, Harry felt an ominous foreboding.

"Albus, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, and a student has been killed," Professor McGonagall said, her voice quivering.

Dumbledore's expression shifted abruptly. Being petrified and being taken into the secret chamber were vastly different.

Harry's heart sank. No wonder Ron and the others remained silent. He recalled the warmth of the Burrow during summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had been kind to him. Ginny would blush and break something every time she saw him. He couldn't fathom the anguish at the Burrow after Ginny's tragic demise.

"Sir, Malfoy!" Harry exclaimed. "Draco Malfoy, he's the heir of Slytherin. He undoubtedly ordered the basilisk to capture Ginny. Mr. Leigh even had a confrontation with Malfoy's father in Diagon Alley over the summer, and Malfoy harboured a grudge."

"Yes!" Ron interjected. "Malfoy, it's him! He's the one who took Ginny!"

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Percy, Fred, and George regarded them with astonishment. How could they be so certain Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin?

Only Ciaran silently shook his head. He knew Malfoy was innocent, or at least hadn't committed any wrongdoing in the Chamber of Secrets incident.

"Do you possess any evidence?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Evidence?" Harry exclaimed angrily. "It's Malfoy! Ginny's life hangs in the balance. What more evidence do you require? If we delay, Ginny will perish! We must apprehend Malfoy at once and compel him to unlock the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny!"

"Professor, please save Ginny, I implore you," Ron pleaded, his gaze beseeching the three professors in the office.

Percy, Fred, and George also hoped the professors would apprehend Malfoy immediately. Ginny's life was at stake; they were willing to forgo protocol and evidence gathering for the moment.

Dumbledore turned to Ciaran. "You mentioned you had identified the heir of Slytherin. Is it Draco?"

Under the scrutiny of several pairs of eyes, especially those of Harry and Ron, who believed Professor Frémont had also detected Malfoy's abnormality, Ciaran shook his head. Then, he uttered words that sent shivers down their spines - chiefly, the names of Professor McGonagall and the four Weasley brothers.


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