
The Imperius Curse

The next couple of days passed by quickly. They were introduced to the new standard of the N.E.W.T classes and what was expected of them. Besides that most of the teachers began working on nonverbal spells. 

As expected, Cedric had come with a note from Professor Sprout the next day with permission to take out one of the books containing information about the Imperius Curse. So, the 6 Hufflepuff's all went to the library after dinner, while it was only 4 of them who had to be put under the Curse, Emma and Olivia saw it as good future information to know. 

''This book doesn't shy back from telling what can happen if you were to be put under the Curse.'' Alex said with a shiver, as they read a very detailed paragraph of a child being put under the curse and trying to kill his parents. 

''Nor should it. It was as Professor Moody said, we have to know what we are up against.'' Harper told him resolutely trying to hide her downheartedness after reading the part. 

''Here we have it, 'Resistance', anyone wanna read out loud or should I?'' Cedric asked, and with non taking him up on his question he began. 

''Resisting the Imperius Curse is possible, but require great strength of will and character. It's unique amongst the three Unforgivable Curses, as it is the only curse that has a direct manner of defence. Though, should you try and resist it and fail, it can cause the opposite effect on your mental and physical strength.'' He read out loud. They all looked at each other with pondering looks. 

''So, we have no idea how we will do against it until it actually happens.'' Alex surmised getting hesitant nods from them, not sure if that was the complete description of being able to prepare against it.

''While I'm up here I might as well get my essay to Snape done, at least he can't take points from be writing a decent essay.'' Alex said, changing the subject after they had all been quiet for a bit. Cedric, Emma and Olivia quickly joined him, while Liam and Harper began on of their essays for Herbology. 

When they finished it was just before the curfew. As they made their way down to the Hufflepuff common room, Alex, Cedric, Harper, and Liam discussed the next day's DADA class. 

''Lets all get a good rest, try do to eat a good amount for breakfast,'' Cedric shot Liam a look. ''And get ready to know you are going to be controlled tomorrow. I'm not sure what else we can do, try and resist as much you can, the books said it could have repercussions but it's just class, Professor Moody wont let it go that far, I'm certain.'' Cedric said, trying to give his best advice of what laid ahead.

''Sometimes it makes sense why you were made a prefect.'' Alex joked at his friend. Cedric looked at him pointedly to show he wasn't joking.

''I've met Professor Moody once, dad was having him over for a quick talk, he might be a bit barmy but he knows his stuff.'' Liam said.

''I didn't know you've met Professor Moody before, when did this happen?'' Harper questioned him.

''I was still young and dad was an Auror before he quit and settled down.'' Liam shrugged absentmindedly. 

Nothing more of importance happened for the rest of the walk, and all quickly fell asleep after a long study session. Alex had entered such a deep sleep that it took Cedric 5 minutes to wake him the next morning. 

''You're lucky I am such a good friend, others would have just have let you sleep. The amounts of time I've had to wake you up to not be late is astounding. I'm certain we are almost at a point where you owe me a favor.'' Cedric said cheekily as Alex snorted at him.

''No, the reason you woke me up, is because you can't help yourself but be a good guy Ced. And what favor could possibly I do for you, besides asking Cho to the next Hogsmeade trip on your behalf?'' Alex's mind already in full drive of making that an actual reality. Cedric hit him lightly in the back of the head when he could see what Alex was thinking of.

''No, I'll ask her myself, thank you.'' A smile formed on Cedric's face with out him noticing at the thought if that. Alex giggled to himself as he saw the look on Cedric. They met up with Liam and Emma in the common room and went together down to the Great Hall. After that they bid a goodbye to Emma and was joined by Harper as they strolled towards the DADA classroom. 

Moody paced in front of the students, his wooden leg thudding on the floor. ''Now, who can tell me the three main effects of the Imperius Curse?'' Moody's gaze swept across the room, landing on a female Slytherin.

She stood, clearing her throat. ''The Imperius Curse has three levels of control. The first compels the victim to follow simple commands, the second involves more complex actions, and the third level results in complete and unquestioning obedience.''

Moody nodded approvingly. ''Well done, 5 points to Slytherin. Now, let's see a practical demonstration.''

He looked around the room, his gaze stopping on Liam. ''You there, Mr. Turner, come forward.''

Liam, a bit nervously, approached the front of the class. Moody raised his wand and cast the Imperius Curse on her. Instantly, Liam's eyes glazed over, and her movements became mechanical.

"Walk to the back of the room and then return to the front," Moody commanded. Liam followed the instructions with a slight hesitation, his steps seemed unsure and didn't quite match up with what you would expect.

Moody then turned to the class. ''You see, the Imperius Curse removes free will. It turns individuals into mere puppets, slaves to the will of the caster. Mr. Turner, here however, showed restraint against it, he's fighting the curse, that's why his movements aren't completely precise''

After a few more controlled actions, Moody released Liam from the curse. He blinked, looking a bit disoriented, and returned to his seat, awarding Hufflepuff 5 points for Liam's efforts.

''That is a bizarre feeling, I tried to do something, but the only thing I could think of was just letting him control.'' He shuttered slightly as he sat down.

Moody addressed the class. ''Now each of you will in turn come up to the front and see what it is like to get hit by the curse.'' As the class progressed few did better than Liam had, and it had been an immense joy for some to see the Weasley twins dancing a ballet duet together. A few had snickered at that but Professor Moody had quickly shot their fun down with a verbal beatdown. 

At last it came to the three other Hufflepuff's. Harper went first and didn't manage to do anything against the curse, and happily skipped around the classroom. With Cedric it was clear that he fought against the curse. Professor Moody had made him sing out the Hogwarts School song but only the third of the lines came out. 

And last but not least it had been Alex's turn.

''Spin around.'' Moody commanded, trying to assert control.

Alex, though swaying slightly, managed to turn only halfway, now with his back to Professor Moody. 

Moody, acknowledging the challenge, intensified his efforts. "Jump on one foot."

Alex wavered but stubbornly remained on both feet. The struggle painted a picture of determination against the curse trying to take make his will its own. Lastly, Moody said one more command with much more intensity than the last two.

''Jump forward!'' What happened was the intensity of the spell finally broke through Alex, but just as he was about to jump, a sudden defiance shot through him, and he half jumped half stayed on the floor, making him fall over and with out control hit his head first down into the cold floor.

Moody lifted the Curse and Alex regained all his senses and control. As he got out of his daze, he felt a searing pain in his forehead. As he rubbed it he could feel a large bump growing.

''Well done Mr. Bennet, very well done, 10 points to Hufflepuff.'' With that the class finished as Cedric and Liam escorted Alex down to the Hospital Wing. At first he had insisted he could walk by himself, but when decided that they should take a right and walked into a suit of armor, they took a hold of him and walked away from the curse shouting armor. 


This was a slightly shorter chapter. Decided to end it there, as next chapter is going to be quite long, you know with Tri Wizard stuff and couldn't really find the best bridge to make this and the next chapter match properly.