
Chapter 14: The Crush

Lewis knew that the forest was dangerous, so he asked his friend Cloak, the friendly lethifold, to keep watch over it while he was away. Cloak was happy to help and promised to keep an eye on the forest for him.

Lewis decided not to tell Dumbledore about his encounter in the Forbidden Forest and the prophecy he had heard from Magorian. Instead, he shared the information with Harry and Ron, and they agreed to investigate Quirrell secretly.

They spent the next few days keeping a close eye on Quirrell and observing his behavior. Lewis noticed that Quirrell had a strange habit of rubbing his hands together and mumbling to himself.

Time passes and on Halloween, Flitwick begins teaching his students how to make things fly. Only Hermione succeeds; Ron, offended by her air of superiority, makes a nasty comment that Hermione overhears. Harry notices her running off in tears.

The Halloween feast had just begun, and Harry, Ron, and Lewis were enjoying the delicious food.

Suddenly, Professor Quirrell, the teacher of Defense against the Dark Arts, stumbles in, looking pale and frightened. Suddenly, he screams out "Troll! Troll in the school!" and collapses onto the floor as he faints.

The entire Great Hall erupts into chaos as students and teachers alike jump up from their seats, trying to get a better view of the situation. Dumbledore quickly takes charge, shouting out orders to the prefects to lead the students back to their dormitories.

As the students were being escorted back to their dorms, Lewis realises that Hermione was not with them. He quickly remembers that she had run off after their argument earlier in the day. Lewis decided to move alone to search for Hermione and not tell Ron and Harry as he doesn't want them to get hurt and stay in their dorms to stay safe from the troll.

Lewis remembers his chat's with and frantically searches for her He think of Hermione being alone and defenseless. He heads towards the girls' bathroom where Hermione had last been seen.

When Lewis arrived at the bathroom, he found the door locked. He heard a strange noise coming from inside and realized it was Hermione's voice. She was crying and shouting for help. Lewis knew he had to act quickly.

Using his wand, he unlocked the door and burst inside. There he saw the troll, towering over Hermione and brandishing its massive club. Without thinking, Lewis pounces on the troll's neck, causing it to turn its attention towards him.

The troll tries to throw Lewis. Meanwhile, he quickly realized that he was no match for the troll in a direct confrontation, so he had to come up with a different plan.

Thinking quickly, Lewis remembers how he dealt with trolls. He grabs his wand and aimed it at the club, shouting the incantation "Wingardium Leviosa " on the troll's club as the Troll had the club over his head. The club shot out of the troll's hand and up into the air, soaring above their heads.

The troll was now unarmed, but still very dangerous. But then he removes the charm and the club his the troll's head.

The troll falls down and is defeated. Hermione hugs Lewis while crying. He couldn't help but notice the sweet scent of her strawberry shampoo, which made him blush.

Dumbledore, McGonagall, and other teachers arrive and find the duo. McGonagall scolds Lewis and Hermione for not following the rules and putting themselves and others in danger. However, Hermione interjects and takes the blame for everything, saying that she went to face the troll herself and that Lewis had been trying to save her from it.

McGonagall lectures the three first years on their recklessness, deducted five points from Gryffindor from Hermione for being foolish, gave Lewis 10 points for having defeated the troll,

Dumbledore praises the trio for their bravery and quick thinking, but also reminds them that they should have sought help from a teacher instead of taking matters into their own hands. After they are dismissed, Lewis realizes that Hermione lied to protect him, and he feels grateful for her friendship.

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