
Rest of the Year

During the rest the year, I did many things. I asked Uncle to teach me potions and a bit about legilimency. He agreed but before that he said," I forgot to ask you tell me, what happened during the sorting ceremony?" I said," It was nothing. I was just joking around." He said," You can others but not me. Although you have a natural mind barrier, I have many other ways to know. tell me what happened?" I said," I felt an aura trying to penetrate into my memories. It was similar to the aura on my parents seal. It may be the same person or someone who knows him.That penetration attempt caused my hair in front to turn black. " He was shocked here this but what shocked him more was that I was able to see the seal on my parents' cores. He saw earlier that two strands of my hair had turned black but he did not ask, now he knows the reason. He did not ask me any further and taught me what I could learn within my mana reserve.

He taught me many kinds of potions. I had already read about the making process but I did not know the practical making. I soon perfected my practicals. He also taught me a method to create fake memories which can help me from revealing any secrets.

I found the room of requirement to practice spells. In there, I also found Ravenclaw's diadem. I left it there so that I can destroy it later. i got into a fight with Malfoy when he was humiliating Neville.I defended Neville and I beat the hell out of Malfoy. The Gryffindors were thankful to me and viewed me in a new light. I got scolded by Uncle but he stopped that I did it to save a friend and I do not care which house that friend is in.

We won the Quidditch matches against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. I was once tried to be knocked out like Flint did to Woods but dodged it. I was given the nickname 'The Wall' as nobody was able to score a single point against Slytherin . The Quidditch cup went to Gryffindor since they won all the matches.

I taught some spells to my friends and helped them with the lessons taught in class. I asked Professor McGonagall to teach me transfiguration as I wanted to be an animagus. She agreed and taught me some other basics Transfiguration spells which were not in the course. She told me that the that she will teach me how to be an animagus during the second year as she thought I was not ready. I did not argue and she told me about the history of animagus.

I met Hagrid. At first, he was reluctant. But he was interested in Horus and Byakko. After talking with me, he found that I was not like other Slytherins and was quite friendly. After that first meeting, we are now used to talk for hours with each other. I asked Horus to keep a track on the golden trio to find out what they were doing. apparently, they have already visited the third floor once and meet Fluffy. I did not plan to disturb the events. I will interfere during the battle with Voldemort.

They are now searching for Nicholas Flamel. And during the search winter vacation came. During the vacation I went back home. I found my siblings have reached the dark violet core at that point. They were happy knowing that I will be there to guide them.

I studied at Ollivanders for a week and he first asked me about the type of woods that he gave me to study from the book he gave me during my school time. I answered every questions perfectly and he then proceeded to teach about the variants of some woods. He taught me how to control the fire while he was making wands. I told him that I had other matters to take care so he gave me a book related to cores and told me study it, he will ask about it during when the term ends.

I paid a visit to Gringotts and told Rangnok to make my siblings and add them to my private account. I will bring them later before leaving for Hogwarts.

I visited America again in search for the native Americans as they are natural born animagi. After two days of search I found a tribe related to wolf animagi. They welcomed me and I said,"Hello, my name is Lucifer Morningstar and I am from UK. I want to learn to transform into an animagus. " The Chief said, " I'm sorry but we cannot teach it to outsiders." I was disappointed listening to it but cheered up listening to the latter part," But I can tell you about someone who may help you. Take this." He gave me a map. It looked like it was a map of Alaska. He then continued," This is the map to Grey Wolves territory. They live in the state of Alaska. One of theirs is my friend and he gave me this map. They don't have this rule that doesn't allow outsiders to learn their arts. You may get a chance to learn it for something in return. And thing more is that you cannot teleport there. They have a magic formation which restricts flying and teleportation. You need to walk there which is at least at a distance of two days. If you don't want to die don't take a car, they hate it. You are very young, I presume you don't want to die young. Now leave."

I was quite unsatisfied to know that i have to travel to Alaska that to by broom as I never visited Alaska a single time in my past life at least I could have teleported to a city. I will have to come back next year when the session ends as I only have four days at hand before school resumes. I went back home and trained with my siblings. My magic core has improved to dark indigo with signs of breaking through to peak. I have recorded in my diary the following things about magic core.

They are seven stages till now:

Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. The highest being Dumbledore with dark Red core.

There are Four stages in each colour:

Light, medium, Dark and Mixed/Peak.

Peak is the one I only saw on Professor Hooch and Madam Pomfrey, Peak yellow mixed with orange. And some of the 3rd and 6th year students with their respective cores, mostly Indigo and Blue.

Today is the day, I go back to Hogwarts and yesterday I took Adam and Eve to Gringotts to take their signatures to complete the account open procedure and 10K galleons in each of their accounts. I boarded train only to meet an angry Daphne scolding me why I didn't send any letters. I told them I was in America so i didn't have time to send them. They asked me why I went there to which I replied, "It was my dad who took us there, he wanted to discuss a business deal with one of the companies there. " They all believed me. And we talked about our vacation while travelling to Hogwarts.